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Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: RT

To: Bellringer

Sent: Friday, April 01, 2011 3:28 PM

Subject: Atomic Weapons Soul Destroyer?

Greetings again Anne and Patrick,

Since the Japan episode began the fear quotient has soared due to the radiation threat that, to an educated spiritual person poses the greatest threat of all, soul matrix destruction. Now over the many years of my study of all things esoteric I have developed the belief that a nuclear blast will destroy the integrity of the soul matrix which is akin to the second death.

Now I have had an argument with my mate over this idea and she is addamant that no such destruction could be possible to a soul caught in a nuclear blast. I have also heard that as the soul is shattered and spread over a large area that it is not impossible for our Mother/Father God to bring these shards back into oneness again and that not a soul is lost ultimately. I googled this and came up with all kinds of philosophic answers and much contention.

As I live on the West coast it has affected me greatly to have to stay here and succumb to this kind of death as is projected by my understanding of these events and I feel trapped. I wish to run to a less destructive area but my spirit voice has told me to stay put here on Vancouver Island. At any rate I could not afford to flee anywhere else from here and I must be honest and say that suicide seems more appropriate than radioactive death of the soul. If I am gone from this plane in the event that atomic destruction occures it would seem the better choice to evacuate this body rather than the other choice of anhilation.

I have recently seen it written that Iodine 131 may degrade the physical body plus its genetics but leaves the soul unaffected but an Atomic blast degrades and shatters the matrix. Is there any clarity you can provide on this possibly from the Phoenix Journals or from your connection to Sananda or Aton? Did the Atomic blasts in Japan in 1945 destroy all those thousands of souls completely, irretrievably. One blogger said something about people discussing how they were killed in the blasts and here they are in another lifetime. This is likely of interest to many folks struggling along trying to maintain as best they can.

This is a huge question but I trust your voice in all this and will follow your lead. In Love and Light,  RT


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  RT
DATE:  April 5, 2011
Dear RT:
    Thank you for your letter and your concern over nuclear destruction of the soul.
    My understanding of this subject comes from what has been written in the Phoenix Journals from Creator God Aton/Hatonn.  It is nuclear fission, the splitting of the atom that scatters the soul essence.  Fission does not destroy the soul essence, but scatters fragments of it into the Cosmos, so that it takes much time and effort for the Force of Light to gather and re-construct the soul again.  That is why Creator God has ordered no more use of nuclear fission on Shan for evil intent.
    Today we are facing the earthquake destruction of the Japanese nuclear power plants and the releasing of nuclear radiation to the entire world.  It is my understanding that nuclear radiation does not destroy the soul essence, but that it destroys the human body by destroying living cells.  You are quite right in that a soul, once created by Creator God, can never be destroyed by any means other than to be uncreated by Creator God.
    I understand your concern about living in an area that may have a higher exposure to the nuclear radiation coming from Japan.  As an enlightened person, you do not need to feel "trapped".  If you have asked for protection from all evil technology and entities and energy, and believe that you have it, you do.  Doubt and you do not!  Do you think that Aton is not capable to protect you?  By fleeing, do you think you will find a "safe" place?  Of course, we are to be responsible to help ourselves as best we can, and the Forces of Light will do the rest.
    The whole world is under attack by the Dark Forces,and the whole world is now exposed to serious nuclear radiation from Japan.  The problem would have been much worse,had not the Forces of Light already neutralized much of the harmful effects of this disaster.
    Yes, many souls were fragmented and scattered in the U.S. nuclear bombing of Japan during W.W. II, and yes, some have returned to experience again in this present 3D lifestream on Shan.  Just know that we can be protected from both nuclear fission and nuclear radiation of all kinds, if we but ask, and believe.  Be in peace and hope!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#1  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----

From: AS

To: <>

Sent: Sunday, April 03, 2011 4:13 PM

Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


 Hi Patrick and Anne!

 Hope you are both in good spirits! Was thinking about whether the starships can stop the radiation now  leaking and spreading to other areas. Does the Supreme High Commander have  to wait to see how worse it may become. The enlightened higher beings I  assume have the advanced technology to save this world from this nuclear  crisis.  What is to happen to life here if the Light Forces do not come to help us?  Will Mother earth take care of this problem?

FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer

     TO:  AS

DATE:  April 5, 2011


Dear AS:

    Thank you for writing.  The Forces of Light have been here since the 1930's,and they are helping to neutralize the radiation from Japan at thistime.  Without their help the world's people would be dying everywhere from this problem.  Mankind is not allowed to genocide the people.  That is Creator God's prerogative, and He does not do that, ever.

    Mother Earth is dying and shall soon begin major earth changes to cleanse herself and save her life.  She has that right!  Then Sananda shall evacuate "his flock" to safety.  Be in peace!

                            In Love and Light,

                             Patrick H. Bellringer

#2  (Reply)

----- Original Message -----

From: FB

To: Patrick Bellringer

Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2011 1:18 PM


Hi Patrick,

I would like to add a very important observation to this topic, to be sure that all are convinced of the protection of earth by our friends out there.

Think about the approximately 2000 nuclear bombs that have been exploded all over the globe for nuclear tests since 1945, in the pacific ocean in the atlantic ocean, in many places in siberia and other places.

Does anyone seriously believe nothing has happened to prevent this radiation from becoming too deadly for all living things on earth. I mean we had more than 1000 nuclear bombs blasted in the oceans. This in my humble opinion is more than enough to make all oceans in the world very radioactive! Yet this is not what is observed. How come?

The only three things I can think of that would have prevented that radioactive contamination worldwide are:

- assistance from the Forces of Light

- human intent (we can reduce radiation levels just by wishing it, it has been proven)

and maybe super charged water has been poured in the oceans to clean them. But super charged water (or energised water, whatever name is used) is also something we can make with our intent easily.

So that leaves me only with two options: assistance from the Forces of Light and human intent.

I don't think we have much to fear about the event in Fukushima, think about it, the dark ones are loosing badly! What is their best way to hang onto this planet? Induce fear in us, so that they have some 'food' to remain alive. In the past they had 9/11 and terrorism, now that doesn't even work anymore, so they have to use other things, like that Fukushima incident.

And if you want proofs that it's not that bad, just watch this:

it's a Geiger counter live in tokyo, it's always around 20-40 cpm, not perfect, but not really dangerous either.

I had also seen the other day on the french news:

Reporters went inside the restricted 30km area and measured 4 millisiverts, also not any problem there.

The news media are really making too much out of this story. Don't watch the TV too much and just enjoy life, be happy and love unconditionally, that's the best we can do to help.

You remember all these failed shuttle launches some years ago, for ludicrous reasons always, apperently some pipes for the fuel had holes, some pieces were missing from the shuttle... The excuses were just plain stupid! They flew well without any incident for so long and then suddenly all failed?

The Forces of Light are watching over these events and taking care of the most dangerous problems, I know it won't be any different in this case, the nuclear plant won't explode, nothing really bad will happen.

The most important thing we need to do is shine our light. (and not descend into fear, which is what the 'dark' ones need to survive)

Love and Light



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  FB
DATE:  April 6, 2011
Dear FB:
    Thank you for your letter and wise words.  I have often asked myself, "How did anyone in the U.S. survive all the radiation fallout from the nuclear testing done at the "Nevada proving grounds" in the 1940's and 1950's?  The answer, as you say, is clean-up assistance from the Forces of Light.
    Creator God Aton has shown much mercy to the foolish people of Shan.  It is no wonder that Shan is dying.  We send her healing energies!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#3  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----

From: T

To: Patrick Bellringer

Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2011 2:33 PM

Subject: Subject: Atomic Weapons Soul Destroyer?

Subject: Atomic Weapons Soul Destroyer?

People who are into Astral Projection often comment on looking back, while out of body, and seeing a silver cord connecting their spirit to their relaxed body lying on the bed below them. This is done so often, and by so many people these days that it is considered a fact. What most don't see is the golden cord that is also there.

There are a series of books written by Tuella that talks about these two cords, and I read them around 1986. Project Evacuation was the first book, and On Earth Assignment is the second one. I'm thinking the second book is the one talking about the cords, but don't quote me on that. Anyhow, they have told the people here to not use nuclear energy, or nukes. Because there is NO SAFE WAY TO DEAL WITH THE RESULTANT RADIATION. They have warned people here since the 50's, and obviously no one has listened. You only have to look at the map of nuclear installations all over the USA to learn that our government really doesn't care.

Then they went on to explain in clear detail that the only way to kill the human soul (the real you) is by a direct hit from a nuke. Translated, this means that all the people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, they just don't exist anymore. Those in the area that survived the hits and were walking around in shock, it was because they were feeling the effects of the radiation. They soon died, within days or months. It will take CENTURIES to fix them, and lots of hard work. It is not an east task to fix that mess. And it isn't a sure thing. Many die spiritually anyhow, if they can't be fixed.

So, yes. A direct hit from a nuke will kill the human spirit. This is well known on all other planets. That is why nukes, and nuclear energy, have been outlawed on all other planets. They know how bad it is, and don't use them. May I repeat this. Earth is the only planet that still has nukes, BECAUSE ALL OTHER PLANETS HAVE OUTLAWED THEIR USE.

They have warned us repeatedly since 1945 about the dangers. Do you remember how some bright man decided to set off a nuclear explosion in the upper atmosphere? I can't quote the exact date, but it is in the books I mentioned. They actually had the idea to set one off up there, to see what would happen. To see what would happen!!! I mean, how stupid can you get??? They had the warnings, they had seen first hand what happened on the planet. But no, they had to blow one up in the upper atmosphere.

THAT was when the Federation stepped in and cleaned up the mess we'd made, because of our stupidity. Had they not stepped in back then we would all be dead now. WE WOULD ALL BE DEAD NOW.

When you explode a nuke in the upper atmosphere, it spreads out and covers the whole planet. The natural currents carry the radiation everywhere. The dirt, water, plants and animals all get radiated. Radiation kills!!!

Do you have a microwave in your home? It is killing you slowly. Get rid of them, if you want to live.

ALL nuclear plants and bombs will be removed from this planet after NESARA. We will become part of the Federation, and it is their law to get rid of them. So, expect this to happen. We are the only planet, of literally billions, that still has it.

Now do you all understand how important this is? Nukes kill the golden cord, your connection to God. Thereby killing you. One direct hit from a nuke, and you no longer exist. That's just how it is. There is no taking it back, no saying you are sorry, you made a mistake. The people from Nagasaki and Hiroshima no longer exist.


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  T
DATE:  April 6, 2011
Dear T:
    Thank you for your comments on nuclear reactions and nuclear radiation.  As I have said earlier, man is not allowed to destroy the most vital part of a souled-being, the soul essence.  By nuclear fission or by particle beam/scalar technology man can cause a fragmenting and scattering of the soul essence, which is Light of the highest order, but to utterly destroy it, he cannot.  The soul essence of Light can only be returned to nothingness by being uncreated by Creator God Aton of Light.
    In Phoenix Journal #33, "Murder by Atomic Suicide", Violinio Germain and Hatonn/Aton explain that there are twenty-two metals that are essential to the process of producing soil from rocks.  As such they are part of nature's "death process" and should never have been removed from the earth.  Uranium is one of these metals, and by concentrating it and tapping its' "death energy", man has put himself and all life in jeopardy.  In a sense the nuclear radiation problem we face today from Japan is Karma for all mankind.
    A second point of clarification is that there are one hundred and seventy-eight billion life-supporting planets in the Milky Way Galaxy alone, which is the Seventh Super-Universe or one-seventh of the Cosmos of Creation.  These planets are in many stages of development, many are 3D planets, and many support evil beings using nuclear as does Shan.
    It is true that Satan and his troops destroyed many planets, including Mars and Venus with nuclear, before being locked down on Shan, as their jail planet by Creator God Aton.  It is also true that all the planets of our solar system have graduated into 5D and have enlightened beings living on them at this time, except our planet, Earth Shan.  Shan is the only planet in our solar system that still has "nukes".
    All this 3D foolishness shall be removed from Shan in her coming cleansing cycle, as she, too, graduates into 5D (Heaven).  May it be soon!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
 #4  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----

From: F

To: <>

Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2011 4:06 PM

Subject: Hello Central Atomic Weapons

In your article you said nuclear fission (splitting the atom) does not destroy the soul essence. A fission bomb was used on Japan during WW2. Maybe it is simply a matter of semantics but is that also true for nuclear fusion which is the process used in modern thermonuclear explosions?  I have learned it is not wise to make assumptions.

Also, how could the Milky Way be one seventh of the cosmos of creation (one super universe)?  The Milky Way is only one galaxy.  There are millions of galaxies in the known universe.

Thank you for all you do.


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer

     TO:  F

DATE:  April 7, 2011


Dear F:

    Thank you for your questions.  Yes, nuclear fusion has the same effect upon soul essence as does nuclear fission.

     The Milky Way Galaxy is  in fact the seventh one of the seven  super-universes that compose the entire Cosmos of Creation, but has been mis-named as a galaxy out of ignorance by modern day astronomers.  We live on the free-will 3D planet called Shan or "planet of tears", which resides within the Nebadon Universe of which Aton of Light is the Creator, and Nebadon resides within Orvonton, (the Milky Way Galaxy) the seventh Super Universe.  There are thousands, not millions, of galaxies or star clusters within our Nebadon Universe.

    There are also more than 178 billion life-supporting planets in addition to billions of non-life-supporting planets in Orvonton, the Seventh Super Universe, mis-named the Milky Way Galaxy.  You may wish to refer to the astronomy section of Bellringer's Corner for more information on this subject.

                            In Love and Light,

                            Patrick H. Bellringer

REF:  Bellringer's Astronomy Section: