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'HELLO, CENTRAL!' WHITE HAT REPORTS! (Updated Aug. 17, 2011)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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----- Original Message -----


To: Patrick Bellringer

Sent: Monday, August 15, 2011 1:14 AM

Subject: White Hat reports

Dear Patrick,

What can you tell me about the White Hat Reports you post on fourwinds? I have read all of them, looking for clues as to whether there really is any formidable opposition to the satanic Zionists that seem to have our planet totally controlled - for now. The White Hat Reports offer occasional rays of hope that the zionists are being watched and that their every move is being traced and their demise is eminent.

Their Reports are encouraging, but their reports are merely words on a computer screen. Who is writing these reports and is there any truth to them? Do we really have a group of people who have an executable plan to take out the darkside zionists? Who are these people that know Obama transfers $10 billion to some foreign bank, minutes after he does this? (see White Hat report Aug. 5 above). Over the last ten years of watching this struggle, the late Dove, Casper, White Hats, and you to some extent, have reported that you all seemingly know every move they (the darkside) makes. This knowingness of all the darkside does is amazing if true. However, with all of this collective knowledge of everything "they" are doing to enslave us, I can't help not to notice that seemingly nothing ever comes of this knowingness as the dark ones keep perpetrating their dastardly deeds on humanity.

I don't understand why the dark ones are allowed to keep perpetrating their death and destruction on humanity, despite the good guys seemingly knowing everything the bad guys are doing. To me, these White Hat or Casper type reports are really saying; we know everything "they" are doing to destroy humanity but we don't have the ability to stop them. What good is it to tell us that Obama (above) just stole $10 billion from us if there is nothing we can do about this - and thousands of other evil deeds reported to us?

If we really do have White Knights or White Hats representing people of the light, why can't they/we ever take these criminal zionist clones out? Everybody and their Grandmothers know who the top zionist world leaders are and the thousands of crimes they have committed, but yet, these world wide criminals continue on, doing business as usual. Who do we have fighting these crooks and murderers and how do I join their team? I appreciate the White Hat reports but when is someone going to TAKE ACTION against these criminals and throw them in jail?

J. B.



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
    TO:  J. B.
DATE:  August 15, 2011
Dear J. B.:
    Thank you for your letter and very serious questions about ending the Dark Cabal's control of our world.
    There are many layers of good people carrying various authorities in this struggle to defeat the Darkside on Shan.  What I call "The People's Movement", includes the White Hats, the Constitutional Lawyers, some enlightened military, Casper and "WE", the White Dragon Society, etc., are all working to bring Goodness to the nations of our world by throwing off the forces of repression.  Basically, this is a "Grass-roots" movement with various groups of good people working to bring change, and reporting from their perspectives.
    The Peoples' movement has done much to slow the plans of the New World Order, which was to have been in full control by year 2000.  The NWO has lost so much headway that there is now much in-fighting and disagreement, and these evil "Titans" are actually destroying each other.  In fact, because their plans are in disarray, many "Titans" are now in panic, knowing that the world's people are slowly awakening to their evilness.
    For their own privacy and protection the White Hats have chosen to remain hidden.  This we understand well, for anyone, who surfaces to stand against the NWO, is quickly "horizontalized".  This is why few people know much about the White Hats, including myself.  It is my understanding that they are an international group of civilians, and active and retired military based in Europe, working to stop the NWO and bring Goodness to our world.
    On the other side of the "change equation" is Global Family and the Divine Plan for Shan.  I have written a bit about this in past writings.  Few people know of or even believe in the existence of Global Family and of Creator God Aton's Plan 2000 for the defeat of evil on our planet.  Global Family sits above the nations, holds control over the world's wealth, and works directly with Violinio Germain, Esu Immanuel and Creator God Aton to bring change to Goodness on Shan.
    The signs all point to change to Goodness soon, as the Divine Plan appears to be merging with the work of "The People's Movement" in establishing an international gold standard money system and the removal of the NWO, including the U. S. Corporate Government, U.K. Corporate Government, Israeli Zionist Government, etc., as puppets of the NWO.
    I believe the next two weeks are a very crucial period in Shan's history,and I anticipate some exciting and joyous days ahead.  Just know that delays are never denials in Creator's Plan for Goodness for Shan.  We do yet live in a 3D world, where freewill choices must be honored.  Be in hope and peace, my friend!
In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer



----- Original Message -----

From: BK



Sent: Monday, August 15, 2011 4:34 PM

Subject: Fw: 2 articles attached


Dear Bellringer:  I have a good friend who 'e' mails me much of your 'White Hat' & 'Casper' reports.  When I suggest that these reports contain mostly 'glittering generalities' this person suggests  all I can do is 'get mad'!  Not so! 


You say that you and 'them' are part of the White Dragon Society:  I'm sure that you know that The 'Dragon' is a symbol of 'The Adversary' (Satan) and 'Appears as an angel of 'Light' (light is 'white').  So your very name identifies you perfectly!  This 'white dragon' deceives the 'Whole World' and appears as an 'Angel of Light' (Rev. 12:9; 2 Cor. 11:14)!


Would you please define or identify the following terms or people found in your recent letter to J.B. heretofore mentioned below in this 'e' mail.  They are:  (1) Shan, the plan for him and 'his' history:  (2) Creator God Aton;  (3) Violinio Germain, and (4) Esu Immanuel. 

Mr. Bellringer, it is truly wonderful to have this 'tool' called the Internet; but don't you think that along with it comes the responsibily of 'measuring' the truthfullness and veracity of the words used therein?  Thanks for listening and I'll be interested in your response.

With Kind Regards,



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  BK
DATE:  Aug. 16, 2011
Dear BK:
    Thank you for your letter.  If your friend sends you the White Hat and Casper Reports, and you have not been on Fourwinds, that would explain your ignorance of Truth.  It is not possible to teach the teacher, when you have not even read the textbook.  It is your responsibility, as a Truthseeker, to do your homework to avoid asking elementary questions in a graduate course of study.
    What I am saying is that your ignorance is showing in that you have not taken the time nor made the effort to read any of the Phoenix Journals, the source of Truth for our world today, and which supersede your most unholy Bible.  We have provided these Journals on through this wonderful tool called the Internet for your reading convenience.
    It is doubtful that you will listen beyond this point, but I shall honor your request for definitions.
        1.  Shan-- The Cosmic name for our planet, the planet of tears, the water planet.  Earth is a generic name, as there are over one-hundred and seventy-eight billion life-supporting planets in the Milky Way "Galaxy" alone.
        2.  Creator God Aton--The God of Light, who created our Nebadon Universe in which we live, and all the planets, etc. within it, including Earth Shan.  He uses the name Hatonn (H-aton-n) while in 4D for us to better understand Him and His message of Truth presented in the Phoenix Journals.
        3.  Violinio Germain--an Ascended Master, who has played an important role in our history as St. Germain.  He inspired the signing of our Declaration of Independence and has returned to assist us in the recovery of our great nation, the Republic of the united State of America.
        4.  Esu Immanuel--the one you know in history as Jesus Christ.  That is not his true name.  This name was given to him by Saul/Paul in ignorance as a Pharisee, who both stole Esu's writings and twisted them in his ignorance of Truth.  The new name your Bible says he would have is "Sananda", meaning "one with God"--thus, Esu Immanuel Sananda.
    I never said I was "part of the White Dragon Society".  The "Dragon" may be a symbol of "The adversary (Satan)", but that does not mean The White Dragon Society is evil.  That is only your assumption.  Again, your ignorance of Truth is showing.  Please do your homework, sir.
    If you are a serious Truthseeker, I recommend that you read Phoenix Journal number two, "And They Called His Name, Immanuel".  Should you complete that homework, then read Phoenix Journal number twenty-seven, which contains the Laws of God and of Creation, but if you are unwilling to learn Truth, please do not bother me further with your prattlings.
    My mission is to help those willing to learn.  Be in peace.
                            IN Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
REF:  "And They Called His Name Immanuel, I Am Sananda  --
         "The Phoenix Operator-Owner Manual" --
----- Original Message -----

From: BK


Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2011 6:25 PM

Subject: Re: 2 articles attached


Dear Patrick - 'Old friend'!  I call you 'old friend' because with a name like 'Patrick' you must have some 'Irish' blood - you can't be all bad, stupid, and horribly deceived.  Dear old friend Patrick,  I have read the 'Phoenix Journals' for over ten years and am amazed at how 'inept' some of the articles are in their content, confusing dialogue,  supposedly using 'theological terms, direction, and frankly, the promotion of that age old 'song' accusing others of that which the accuser is guilty. 

Isn't it interesting that the 66 Books of The Bible answer ALL of the mysteries about man, his Creator God, His creation, and His Son Jesus who was the Christ - and it's answers always promote the 'Simplicity of Christ' - not complexity as your Phoenix Journal does (2 Cor. 11:3).  Yet you dare depricate the Bible - and then promote the enemy of man in your journal as the 'Yehudi' - over and over again!  Please note Zechariah 8:23! 

Never, it seems, is there a copy of 'The Phoenix Journal that doesn't, in some way twist, bend, mis-represent, and promote confusion about the truth - and Christ himself defines 'Truth' (Jn.  17:17).  Sorry Patrick, I'm not 'buying' what you're selling which is telling me that 'a rose is not a rose if one puts another name on it!  The Phoenix Journal is just another pretentious, 'good if its different', dressed up in a tuxedo, splashed with purfume, but inculcated with clever supposedly alternitive philosophical fables masquerading as truth but really designed to make money mostly appealing to the yo yo, ding dong, luny tune extreme right wing people who spend too much time on the toilet contimplating their psycho-anal- id! 

When I was a young man, I was an associate editor of a monthly magizine and it's cost was nothing to the public - with 8 million copies PER MONTH sent all over the world anywhere at not cost!  Truth is Free, Patrick!  If the Phoenix Journal is all you've got going for you I am sincerely sorry!  The Apostle Paul, whom you depricate, describes deceived people like you in all of 2 Tim. 3.  Read the whole chapter and think about it especailly verses 15 thrugh 17.  You've told me all I need to know about you and your philosophy!  However, 4 Winds does have some good stuff!  Thank you and - 'Adios Amigo'! 


P.S.  Since you're probably Irish, attached an article about Irish history for your reading!



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  BK
DATE:  August 17, 2011
Dear BK:
    When you asked me to define the names Shan, Creator God Aton, Violinio Germain and Esu Immanuel, I knew that you had not read any of the Phoenix Journals with even an elementary understanding.  You have now confirmed to the whole world that you have not read them with any spiritual understanding at all!
    It is your choice to trash the Truth and condemn the Truthbringer, as do most Christian Cult advocates, but you do it to your own demise.  God Jehovah Satan has done a great job of fooling millions of people like yourself with his "war book", you call the Bible.  For rejecting the Truth this lifestream, God Aton of Light says that you agreed to spend a handicap of another three hundred and fifty-thousand years in 3D learning your lessons in soul growth plus the time needed to balance your karma.
    May you not get dizzy on the Great Wheel of Reincarnation, as you ponder your regrets.  I send you Love and Light because you really need it.