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~'HELLO, CENTRAL!' HAPPY NEW YEAR !~ (Updated August 18, 2911)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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----- Original Message -----

From: A&C

To: Bellringer

Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2011 11:14 AM

Subject: Re: THANK YOU!


 Dear Anne and Patrick,

Happy New Year!!  Today year 24 ends and year 25 begins.... May year 25 be the brightest yet for Fourwinds10 and the family of all Light workers and Truth on Shan!

In Love and Light,




FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  A and C
DATE:  August 17, 2011
Dear A and C:
    As you know, both the cycle of the Great Orbit and of the Pleiadian Cycle ended or returned to zero point on August 17, 1987, thus this date is called the Harmonic Convergence.  At that point in time Creator God Aton of Light declared the end of The Third Grand Experiment, and because the Darkside had refused to honor their agreement to return to the Light by August 17, 1987, the Lightworkers were granted an additional twenty-five years to defeat the Darkside on Shan.
    Today, as you say, is the first day of the twenty-fifth year of this new time cycle.  This is the last year of this cycle, and if we understand the message from "Grandfather" correctly, this is the year for Earth Shan's graduation into 5D.  So, evacuation could happen even in these remaining days of August, or anytime to mid-August, 2012.  May your remaining days on Shan be both rewarding and joyous, as you travel the Red Road of Truth.
In Love and Light,
 Patrick H. Bellringer



----- Original Message -----

From: SK


Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2011 1:24 AM

Subject: Hi Patrick


Hi Patrick,

Happy New Year to U and your family. Thank You for illuminating and enriching our lives through your sustained efforts in bringing us the unadulterated truth through this wonderful website for years now!I just read the 'HELLO, CENTRAL!' HAPPY NEW YEAR article and was just wondering about your response to A&C. You stated that we are in the 25th year, but isn't it true that we have already crossed the 25th year in 2006. I read on fourwinds long ago that due to our entry into the photon belt, time had speeded up and that we already passed the year 2012 back in December 2006 and that we have been on borrowed time since then. Well my Friend, my sincere apologies, my intention in asking this question is just out of sheer doubt and curiosity, pls don't mistaken me. Also want to ThankYou for all your previous answers to my questions in the past, it's really helped me a lot in my quest for truth.Love and Affection to you and your Family and ThankYou for everything.





FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
    TO:  SK
DATE:  Aug. 18, 2011
Dear SK:
    Thank you for your letter and question.  I take no offense at anyone asking sincere and legitimate questions.  Yes, time has been speeded up due to the higher frequencies of the Photon Belt, and we reached 2012 in December of 2006 according to the Cosmic Calendar.
    We live with our own 3D calendar of inaccurate measurement of time, and Hatonn uses our understanding of time to measure the twenty-four years since 1987, this period of "over-time" that the Lightworkers have endured to hold back the Darkness.  Actually, time is less important than the sequence of events which must occur in the Divine Plan to accomplish our Mission.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer