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'HELLO, CENTRAL!' WHAT IS TRUTH? (Updated May 28, 2011)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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----- Original Message -----
From: K
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2011 8:32 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


 Aloha Patrick, you may recognize my name as I have contacted you in the past with questions. I want to first state that I am a dedicated fourwinds reader and truly appreciate what you and Ann are doing to help keep people informed.


 My concern regards the use of the word \"truth\" when discussing the Phoenix Journals. Would it not be better to simply present the information to people and allow them to decide whether it is truth or not? Do you not agree that it is dangerous to tell people that the Journals are truth while all others are deceptions as is done in all major religions? I have read all the primary recommended journals in addition to about a dozen others and while I agree with the message, my desire to live the laws of Creation stems not from a desire to save my soul but a desire to do what is right. In my opinion, telling people the journals are \"truth\" will immediately turn many people away because we are exposed to \"truth\" on a daily basis from the media, organized religion, talking-head politicians, misled educators, and brainwashed physicians. People have gotten so fed up with others telling them what is truth and what is lie that the instant someone belittles them for questioning something, as is sometimes done when people question the journals, it instantly closes them off to future exploration of the information. It seems to me that allowing the Journals to stand on their own merit and allowing others to choose to believe or disbelieve the info provided without threat of damnation or fear of not ascending may go further in helping people stay open to the messages in the journals, even if you are only emphasizing what the journals say. Only the Creator can judge us for our choices and actions so I have a difficult time with any implication that only those people who read the Journals and live the laws exactly as written will find any favor with the Creator. I\'m sure there are many people not even aware of fourwinds or the Phoenix Journals, or people that are aware of them but choose not to believe what is communicated, that strive daily to do the right/good thing and I cannot believe they will not be rewarded for their efforts simply because they chse not to believe them.


 I don\'t want you to think I\'m trying to tell you what to do. You have done an excellent job at waking people up over the last several years and I hope you continue your work for a long time to come. I\'m simply making a recommendation that may help prevent so many disillusioned people from turning away from your site where a wealth of information is available. I owe a big portion of my awakening to you.


 Mahalo for all you do,



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  K
DATE:  May 23, 2011
Dear K:
    Thank you for your letter and for your kind words for our work at Fourwinds.  You have raised a key question:  What is Truth?
    Truth is!  Truth stands on its own merit and cannot be refuted.  There are many sources of Truth today and have been throughout history.  Man has been given the ability to discern Truth through his God Spirit within, but few have awakened spiritually and are conscious of that fact.
    At a soul level everyone knows Truth.  In our 3D world many means have been provided by Creator God to awaken us to Truth.  In our Soul Contract with Creator God Aton of Light, prior to entering this present lifestream, we set "alarm clocks" along our pathway to awaken us spiritually to Truth.  Unfortunately, many do not heed their alarms and do not awaken.
    There have been Truthbringers in every culture and messages in every language provided by the Realms of Light to awaken our 3D world.  Even the Bible tells us that there is no excuse for anyone not knowing Truth, because Creator God has revealed Himself and His Laws through His Creation for all to see and know.
    Never have I said that the Phoenix Journals were the only source of Truth in our world today.  They may be the clearest, most recent source of Truth in today's world, but Truth can be found in every major religion, in libraries, in nature and even in the local newspaper.  The problem we face in finding Truth is that the Darkside has buried and twisted the Truth so badly, even in the major religions, that it is nearly unrecognizable today.  This is why Creator God Aton says "one last time He has brought forth Truth in these Phoenix Journals to set the record straight."
    Phoenix Journal #27 is probably  the clearest and most accurate statement in existence today of The Laws of God and of Creation.  The Bible gives a twisted version of a few of these Laws, as do other religious sources, but the whole Truth is lacking.
    I can appreciate your reasoning that many are "hocking" their Truth, and people are confused, as to what is the Truth.  Do you really think more people would read the Phoenix Journals, if we kept quiet about the Truth they contained?  Would more people read them, if they were advertised widely in the media?  Having read them, would they believe what they had read?
    If we had lots of money, we could print these journals and put them in every library in the world and give them freely to everyone on the street.  Would they be read and cherished as Truth?  They would be trashed "as pearls before swine", and the sidewalks and streets littered with torn pages blowing in the wind.
    My point is those sincerely seeking Truth shall find it, no matter where it may be, and very few are sincere Truthseekers.  Everyone is on their own pathway and journey to enlightenment.  We cannot make anyone believe anything.  By their freewill they must choose to do so.  We can only assist by offering the Phoenix Journals to them, as a source of Truth.
    If people are offended and turn away, when I tell them the Phoenix Journals are Truth, so be it.  They are not yet at their "teachable moment" and having read them, would never believe them anyway.  Please understand that the Phoenix Journals are not for everyone. They are only for special people, for Truthseekers on their pilgrimage to the stars.
    Our mission at Fourwinds is to present Truth freely to all passersby, and like the display booths at the fair, some will stop and browse and find real gems, while most will pass by regardless of the advertising sings and light and blaring sounds.
    Yes, we present the Phoenix Journals, as Truth from Creator God Aton of Light with no apologies, and the Truthseekers, that need to,  shall find them.
In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer
#1  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2011 3:33 PM
Subject: LEE adds this - no one believes this stuff you peddle . . .
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2011 11:35 AM
Subject: RE: no one believes this stuff you peddle . . .

You mean he’s not going to fix everything that’s wrong with this world including organized religion.

Subject: no one believes this stuff you peddle . . .

Hey Patrick - -

    Here is the reason no one believes all this stuff you guys keep telling us about . . .


    So there is no  reason to worry about it.  

    And I would add:  HE  will fix it all just like he has been doing from the beginning!!!

    Wild Bill from Tulsa


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
    TO:   Wild Bill From Tulsa
DATE:  May 26, 2011
Dear Wild Bill from Tulsa:
    Why are you still enamored by the Christian Cult B.S?  The Cosmic Law of Cause and Effect rules the entire of Creation.   You reap what you sow!  If you throw garbage on your doorstep, you clean it up or it stays there.
    If God has "fixed" everything in the past, why is our world trashed to the hilt today, and why is life for most people on this planet a living hell?  God is going to "fix it" alright!  When the "fix" comes, you will be bubbling salt water and wishing you had a very long snorkel, indeed.
    I care not, if you believe the "stuff we peddle".  The Truth needs no defense, and your opinion about it does not change it.  I suspect your anxiety about what is Truth is what has prompted this latest attack on Fourwinds.
    In theological circles your belief is called the "turtle theology".  Like a turtle you hide in your shell, protected from the evil world around you, keeping yourself safe and unstained, doing nothing to improve the filthy world, and waiting for the time,when you will be snatched from your shell and magically carried off to the pink clouds of your supposed heaven.
    For years I have tried to get through to you. When are you going to wake up:?  How many more lifestreams will it take living this 3D hell before you wake up to the Truth?  Just know that you will repeat your lessons in soul growth lifestream after lifestream in 3D until you learn them.  There are no exceptions. Do you really want to go back to the caves with no memory?
    I pity you for thinking that you can defy Creator God Aton of Light, His Laws, and His Divine Plan.  Many have tried, my friend, but no one has yet succeeded,not even Satan.  Wake up, before you, too, return to the Great Wheel of Reincarnation.  I'll bet that you do not sleep well.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#2  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----

From: T

Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2011 2:57 PM

Subject: peddle...



    So there is no  reason to worry about it.  "  Lee


You have GOT to be kidding!  No one ever said they were going to 'fix' it all.  We made this mess, by either allowing it to happen, or just not stopping the ones who have messed up this planet.  Either way, we are responsible for cleaning up this mess. 


It is true, they have the technology to clean up this planet, and they have offered to let us use it, but we have to do the work.  They cannot do it for us.  And if you ask me, that's a very nice offer!!! 

How would we learn anything if they cleaned up this mess for us?  We wouldn't!  We would just go on doing what we do, and not setting anything right.  Until the planet finally died, and we did also. 


Think about it.  It is up to US to take care of this planet we live on.  We just live here, we don't own it.  It is totally up to us to keep the water, air, dirt and such clean and working right.  It is up to us to stop wars.  It is up to us to work and feed our families.  The list goes on and on.  No one owes us a living, we have to learn to do it right. 

If we don't learn, we repeat the lessons until we do learn.  Reincarnation is real.





#3  (Reply)


----- Original Message -----
From: K
To: Bellringer
Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2011 7:42 PM
Subject:  Truth
Hi Mr.Bellringer,,
In regards to "Hello Central What is Truth".. and Wild Bills comment..
There are many kinds of 3D man on Mother Earth..
A large group that is soulless,,how can they connect with God,,hear Gods words via the soul,,see the light he shines in help or anything else..They can't connect in any way,,I feel sorry for them..
Another group  who's souls are so buried and THEY shut out God,,God is with them but as God is Free Will Choice,if they chose to close the door God honors this..I feel sorry for these people also..
I think we have another group who would rather live in a bubble, in the denial of the truth..
The Truth can be very painful,,nobody knows this more than me..
Slowly realizing how my entire life was steered and controlled from birth was horrible and hard,,
Finding out just about everything is a LIE is a shock..
I could point out many truths that shook me,,I'll point out one..
I read the Rothschild's plan on the Internet and was horrified..
I remember thinking those poor people that became victims to the many horrors described in this plan..
I remember thinking,,"I'm glad it wasn't my family that was targeted by this evil".. 
Then slowing piecing together the truth of how my family was very much targeted by this evil..
It was very hard to accept and continue seeking truth.
Week after week realizing all the horrors they had done to me,my family,neighbors,friends,,and the masses was horrific..
When I found out this evil was inflicted beyond myself and family,that it was massive and went Globally,it gave me determination
and strength to fight harder than ever to help mankind,,To prevent this evil from hurting one more person..
They were destroying,crippling and killing people all around me including my family,but I made a vow and said,,It doesn't matter what they do to the people around me,,,,that I would stay strong and keep fighting for all of humanity...
It wasn't easy to make this vow while they were hurting members of my family,neighbors,friends,,etc,,But I stayed strong to my vow and still do.
But I would rather have the Truth no matter how painful it is,the truth can do many things including setting you FREE..
FREEDOM is a beautiful word..
Truth connects to Peace
May Peace Fall Upon the Lands
PS,,You can include this if you wish or not,,
In reference to your comment,," Why are you still enamored by the Christian Cult B.S?"
Your statement is true,,but the flock was conned by the management..
As a Rothschild/Jewish Permanent Records I can say this..
Besides having everything Jewish stored in my memory the recall for Zionist or Israel was very small in comparison
to Jewish/Jew..
Weekly reference starting with my Aunt Jewel,,then Juice,,then Jute,then Junior,,
My husbands weekly reference in childhood was Junior.
Every week of my 55 years they referenced Jewish/Jew,,The referencing to Zionist and Israel was not very often..
With a bigger frequency to the leaders of Israel,,
This is the Truth..
If you include this, I hope everybody reading this, will understand what I'm saying..
#4  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----

From: WW


Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2011 2:09 PM

Subject: Patrick - please read my reply to your message . . .


Hey Patrick - -

    You missed my whole point.   I do agree with everything you say here below. What I was trying to do is let you know why all those morons out there do not believe the things you guys tell us. I even think that LEE does to, 'cause he was agreeing with me about the morons out there.  How did we both miss lead you? I just read it again and maybe there is room for you to miss understand my view point. But please read it again from OUR (yours and mine) view and see if I am not correct.  I still remember that woman telling me: "God is going to fix everything so I don't have to worry about it."  And I contend, like you say, god hasn't fixed a damned thang since the very beginning. So please give me another shot at this one. --------------- Wild Bill from Tulsa

    It is the morons (not me and LEE) that:  are you still enamored by the Christian Cult B.S?

    PS: I had to attend a funeral in a catholic church this morning and man what a bunch of BS that was, including the church building itself. See attached pictures. The money that was wasted on this place was unreal, and they still haven't gold plated it as yet. Me and the wife got up and walked out after about ten minutes of their bull, and they still had another hour or more to go. We couldn't stand it.

FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
    TO:   WW
DATE:  May 28, 2011
Dear WW
    I have re-read your original letter several times and my interpretation is that you agreed with Lee's comment.  You said "Hey Patrick--Here is the reason no one believes all this stuff you guys keep telling us about..."
    Lee had said:  "no one believes this stuff you peddle.  Everyone believes that God is going to fix it all!  So there is no reason to worry about it."
    Then you said:   "And I would add:  HE will fix it all just like he has been doing from the beginning!"  The connotation is that you agree with Lee, and you said nothing to the contrary.
    I apologize, if I have misunderstood your intentions.  The message is that we are held accountable under God's Law for what we do, and He makes no exceptions.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer