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'HELLO, CENTRAL! RESTFUL SLEEP! (Updated June 23, 2011)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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----- Original Message -----

From: AM

To: 'Bellringer'

Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2011 3:08 AM

Subject: Re : Chemical and Psychic attack


Dear Patrick ;

since at least 10 years now, I’ve been suffering from bad sleep. At first from time to time, but during the last years, more and more frequently.

The pattern is somewhat like this:

I go to sleep and after say half an hour, I suddenly wake up as if someone is kicking me from inside my stomach.

Then I seat on my bed and it is like I’m going to suffocate as I miss my breath while I seem to hear some voices that tell me to do strange things to which I resist.

I have the need to belch several times.  During all this, I call for the help of God Aton and Sananda  and then I can go to sleep again just to wake up later on

This is happening several times during a night, even 6,7,8 times  to the point  that sometimes, in the morning I feel really exhausted.

This has been happening more and more frequently during the past 2 or 3 years and it is also happening if I lay down for a little siesta in the afternoon.

At first, I took some drugs to help me to sleep, but then I decided to stop it. Nevertheless, sometimes I need to get some drops to help me to sleep as it was the case last night.

About 2 weeks ago, I asked my spirit within what could be the reason for this and I discovered that there is something (some chemical they put in) in the bread that I eat that is causing me this problem.

So I stopped buying the bread from the shop and I do my own bread at home.

Nevertheless, the problem was still going on and this morning while wondering what might be the cause , it came to my mind that I could be victim of a psychic attack.

So this morning I asked again my spirit within and I got the confirmation also through the pendulum that I’m victim of a psychic attack.

Note that when I get some drops to help me sleep, this is not happening. To me this is a confirmation that when my mind is under drug effect, it can’t be attacked.

Can you please Patrick tell me if you have heard of same before and above all, can you suggest me a way to get rid of this problem.

Many thanks in advance.

In Love and Light.






FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  AM
DATE:  June 22, 2011
Dear AM:
    Thank you for your letter.  Many people have sleep problems, and for many reasons.  You are not an exception.
    Know that the Forces of Darkness are working hard to attack all Lightworkers, as they/we are the greatest enemies of the Darkside.  Also, know in your heart that you have the power to control your space and all that happens to you.
    As I have said before, we must do all we can to live within The Laws of God and of Creation.  Then we are to ask for Divine Help to assist us, for greater wisdom, energy, compassion, protection, courage, etc.  Ask again for complete and permanent protection by Aton, Sananda, and the Ascended Masters from all harm by any and all evil entities and energies.  Be specific!
    Ask for your food to be made wholesome, the air you breathe and the water you drink to be made pure with no harmful effects.  Ask for restful sleep with "no worries" or interruptions by any negative energy or entity.  Having done this, believe you have Divine Help that is dealing with your requests, and know in your heart that this is so, and all is well.
    Go to sleep, relaxed, thanking Aton and Sananda for assisting you to have the most peaceful, restful sleep ever.  Know that no evil energy or entity can reach you through your wall of White Light of Aton and the Golden Light of Sananda and the Violet Light of Germain's 100th dimension of unconditional Love that surrounds you---and "sleep like a baby!"
    It is all about asking with sincerity and believing/trusting the Lighted Realms to help.  Do not forget your two Guardian Angels that are given to every souled being at birth,and they stay with you for your entire lifestream.  They can help you only when you ask for their help, but they will never interfere with your freewill choices.  Help is only a thought away.
    Should you awaken breathless, or with stomach spasms, or with strange voices in your head, in the name and the energy of Sananda order all evil energies and entities out of your space, forever, and ask the White Light to fill such space, so no other evil can enter.
    This is one problem that we have.  We order out the Darkness but forget to fill the space created with Light.  So, at the first opportunity evil comes right back in and brings more problems to us.  It's like the water that is flooding homes everywhere across Shan today.  Allow no cracks in your heart space through which evil can enter.
    May you sleep in the arms of the Angels, my friend!
In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer
#1  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----

From: K


Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2011 10:16 AM

Subject:  K


Hi Mr.Bellringer,,

   This is one problem that we have.  We order out the Darkness but forget to fill the space created with Light.  So, at the first opportunity evil comes right back in and brings more problems to us.  It's like the water that is flooding homes everywhere across Shan today.  Allow no cracks in your heart space through which evil can enter.

    May you sleep in the arms of the Angels, my friend!

First I have to say you are so wonderful in continuing help mankind..

I read this and did this before I went to sleep,,I said this for me and my husband..

But I also said to myself,,if this didn't work for me,,then I would wonder if my soul contract was to allow the evil to continue upon me so that I could tell others that this evil still was up and operating with 4D technology,,,

They are as of last night,,

But my husband is a different story,,He awoke at his usual time for work of 4:00, got up and ate something then sat in his big chair,,He slept until a few moments ago which is 9:00,,This is an absolute record sleeping time for him,,It's been years since he slept this long,,many years,,He also woke up happy...This gives me great joy after the hell that was imposed upon his sleeping for many years...He took a vacation day and why this was possible...

So my conclusion is my soul contract was to allow this evil to enter my space so that I could continue to let others know they are still up and operating with 4D technology...

Thank you Mr.Bellringer and Anne

May Peace Fall Upon the Lands





FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  K
DATE:  June 23, 2011
Dear K:
    The big "IF" is the very center of doubt.  Creator God Aton of Light would never allow a soul contract that mandated evil against freewill, as this would nullify freewill choice.  Any enlightened person knows that evil is "alive and well" and is "operating with 4D technology". They do no need to be told such is the case by someone else.
    It sounds like you are trying to rationalize your doubt that you have the power with the help of the Forces of Light to confront evil (technologies) and stop their impact upon your life.  Doubt and fear are probably the greatest tools of the Darkside.  Your God Spirit within and Love are the greatest tools of the Light.  Use them to win every time!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#2  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----

From: AM

To: 'Bellringer'

Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2011 1:29 PM

Subject: Re: Chemical and Psychic attack


Dear Patrick ,

very many thanks for your reply.

It is somewhat a consolation to know that many people especially the Lightworkers, are facing the same problems although, I would prefer for them and for me, not to experience same.

I already asked some time ago the Divine protection but honestly, I forgot to request that my space be filled with the Light.

Nevertheless, I will follow step by step your advice and I’m sure that this time everything will work out fine.

Again a heartfelt thank you for your reply.

I’m looking forward with great excitement and pleasure to meet you and Anne very soon.

In Love and Light.



PS : I do hope that God Aton will let Earth Shan stay the necessary time for me to come and see your wondrous country.

Afterword , He can very well allow Shan to make the transition into the 5th dimension. J - J