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Patrick H. Bellringer

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----- Original Message -----

From: SC


Sent: Monday, May 02, 2011 8:04 AM

Subject: The Truth behind Bin Laden



Good morning.  I hope you and Anne are doing well these days.


The latest Bin Laden news sounds quite' fishy'.

Briefly, would you share your understanding as to what is really going on here?

And how does it effect all the changes we are hoping for?


Thanks for being there.

In Light and Love and Joy




FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  SC
DATE:  May 3, 2011
Dear SC:
    Thanks for writing.
    As you know, Obama's popularity has been steadily dropping, as the economy and war and his birth certificate have become the big issues in his re-election.  So, with the "death" of Osama bin Laden, he now has accomplished what Bush Jr. could not do.
    The people cheer and bless him for his success in getting the "boogie-man" and offer support for getting the one in Libya.  It is all political and very sick.  The people now focus on war and away from the real problems at home, and especially Obama's right to be president.
    I believe that this latest evil play in no way affects the NESARA Mission.  Obama is only dancing like a chicken on a hot griddle, and we know the outcome.  I include here the statement I made yesterday to the Newsmax article on bin Laden's death.

The statement by Obama that the U.S. Military has just now found and killed Osama bin Laden in Pakistan is the most blatant lie and fabricated story ever produced by this evil U.S. Corporate Government and their cohorts of the lying media.  They believe the general public are total idiots and will believe anything, and this greatest lie is a test to prove they are right.

As reported by Tom Heneghan and other Truthbringers years ago, Osama bin Laden died on December 13, 2001 from kidney failure, after many months of illness.  At one point he was treated at the Mayo Clinic of Rochester, Minnesota, including the use of their dialysis equipment.  For many years the bin Laden and the Bush families have been business partners.  Osama was chosen to head the CIA created Taliban in Afghanistan to stop the Russian army and drive them out of Afghanistan.  This they did.

Later, when the Taliban learned that George Bush, Sr. wanted the U.S. Military to occupy Afghanistan, so he could build an oil pipeline across Afghanistan to tap the Caspian Sea oil reservoir, they turned against him and began fighting the U.S. Military in support of the Afghanistan people and their rights.

The War on Terror has been built upon the lie that Osama bin Laden was the master-mind behind the U.S. 9/11-2001 event.  For ten years the U.S. Military has used this lie to make great strides in their U.S. Empire building.  This is all soon to end, and they shall stand with their Emperor with no clothes.   ---PHB

In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer
#1  (Reply)

----- Original Message -----

From: "LAM"

To: <>

Sent: Sunday, May 01, 2011 10:14 PM

Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


 Hi Patrick:


 Thank you for all the effort you & Anne constantly put forth with Fourwinds.


 As soon as I heard the MSM touting Osma Bin Ladin's being killed by our military (who actually died about 2003 of natural causes, as I understand), my gut feeling was:


 1. Is this an action by the illuminate to establish an excuse for the next false flag attack in America, which could now be blamed on  Al Qaeda as revenge for our supposed killing of Osama. Another false flag attack bigger then the 911 false flag event.


 2. Would they then try to use the 2nd false flag attack to declare open martial law?  Could this be when Mother Earth Shan flips her poles?


 3. This will also (after watching his announcement, with the media's help) strengthen Obamas image with the general MSM controlled public.


 This is what my inner knowing alerted me to.



 #2  (Reply)

----- Original Message -----

From: ro

To: undisclosed-recipients:

Sent: Monday, May 02, 2011 7:56 AM

Subject: SHEEPLE pay attn: Osama been dead since 2002. The question is WHY do TPTB want us to think that NOW? whats coming!


Bin Laden has been dead since 2001 or 2. Benazera Butto (Pakinstan Presidents wife) stated he was dead and was shot in the head a few years ago in the back of a cab for leaking it. He has been long gone for many years. Everything our govt says is a LIE. The question IS: WHY DO THEY WANT US TO THINK THAT NOW? 

Speculation is this orchestrate a "false flag" as a RETALIATION from a ficticious take down of a terrorist leader??????

Anybodys guess but its a lie..........

Uploaded by on May 1, 2011

Don't believe the hype. Osama has been dead for a long time.



Benazir Butto who was assassinated shortly after

(Comment )


This video is from 2007 and Benazir Bhutto says in minute 2:24 that Osama Bin Laden was dead. The question is "who died yesterday? Could it all be another little cheat from our american friends? if so what are they up to now?



“For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy ..... It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.” President John F. Kennedy 1961



#3  (Reply)

----- Original Message -----

From: K

To: Bellringer

Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2011 3:35 PM

Subject:  K ( 9/11-Bin Laden--How Evil is the Evil)


Hi Mr.Bellringer,,

I just had to respond to this issue as the evil spews there lies and I have ALL THE EVIDENCE to this Atrocity..

In my little home in a little town in Mn,,a person not connected to a job of distinction or any State or Federal Government..

I was used like a telephone by this evil to plan and discuss this Mass Murder of 9/11 which led to War and Torture, all of which was very specifically discussed.

Along with being used to send messages and orders Globally via the Media...


Every detail of this Mass Murder they started discussing and storing in my memory threw the Yahoo Stock Market

message boards,,May 2000..

They had written a script for 9/11,War,Torture and there agenda and threw the above method they started incorporating words in my memory,,

This may also have been the time frame they signed me up for Jury Duty,,They orchestrated events so the case would be around a River Boat as they needed this for there 9/11 discussions..

This first script was prepping to keep me on the line,,to build trust,,to keep me reading the stock market message boards..amongst other things..

Then in April 2001 they pounced and announced they were in my home,,Implying they were the United States Secret Service doing something very important,,I was in shock and couldn't believe they were in my home so I set about trying to prove it..

It didn't take but a few days for me to realize they were in my HOME and could hear and see everything in my life,,Along with following me when I left the house..

They would incorporate what I ate for breakfast,conversations my husband and I had in our home,,etc,etc, in the stock market message board,,it was very cleverly done..

I remember finally writing 3 things down on a piece of paper and they Incorporated this in the message board,,

I went into a complete state of SHOCK,FEAR and of feeling RAPED...There script then turned into keeping me in this state so they could incorporate words to my memory,,They used the message boards,my email,telephone,,HAARP mind control with my family,neighbors,,everywhere I went...THEY DID THE MOST HORRIFYING THINGS THREW THIS,,EVIL THAT MOST PEOPLE CAN'T EVEN IMAGINE..

Threw the above methods they threatened/implied they were going to rape my daughter,,beat up my son,,have my husband fired,,I continued reading the message boards trying to find out WHY they were doing this to me..

Threw this entire thing they also had a running theme,,"It's Almost Over",,This kept me reading also,,,

Implying they were the United States Secret Service,,that this was very Important,,with lots of "Trust Us everything will be Fine,,Trust Us'..also implying this was connected to my brother who was in the courts for Stock Market Fraud..

Under my mental state and there "Trust Us",,they then proceeded to rob me of my money,,it gave them more control and fear to work with as they had me do this without my husband knowing,,,

All monies from savings,checking and running up the credit cards went into the stock market...along with breaking just about everything in our home and life..


They continued to keep me in a 24/7 state of Shock,Fear and Rape, incorporating words they needed for there agenda with 9/11 being a major part...

The mental state they kept me would cause anybody physical suffering,,but apparently that wasn't enough..So with technology they started beating up on my physical body,,,not allot but some..

They needed New York and aspects connected in my memory,,They orchestrated events and some how I hobbled to New York Memorial Weekend 2001 to visit our daughter...


I came home from this trip and then they steered me to the Media's,,television,newspapers,,radio's etc and proceeded to show me how my daily life including my last name or a form of was in the Media..

They also cranked up the technology on my physical body,,,They beat on every interanl organ and my legs..I dragged my legs for over 3 years in pain,,It took me ONE YEAR to relearn to walk again...

This heightened my state of Fear and RAPE,RAPE,RAPE,,It sent me into what I call a WALKING COMA STATE...and they worked to keep me in this state everyday..

Threw the many Media's and my life locally,,they continued putting words to my memory,,BOX CUTTERS,,PET GOAT,,PANCAKE,,All the words they needed for the Fairy tale they told the American people along with the actual way they blew up the towers..Along with the names of there many helpers..Some of these names had been in my memory years before...

As 9/11 was for War they were discussing this and how they were going to torture people..

I feel so ashamed I was being used for this evil..

Somethings they had stored decades earlier in my memory,,They electrocuted my Dad's best friend,,they resurfaced the fear I had when I almost drown for Water Boarding..


Every detail of 9/11 was discussed including the men that were involved...

Of course there Patsy Bin Laden was discussed,,

I was unaware of what I was being used for,, they used technology and had the neighbors PET GOAT charge me 2 times so they could have Bush read "My Pet Goat"..

Or taking advantage of my horrifying state of mental pain and having me carve in the ankles of my legs with a BOX CUTTER,,"FBI Victim"..2 Times,,

In Nov.2004 God sent me help,,They were tapped on the shoulder and then the script changed..

The evil then started electricuting me every night,,every hour on the hour..

I know I got help from above in protecting my physical,,but I wonder if I had to fight this evil mentally on my own..

I wonder if they were beaming me up,hooking me up to electrical shock in there attempt to stop me,,corrupt me,,etc,etc..I think so,,When I would awaken from this electrical shock I would get up and do something in the direction of law,,getting help..This is when I did most of my writing to the FBI,Every Media,,etc,etc,,

Not one media responded except for there automatic response..

Jan.2005 I started contacting the FBI via email,,then most of there email service was shut down...

I wrote letters to every State FBI Director,,multiple letters,I even sent every one of them a tape recording of my CRY FOR HELP..

I hired somebody to take me to the Minneapolis FBI and told 2 woman agents my story...

Then in March/April a Chris out of the FBI in Rochester,Mn called and asked if I was threatening the President..

This evil had also implied from the start that they were working under the orders of President Bush...

So my story to the law was that Bush was doing this to me,, invading my life/privacy daily and spewing my life in every media....

I now think a couple of GOOD State FBI Directors found away to connect me to the  REAL UNITED STATES SECRET SERVICE..

May 2005 Agents Thomas and Katherine payed me a visit..They were very nice and just asked general information..

I told them I felt raped in my house so they took all the information in my dirty garage..

They also must have knew my plight ahead of time as they didn't wear there guns..By law they have to have access to a gun so they brought with them the local assistant deputy sheriff Dave..He was nice too,,He came to take my mug shot the next day and brought a young girl with him so I wouldn't feel raped..

I remember asking this evil,,"Could you please send over a truck with a 100 men to rape me instead of raping me every day all day long"..

The evil continued trying to take me down,, as I stored DECADES of there crimes,atrocities including complete evidence to 9/11...They worked very hard attempting to disconnect me with God,,As they had stored the con and frauds about Man Made Religion they used this to shake my faith in God,,,

Then the Higher Realms helped me transfer all there records over to working law..This took over 21/2 years and was painful..

Trauma was resurfaced that was set to the words,,then transferred to working law,,then they put back the words without the trauma,,

I was being deprogrammed...


I STILL REMEMBER EVERY THING..But now it takes a little longer to recall..

Now I know why after Nov.2004 I was getting conflicting messages..I felt like somebody was sad and crying for me,,and then I would feel like somebody was trying to hurt me...

This is a rough outline of what transpired,,

As I read the government lies spewed everyday,,With 9/11 back in the news,,as I sit in my little home in a little town in Mn with ALL the evidence to this crime on WHO DONE IT...The Rothschild/CIA gang...


When I read things red flags go off..The Phoenix Journals talks about many of the US government projects,,of course they all have a name,,I think I know all of them with more details and evidence..

This is why the Governments Lies about 9/11,Bin Laden,War and Torture disgust me..Because I KNOW THE TRUTH WITH EVIDENCE..My entire life is filled with physical evidence to many crimes..

May Peace Fall Upon the Lands


How Evil is the Evil?

PS..This was my plea for mercy

Take everything I own,but please stop the pain

Cut off my arm,but please stop the pain

Cut off both arms,but please stop the pain

Cut off both arms and one leg,but please stop the pain

Cut off both arms and both legs,but please stop the pain

Cut off both arms,both legs and take my eye sight,,but please stop the pain

Kill everybody I know including my children,,but please stop the pain..

I gave up begging..

This is the evil the souls of the light are fighting...



#4  (Reply)

----- Original Message -----
From: D
Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2011 2:22 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


 Is it possible that Bin Laden was cloned at Camp David before he died?

 If indeed someone was shot May 1, who was it, if Bin Laden died years ago?

 3 helos in a residential neighborhood and a Seal team is not a stealth op.

 Could the lookalike have been shot?

 How could the Pakistanis not know that he was there when the house was built FOR Bin Laden?

 What a bunch of baloney. I am not a racist, I am a truthist. This will not help reelect Obama, it will backfire



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  D
DATE:  May 6, 2011
Dear D:
    Thanks for writing.  This supposed Osama bin Laden's second death raises so many questions that it is obvious it is a story, fiction with no Truth in it.  They even claimed to have disposed of Osama's body by burial at sea, because there was no body and now no one can disprove anything.  Very clever.
    Due to this "Hello, Central!" -- the Osama bin Laden Lie!--Fourwinds go slammed by the Corporate U.S. Government yesterday with thousands of hits to try and take us down.  They also were unhappy with the Hello, Central!"--Obama's Fake Birth Certificate.
    Of all people our lying fake U.S. Corporate president knows the Truth hurts, and it shall be his downfall.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer