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'HELLO, CENTRAL!' THE LIGHT HAS WON! (Updated June 29, 2011)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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----- Original Message -----

From: BB


Sent: Friday, June 24, 2011 9:10 PM

Subject: Re: Satan not on planet earth .....


Thank you for replying but if it's no trouble could you explain more about Satan being removed. How long ago was it and where can I read about it?What about the angels that followed Luicifer. Are darkforce E.T's involved and if they are aren't they bound here on earth with us? It's not that I'm not studying but there are things that I'm still trying to piece together. Thank you again BB


----- Original Message -----

From: AE


Sent: Monday, June 27, 2011 7:49 AM

Subject: you gotta be kidding!

How and when God decided to uncreated Satan? Why there was not any kind of repercussion in the cosmos and on this planet? nobody said anything? the only one who says that satan was uncreated , is you. there is no information about this topic in any other website, anywhere. I think this news is too important, so that nobody knows?. Why Germain or Sananda are not officially informed of this to all humanity, or the same god? When exactly was that God did that?


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
    TO:  BB and AE
DATE:  June 28, 2011
Dear BB and AE :
    Thank you for your continuing questions.  Yes, the evil entity known as Lucifer/Satan is no longer on Earth Shan.  No, I am not joking!  He has been released from his jail planet,and at his request, was uncreated by Creator God Aton of Light, and his essence returned to the Pool of Creation of Creator Source.  This occurred within the last ten years.  Hatonn says the date is unimportant.
    Spiritual writings speak of the great end battle between good and evil, between the Forces of darkness and the Forces of Light, or between Sananda and his brother Satan.  This spiritual battle was fought in the ethers, and Sananda and his troops of Archangel Michael and his Warrior Angels defeated Satan and his evil Angels.  The Light has won on Shan!  This is why Satan was removed and dematerialized.
    At the same time all 4D evil entities including Satan's Angels, Serpent People, Gray aliens, and White Dragons were removed from Shan forever.  That is why the energies have become lighter and some people are sensing change to Goodness is coming.  The reason most people are unaware of Satan's removal is because they are focused on our 3D world where Satan's 3D minions still hold great power.  For most people nothing has changed.  In fact with Satan's minions increasing their efforts to follow Satan's Plan, now that he is gone, things have become ever more evil on Shan.
    When this battle for the Light was won in the higher dimensions, there was great repercussion of positive energy and rejoicing across the Cosmos.  Little of this was felt in our 3D world due to the great negativity existing presently on Shan.  Please know that the final step is to now defeat the Darkness in our three dimensional world that we control by our freewill choices.  That is now happening, and the change to Goodness shall come suddenly.  Satan's 3D minions are in panic for they know their demise is near.  Sananda said that evil shall destroy itself.  That is now happening in these "end times", as the Titans in their ego are fighting each other.
    This information may not be written in the media or in the writings of spiritual Gurus, but it is written in the Great Hall of Records of Aton, which you can access at any time through your God Spirit within.  Thus, it is written in your heart!
In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer
#1  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From:  AE
Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2011 4:09 PM
Subject: RE: you gotta be kidding!
Thanks for your kind answer, you do not have to return this mail, just wanted to tell you that my previous question, was because of the phoenix journals, where it says Satan is "Alive and Well", I read it every day, and I don't remember any part saying that satan was uncreated by God, well I felt a little doubt where you got this information. But if I think about it, it seems pretty coherent. I always ask myself how much longer will God tolerate such evil.I know that my spirit guide within me, has all the answers I'm looking for,  God in my heart. Is a pending task, I am distracted by the drums of satan, and all the illusions of the electronic world, it's hard to focus on paying attention to my inner god, so I read a lot, to not forget that there are things far more important than the stupid tv, and sex. In any place where I look, there are subtle erotic messages, materialistic, superficial, and some not so subtle. It's a disaster what they are doing to brainwash children and teenagers never was a perversion of this magnitude, certainly evil is more evil every time. I have to admit I am a little lazy, I had many problems in my life.
I consumed too much time trying to correct these problems between tears and lamentations. I walked away from God. Now I feel I'm still failing in many things. It is very frustrating for me trying to be better every day, because there are things I can not overcome, for years, many years. But I can tell you that for me there is nothing and nobody more important than God, without him I did not even exist, and I love humanity and mother earth with all my strength. I really want to end the suffering wherever the darkness still dominate. I live in a prison for 15 years, locked, isolated. I committed no crime against anyone, only against myself. So I know what it is to suffer real pain.It's hard to admit that if was not for that, I had never tried to know the truth that liberates the soul from pain, ignorance and the very bad influences. Thank you for spreading the truth.For me, any man who loves the truth and be a genuine seeker of truth is the light that illuminates the world.  Goodbye Friend. Guiño
FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  AE
DATE:  June 29, 2011
Dear AE
    Yes, you are quite correct that at the time the Phoenix Journals were written Satan was "Alive and Well".  These journals were written to bring Truth one more time to the people of our planet in these "Last Days" of this last 3D civilization on Earth Shan.  Much has happened in the last fifteen years in the confrontation of evil by the Force of Light.  By removing Satan and all his evil entities of 4D capability has made it much easier for the Lightworkers to win on our 3D level.
    Even though it appears that evil is worse than ever on Shan today, know that Satan's minions no longer have his support and 4D capability.  They know this and that their evil reign is ending.  Thus, they are in panic and doing everything possible to take as many others as possible with them to their demise.
    Be strong, and be in peace and hope for our New Day coming.
In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer
#2  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----

From: BB


Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2011 12:58 PM

Subject: I would like to thank you.......


You do not have to post this on fourwinds 10 only if you wish too. After I got your first reply ,about Satan being removed, I will say" I was blew away" for a whole day almost but I connected to the great spirit within us all and prayed for understanding of this. After awhile it came to me in a very peaceful manner. Yes Mr Bellringer the Phoenix Journals are the greatist thing on the net concerning truth and I try to follow the laws of Creation and God Aton daily. It makes sense that Satan would be removed along with his stooges< Serpent people,Gray Aliens etc;> for the Peaceful age that approaches. My great awakening really started in August of '08. Man I just "see things" so different then I use to. After I read a Journal or article after awhile the thoughts peacefully come into my mind and heart. As God Aton says Wisdom is Light and unless we try to live by the laws of Creation and God Aton we will stay in the darkness of ignorance that's for sure. Keep up the good work and if I have any further questions I will e-mail and ask you ......Peace be with you BB..........