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Patrick H. Bellringer

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----- Original Message -----

From: BB


Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2011 11:26 PM

Subject: Satan not on planet earth .....


I really enjoy fourwinds10 and the Journals. They have helped me Spirituality big time. Now a question. Is Satan still on planet Earth? I read a " Hello Central" article where it was stated that Satan/Lucifer is not on the planet any longer. If true where is he and why was  he removed/left the planet? thank you   BB




FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  BB
DATE:  June 24, 2011
Dear BB:
    Thank you for your letter.  We are glad that Fourwinds has been of help to you.
    Satan is no longer on Earth Shan.  As you probably know, Lucifer/Satan roamed the Cosmos after his ego-attack caused him to leave the Realms of Light.  Having destroyed many planets with his evil minions, Creator God finally ordered Satan (his 3D name) to select one planet as his jail planet.  Of course, Satan chose the most beautiful and abundant one, Earth Shan, which he promptly began to destroy.
    Satan was given every opportunity to return to the Light.  Hatonn says Satan has spent much time in the Void, has been everything and done everything, and has totally failed to learn his lessons.  Because Satan and his minions have totally trashed Shan and made the most evil mess anywhere in the Cosmos, Hatonn said "enough, and ordered him removed forever.  At his request Satan has been uncreated and his essence returned to the Great Pool of Creation of Creator Source.
    Our problem now is that Satan's minions remain on Shan and continue Satan's Plan for control of the planet.  Hatonn says their evil has gone beyond even what their leader, Satan, imagined was possible.  So the battle for our planet rages on between the Forces of Darkness and the Forces of Light.  The Lightworkers and Prayer Warriors have done a great job of holding the Light against such a formidable Dark Force.
    Know that the Light is winning big time, and the Dark Forces are in panic.  Indeed, "Truth is busting out all over!"
In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer