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"Hello, Central!" The Concert That Never Happened (Updated September 2, 2006)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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ticket and I looked forward to the event. Then it was cancelled due to one player being sick. My money was refunded and my friend promised me they were going to have the show on a another date. So I bought another ticket and

looked forward to the show. Again it was cancelled due to a flat tire of the the group's bus. Again, my money was refunded and I was disappointed. My friend said the group was REALLY coming to town to play and gave another date. I again bought a ticket and made plans to keep the timeframe open to view the show. Guess what....this went on each month for 4 years!! Who's the fool here???

Peace and Joy,



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: August 28, 2006


Dear SK:

You just don't get it, do you? It's not about being a passive on-looker but about replacing the sick player or fixing the flat tire! If you wish to take no responsibility for the "NESARA Concert" coming to town, you do not deserve to ever see it! If this frustrates you, then get on with your mundane life and quit reading Fourwinds.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


----- Original Message -----

From: SK


Sent: Friday, September 01, 2006 8:10 PM

Subject: Apology

Dear Patrick,

I wrote the piece about the "concert". And I think you owe me an apology based on your extremely harsh reply. First off, you do not know me. I do not and never have lived a mundane life. I have spent my life in service to others and will continue to do as long as I am on the planet. Secondly, in your reply you assume that I do not believe in or support NESARA or the Second Coming. I do and am in almost constant prayer for both to manifest and have been for a number of years. My guides are Sananda and Archangel Michael and I am in communication with them daily.

What I was pointing out is that giving constant dates for something to occur which never materializes, sets up a scenario for people to be disappointed. It is just plain good 'ol common sense. I believe a good messenger also has the responsibility to withhold information which will constantly disappoint those who are truly working in the fields of consciousness raising. There needs to be some sense of reliability of information given, trust in the message and messenger,

and an honest and non judgmental hearing of all who

are receiving the information bulletins you give on your website in

a compassionate manner.

I never lambasted you personally, but your response was extremely angry in tone and came across as a personal attack.

I am not angry with you or the Masters. I am and continue to be blessed in this life. I send you much LOVE as you proceed on your journey.

Joy and Peace,