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'HELLO, CENTRAL!' COSMIC CYCLES ! (Updated 4/8/11)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: TH

To: <>

Sent: Friday, April 08, 2011 8:27 AM

Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


 It appears that some writers/observers are maybe spreading fear, or rather trying to. I am not suggesting that this venue be a part of this fear mongering. What brings me to question other commentators so to speak are the claims that the recent earthquake deluge befalling Japan, was/is being caused by HAARP activity. This does not sit comfortably with me at all. One of the reasons for this is the prevailing 18.6 year Super Moon Cycle activity (the last of which falls on the 20th April) is the most obvious reason, adversely affecting this wondrous planet where we live. If one was to backtrack 18-19yrs from end 2010 to beginning 2011 then would you believe that extreme weather patterns, are prevalent with these deductions. Also cyclic earthquakes seem to run conjunct with this Lunar phenomenon.

 If one also takes into account the recent Solar Flare activity then we appear maybe to have a double whammy this Lunar cycle round. Also I am led to believe that our Sun is at the end or close to the end of an 11, 1,100 and 11,000 cycle (and the whammies keep growing). So why therefore are some observers of current crisis, blaming human tampering. I just thought I\'d run this passed you eh.

 Much love from a curious Aussie!


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  TH
DATE:  April 8, 2011
 Dear TH:
    Thank you for your well founded comments.  Yes, Cosmic cycles are a very real part of Earth Shan's life and of her present transition into fifth dimension.  She creaks and groans, as her tectonic plates move to allow the rising of the continent of Lemuria in the Pacific Ocean, and the rising of the continent of Atlantis in the Atlantic Ocean.
    Great areas of our present land  mass will again be submerged under the salt waters for cleansing in exchange for the new lands rising from their ocean cleansing  The lunar and solar effects on Shan are a constant that cannot be changed by man, nor can they be ignored.  We need greater wisdom to understand our constantly changing planet and greater appreciation of her.  For eons she has provided for our existence, while we have nearly killed her.
    It is time, indeed, for her to do major cleansing to save her life.  We are presently experiencing only the beginning of this cycle.  I am sure the Darkside is trying many technologies to upset our planet, but nothing works.  To cover these failures they use propaganda to continue the production of fear-energy by the people, for without negative energy they could not function.
    Be wise, my friend, as you continue to discern the signs of the times.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#1  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----

From: CC



Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2011 8:56 PM

Subject: Hint given by Sananda for time of evacuation


You've mentioned many times that only mother Earth knows when the great planetary changes

will occur. Of course you are correct, but I just thought of something - Sananda gives a hint in one of the Phoenix Journals for the time of day it will happen. In "Spiral to Economic Disaster" pg. 73 he mentions that in California great numbers of ones shall find themselves swimming in their beds and the whirlwind shall catch them up. Thus, it must happen early in the morning on the West coast (yes, I live in California and am trying to stay on the light list)! There is also a symbolic message here.

Many people that live in the in one of the most technically advanced areas in the world

will perish in their beds because they have been spiritually asleep their entire lives. Thank you.



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  CC
DATE:  April 8, 2011
Dear CC:
    Thank you for your comments.  Sananda also said that some will be working in the field or grinding grain, when evacuation occurs.  Because we live on a planet of day and night, many people are sleeping while others are awake.  Therefore, evacuation shall affect people at all times of the day and night.
    Just be sure to have your "suitcase packed"!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer