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Patrick H. Bellringer

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----- Original Message -----

From: mc


Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 9:35 PM



Dear Bellringers

Thank you both for the daily sacrifices you go thorugh for us.  We would be lost without good people like you.

After hearing and seeing Obama so flagrantly waving his "real birth certificate" in the face of all who opposed him and his eligibility, I was moved to consider that the certificate has been shown to be so flawed that someone was either in a hurry, lazy or intentionally crafted it in such a way that even amateurs could and have easily found holes in it, yet Obama wholeheartedly accepted, even claimed it to be the authentic one in the face of the whole world.  Even rubbed the peoples faces in it.  If in fact it was made in a sloppy manner on purpose and proven to be a fraud in so many ways, someone has either wittingly or unwittingly brought about a perfect sting operation, and a beautiful way to publicly trip the first domino, bring him to his knees and start exposing all the rest of the crimes he and company have committed.  Maybe I am just dreaming and don't know all the in's and out's of what's happening but I hope someone like Donald Trump will grab these numberless flaws surrounding the "Acatual Certificate" and run with it again.  There are just too many mistakes to ignore. 

Thanks again for listening to an amateur like me.

Love and blessings for your health.



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  MC
DATE:  April 30, 2011
Dear MC:
    Thank you for your letter and kind words for our work.  For Obama to reveal the Truth of his birth would be his undoing, for that would disclose his CIA roots and foreign birth, and prove the fraudulent and treasonous person that he is.  This great nation has been tricked by the Adversary and fallen for the greatest hoax of all time.  Hopefully, it is not yet beyond recovery!
In Love and Light,
 Patrick H. Bellringer
#1  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----

From: AN

To: <>

Sent: Sunday, May 01, 2011 2:36 PM

Subject: Has Donald Trump Given Up On The Birth Certificate?


Patrick,just when Trump has Obama right where he wants him for issuing a fraudulent birth certificate,and defrauding our government and it's citizens,not another word has been heard from Trump regarding thecertificate.(That I know of).That certificate is so phoney and it not only reveals an amateur piece of work,it is wrong in many places.It also proves that no matter where Obama was born,he is not entitled to be President because of the rule that both parents must be legal U.S.citizens. His father was not a citizen of this country.My concern is that after watching five political talk shows since Friday night,every program brought up the subject and glossed over it with no mention of it's illegality.Eleanor Clift even went to the point of poo pooing the idea that he should have had to produce a birth certificate in the first place.What is wrong with these people?Either they are idiots or afraid to speak up! What happens now?I hope that someone will pick up the ball and run with it.It would be nice to get rid of Obama so that all the legislation that he has signed would be null and void.If we could ever get our "prosperity funds" ,I would be happy to take out a full page ad in the major newspapers.. ABN



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  AN
DATE:  May 2, 2011
Dear AN:
    Thank you for your letter.  The Darkside has a great way of destroying the Truthbringer, who raises the wrong questions.  It may be that Donald Trump's sudden silence is due to bribery or threats to his life and that of his family.  That tactic seems to work very well to shut people up.
    I include here an article from November 27, 2008 that we posted on Fourwinds at that time that is still pertinent. "The American People Demand to Know:  Who Sent You?"  The media, the military, the U.S. Supreme Court and the politicians are all silent on this issue.  Why?  They say nothing because they are all participating in this Dark Plan to destroy America, the hope of Goodness for our world.  May they not succeed!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
REF:  "The American People Demand to Know:  Who Sent You?"



#2  (Reply)

----- Original Message -----

From: Kathy

To: Bellringer

Sent: Monday, May 02, 2011 12:50 PM

Subject:  K,, Who Sent Obama


Hi Mr.Bellringer,,

In regards to Hello Central Obama's Fake Birth Certificate,,

In the Article "Who Sent You",,,hmm

I can answer this,,the same EVIL that used my from birth to store there Permanent Records,,with planning and discussions via Mk Ultra,,

The Rothschild/CIA is the answer to "Who Sent You".."Who Sent Obama"...

As they have used all MSM'S to communicate,,give orders,etc,,along with planning years and decades ahead..

We could mentioned how they zoned me into O/Oprah,,then move to the current,,,the company that advertised  "The Big O.."

There putting a President in power with tanned skinned was also discussed,,

As God has aided me in removing the Trauma with the words in my memory it is harder to recall everything instantly..

What I'm saying,is that I'm sure there's additional evidence of "Who Sent Obama"..

I also think there is caution in regards to Obama at this time as he is in the position of President..and that the All Mighty may have a block on additional information that was stored in my memory...

May Peace Fall Upon the Lands