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'HELLO, CENTRAL!' OBAMA, SAINT OR SATAN? (Updated Sept. 19, 2011)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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----- Original Message -----

From: MC


Sent: Monday, August 29, 2011 11:09 PM

Subject: Casper's Puzzled Request


Dear Bellringers and Casper

Casper's outspoken position on SaLusa and others who claim Obama to be of great importance to the salvation of the US at this time has been weighing on my mind for quite some time now.until I started looking at the situation from a completely different  point of view.  Perhaps I'm wrong but I can't recall how any of the channelled Obama championers ever explained just how Obama was to carry out the saving of the American people and country.  If he were to expose his plans and pretent to save our country in a swarthy or obviously heroic attitude like a gallant knight in shining armour, giving the US all the advantages we are hoping and praying for in a hero, he would have been cut down long before now by his Dark and Dirty Handlers who have been lurking behind the scenes for aeons.

Whether Obama is aware of it or not, I have not been able to puzzle this out yet with my wee brain, perhaps he is doing our country and the world a big favor by the corruption, chaos and pure evil he is spreading to the point that the Dark and Dirty are now at each other's throats and will soon destroy each other.  And in the process,they may actually wake up the people to the impending hell.  We can only hope.  The question is, does he actually know that he is doing us a favor by following such blatantly stupid behavior or is he being used by God to fulfill a purpose by methodically destroying the toxic governing and banking structures that are now beginning to crumble.

Is it not a good thing that the existing corruption be brought to it's knees and completely fail before something good can be built from the ashes?  I could be wring in my thinking but I don't see how the grip of the evil ones can be loosed without a complete failure of their power structures and I believe Obama is the man to continue stirring the pot of discontentment, corruption and deception, etc., etc., etc.

Again, I can't decide whether he is a sleeper, hiding and cooperating with the evil in his cleverness until the right moment or is he is actually as stupid as he seems.  My money is on stupid.  Either way he's doing a thorough job whether it's intended or not.

I would dearly love to hear your opinion on what Obama's purpose is since everyone here on earth at this time has a definite purpose and God, in times past has been known to use evil for eventual good.

Thank you for all you do for us.

Love and Light to All




Dear MC:
    Thank you for your letter and comments.  Others, including Casper, have also challenged me to make a statement concerning "your opinion on what Obama's purpose is" and the"selling of Obama by spiritually oriented messengers and websites".  In essence I am being asked to "judge" Obama's intent and those making pronouncements about him.
    I shall make my answer short, as I have already written much on this point.  The issue is about judging Obama.  The ignorance of the Christian community concerning The Laws of God and Creation  has greatly influenced our society to not judge anyone.  I have written an article, "People of the Lie:  Judge Wisely".  I encourage you to read it.
    Basically, Law number 12 tell us to not condemn any human being , but to judge their actions and behaviors according to God's Laws.  In doing so, I find that Obama is the most evil, low-life rat-fink that has ever been associated with any part of America.  This is not my opinion.  This is fact based upon Creator God's Laws for living on our planet, and those who claim otherwise are "false prophets!"
    May you be discerning, my friend, and do read the most important of the Phoenix Journals, Phoenix Journal #27 for your edification.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#1  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----

From: PT


Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 9:27 AM

Subject: O'Bama Saint or Satan


Dear MC,

I have been putting forth the same questions on this as you are, when responding to blogs on spiritual web sites.  Channelings of Light are correct when always asking us to discern within our own hearts as to the truth of a channeling, but in the case of Ashtar, SaluSa, Matthew & others, we're being expected to mindlessly believe O'Bama's a Lightworker in dark disguise.

So, if O'Bama's is a "Saint", then the Illuminati must be "Saints" too. For some perspective we must ask ourselves "When in history has a Lightworker been willing to hurt people in the name of helping them??" Would or have the likes of Buddah, Jesus, Rumi, or any "Sages" of the ages, put themselves in O'Bama's position to bring misery to the world in order to "Save" it??!!  It's really an absurd notion. Shouldn't we consider all selfish liars Lightworkers?" Afterall, they're too offering us an opportunity to experience and clearly see injustice toward others in their behavior...the contrast having the affect of helping us more clearly seeing the Light.

In truth, ALL DARKNESS in 3rd density duality is doing us a favor, as it is here for contrast/opportunity, so we can play the game of awakening (while playing in a state of amnesia), to our God (True) Selves by experiencing opposites.  But if it looks like a duck it ain't a dog!  O'Bama looks and behaves like a Dark Hat, so he must be considered one until he proves to us otherwise.  The main point, is for us to use the darkness for what it's see the Light more matter who's playing the Dark Hat.

Thank you for posting this. I'm sure many folks have been perplexed by channels we believe in making these ascersions of O'Bama being "of the Light".


#2  (Reply)

----- Original Message -----

From: B

To: <>

Sent: Tuesday, September 06, 2011 7:39 PM

Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


 Dear Sirs,

 I have walked a spiritual path all my life.  With reference to the Casper Opinion 8/29/11, I agree entirely with the assessment.  If so-called ascended masters are saying that Obama is their man, then hell itself can only be in store for us.  An \'ascended master\' would not endorse a dirt bag like Obama.  Obama is not of the path of light, nor is there light in him.  Spiritually advanced men or spiritually evolved men do not live the life that he does.  I am not in any way condeming ascended masters.  This is what most of us aspire to be.  We need to look at either the messenger or the receiver of the message.  Darkness still abodes in upper realms where only light is expected to exist.  Obama is \'the man\' of the brothers of the left hand path.


 Peace be with you.



#3  (Reply)


----- Original Message -----

From: LG

To: <>

Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2011 3:42 PM

Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


 I was reading up on who can arrest the president. But, I have already established that he isn\'t the president so he can\'t be impeached. He is a usurper and got where he is by criminal activities. Since he had to born to two American citizens to be eligible to be president he could not legally be elected president. He is just another illegal alien and I have been joking on facebook about taking up a collection for a plane ticket to D.C. so I can do a citizens's arrest! It wouldn\'t even have to be a round trip ticket, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't ever see home again. lol I don\'t know what our country is coming to but I\'m going to stock up on ammo. My hopes are that he will take the "easy out" when the time comes. I\'ve read up on the book by Larry Sinclair and it puts everything into perspective. He is a homosexual, crack addict that is being used by those who control him. He probably either murdered at least 5 people to get to where he is, or knows who did. I am pleased to hear that there are still some patriots left that can "take care of business". I am a 68 year old widow, living on SS, food stamps, Medicare and Medicaid. I can't do much but sit and complain but I know there are others that can do more. It brings tears to my eyes to know that the Spirit of America is still alive, and hopefully "kicking". I hate to think of the damage he can do to our great nation in the time he has left to "rule". Sincerely, LG