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Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: KH

To: Bellringer

Sent: Sunday, March 27, 2011 11:24 AM

Subject: I think our ET friends need to make an exception to their rule.

Patrick... in ref. to the above mentioned url... this is an example of why I am so fed up with the tolerance of the antics of the elite. Our military members, who have agreed to lay their lives on the line for us, are taking orders from people who do not deserve their high status in that very military. It sounds like the highest ranking people in charge deserve to be impeached and court martialed.Who would be able to do this?

Our brave soldiers are being ruined and misused ..... all for the selfish and illegal gains of the most evil vermin on Earth. Their treason goes all the way to destroying the very planet on which we all survive.

This situation is so deep, so wide, and so entrenched I find it hard to imagine finding a solution to correct all the wrong they have perpetrated upon us, and this beautiful planet, short of complete annihilation of all life. Is that what is in store for us?


 FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  KH
DATE:   March 29, 2011
Dear KH:
      What is in store for us is the tipping of Mother Earth on her axis to cleanse herself of all the toxins and negativity of this most evil of civilizations to live upon her.
    Our brave soldiers are mindless trained killers, who do whatever their puppet masters demand of them.  Our planet is no longer beautiful and pristine, but trashed to the maximum.  All life is dying, their air is polluted, the soil wasted and toxified, and the oceans filled with oil and floating plastic garbage dumps.  There are at least thirty wars at any one time on Shan, with increasing use of depleted uranium by the U.S. and British Zionist armies, including the present invasion of Libya.
    Greed, deceit and violence are in all nations of the world, as the best have become the worst to build an evil Empire equal to none in Shan's long history.  Poverty, starvation, sickness, homelessness and violent death are the rewards reaped by the masses.  They struggle against great odds for freedom, for justice, for food, for peace, for a life worth living on a dying planet, for what end?
    Our ship is sinking, but few take notice.  Our planet is breaking up, but people dance on the cracking sidewalks.  The volcanoes spew ash and lava, but the people curse God for having to leave their mountain homes.  For years we have worked and waited for the NESARA Mission to be completed, for the fall of the Dark Cabal, for abundance to be restored to the people, for freedom and justice and liberty to come to the masses, for balance and harmony.
    Will it yet happen?  I do not know!  We hope!  As Lightworkers and Truthbringers, we never give up.  We keep on with our mission for as long as it takes.
    Should those in authority, such as the U.S. military, who have failed to act for Goodness, be impeached, court martialed?  Of course!  Who would be able to do it?  The U.S. Supreme Court, the World Court, and the World Tribunal all sit above the U.S. military and are in the position of authority to act, but will they?  I do not know!  It is a matter of freewill, but as they fail to act, our "starship" is spinning out of control.
    Some may think I write of gloom and doom.  No, I write what is real, and I believe time has run out for this last 3D civilization on Shan.  Too many foolish games have been played for ego and not Goodness, that Shan cannot wait much longer. The sorting is done!  The people have chosen, and great Karma awaits many.
    In the last play, Shan dumps the evil, Sananda collects his flock and the Light wins.  Be in peace and hope!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
P.S.  Please watch the video "Post Cards from Hell".
#1  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: K
Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2011 8:33 PM
Subject: Special K


Hi Mr.Bellringer and Anne,,
I think of you often and I can see your still paying attention to events in the World..
I think your comment above on how it will be is correct,,
I asked God last week if the evil would be arrested in 3D,,,A couple days later I woke up and remembered some of my night..
Because there are so MANY criminals,many with multiple charges, websites were going to list the criminals and there charges,as it would take to long in front of a podium..
I took this as an answer to my question to God...that in 3D the evil will be taken down..
I watched the Postcard movie,,the cows across the road from my house have a better home,better food,,better everything,,hmm
I think it's good if men are arrested in this 3D life stream before Mother Earth twists and Jesus comes...
It will be an awakening to many souls and it gives corrupt souls a chance to wake up..Sometimes a big shock can do this,,(Parring they have one)
It would also mean the 3D souls of light won over the dark ...
I want you to know I think of you guys often..
We shall meet some day..
May Peace Fall Upon the Lands
#2  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: DP
Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2011 4:17 PM
Subject: RE: what is in store for us?
Greetings Patrick and Anne,

“Somehow at this time, I realize from direct experience that there is, indeed, an enormous Cosmic evolutionary step that is occurring all over the world right at this moment.” ~~Anne, English Teacher, citizen of Sendai, Japan

I KNOW in my heart that we can do it. I KNOW we can take this next leap to The Brave New World...NOW, as humanity is literally teetering at the brink of obliteration, IS THE TIME. No more wating for THEM to do something about it! It is clear...THEY will do nothing, except to fight to their very last breath. And, besides, as Einstein reminded us...”You cannot solve a problem from the same consciousness that created it. You must learn to SEE the world anew.”

And who are THEY, anyway? (Could it be that, in the great quatum holographic reality, they are another part of ourselves, playing out upon an illusory screen of our own projections.) If so, then it is time to see a NEW choose another ending to this long, tedious that brings peace, harmony, love to one and ALL....

Time to take charge, look within and make the leap. ...

It is urgently clear that we have exhausted all resources and hope of “rescue”....with the nuclear fires burning behind, below, above us...the Satanic forces closing in with ever more virulent plans to strip us of our freedoms, our liberties, our lives, and our very sustenance upon our God-given planetary home....these wolves are howling frantically in the near distance, and there is only ONE WAY go WITHIN...and to take the LEAP!

We WILL fly...we've just forgotten our WINGS of liberation, freedom, sovereignty, illumination!

Can you feel it? Can you feel this great surge of REMEMBERING sweeping the planet?

My Mom, a quiet spiritual Master, once said...”This is how I feel The Grand Shift will happen: Suddenly, in our hearts, not just a few will know, but ALL will know. There will come a Great Knowing within us, within everyone...We will be AWAKENED to a Higher Knowing. And from this newly illumined place, a midwifery of collective consciousness, our shared prayers will begin to heal ALL...the sickness, the wars, poverty, environmental destruction, uffering and violence.”

We ARE spiritual masters, healers, visionaries....POWERFUL beyond measure. Our biggest block is ourselves....and our mis-qualified beliefs of being small and insignificant.... about The Truth of who we REALLY ARE!

The precipice we now all teeter upon brings limitless potential, boundless expansion, infinite Light!

I can FEEL this occurring, NOW all around the planet. I can feel it in my cells, my tissues, my organs, bones...I can FEEL it within me...bubbling up like a fresh underground spring, ready to spill out through our cities, towns, to come as a healing balm upon our suffering planet, and to bring a warm soothing caress to the hearts of all who are READY!

We NOW wobble upon the edge of total annihilation, or a flight into a NEW REALITY of Peace, Harmony, Freedom, Truth. A world where ALL will be regarded with the honor of their true Divine birthright....LOVE!

Will YOU take the leap with me?!? COME take my hand....we WILL soar as a flock of Doves, to the Golden Land within our hearts....!

1.....2......3.......NOW...........LET'S FLY!!!

Infinite Love, ALL-ways,


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  DP
DATE:  March 30, 2011
Dear DP
    Thank you for your letter.  I post your letter as an example of the philosophy that is misleading many good people today.  Your theory goes against what Creator God Aton of Light has said in the Phoenix Journals and against Cosmic Law.
    Indeed, are we  taking "an enormous Cosmic evolutionary step that is occurring all over the world at this moment?  There is an awakening to the Karma we have created, but are we leaping into "The Brave New World"?  Is there an "Awakening" to a "Higher Knowing" with everyone?
    How can that be when three-quarters of the masses are human clones with no God-connection, because they have no soul?  Is Creator God now giving them a soul?  Are we now to awaken from this "long, tedious nightmare--to heal ALL, the sickness, the wars, poverty, environmental destruction, suffering and violence", and bring "peace, harmony, love to one and ALL"?  And this is all done by thought adjustment?
    Are you saying that through our prayers and good intent, we can build a "Brave New World", a Kingdom of Heaven on Earth?   This raises many questions.  How do you remove the evil, so as not to repeat the negativity of history?  How do you change the hearts of all human-kind to effort to live The Laws of God and of Creation?  This theory to restore our planet and her people to a 3D world of right living is a great way to keep people tranquilized and living in The Lie.
    I repeat what I have said many times.  Esu Immanuel Sananda has stated in the Phoenix Journals that our planet, Earth Shan, is beyond reclamation.  Due to the destruction, poisoning and negativity that her people have done to her, she is dying.  By Cosmic Law at the end of each civilization Shan goes through a cycle of earth changes to cleanse and restore herself for the new 3D civilization to come upon her.
    The present cycle is now different.  Shan has been granted her request to transition into 5D, where no evil is allowed.  The Heaven on Earth or The Brave New World of which you speak, shall be, but it shall be in the fifth dimension.  During this transition into 5D, all of 3D and all evil shall be removed from Shan, before she is restored to her former glory.  That is Cosmic Law.
    It is an individual choice to live The Laws of God and Creation and create Goodness.  Goodness of the heart does not come by magic, by a burst of "knowingness" or enlightenment, sweeping the world, as a great wake, and suddenly all is made new and good and clean.  An awakening to a "Higher Knowing" comes individually through one's desire to know Truth, and through one's God spirit within.  There is nothing magic or mystical about Truth and about the Cosmic Plan for our time.
    Yes, when souls awaken and join together to create Goodness, they can make a difference, but we are not here to save our world, only to save ourselves by right living.  God Aton shall save His world and us along with it, if we so desire.
    May we so desire!  Be in peace!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#3  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----

From: T

To: Patrick Bellringer

Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2011 7:40 PM

Subject: postcards from hell comment...

"This situation is so deep, so wide, and so entrenched I find it hard to imagine finding a solution to correct all the wrong they have perpetrated upon us, and this beautiful planet, short of complete annihilation of all life. Is that what is in store for us?"

You need to understand that, as Patrick says, 80% of these people who are on earth Shan, they're clones. Clones don't think like we do. Their primary focus is what they want. They have been trained to do only what the Illuminati want them to do. So when it comes down to it, we are the positive last thing on their minds. They couldn't give a damn what is good for the country, the people, the animals. They are going to do what they want, nothing else. They have no compassion. They could do what BP did to kill the oceans, and not care a bit. The list of things they have done is long and clear. Very long.

How can most of the real people not see it? The 20% that is us, do see it. But what can we do? We keep fighting them, but there are so many to fight. Are they still making clones? I don't know. But it feels like we get rid of some, and they are replaced soon after. We haven't fought a war like this.

It brings to my mind the Clone Wars in Star Wars, probably for a reason.

What we need to remember is who won. Yeah, us.


#4  (Reply)

----- Original Message -----

From: K

To: Bellringer

Sent: Friday, April 01, 2011 4:00 PM

Subject: Special K

Hi Mr.Bellringer,,

In regards to T's comment under Post Cards from Hell,,he had some correct points but on this comment I wanted to clarify..

"They could do what BP did to kill the oceans, and not care a bit. The list of things they have done is long and clear. Very long."

There are some mis understanding on Clones..

We have the souled,we have the soulless (who are born from the womb from soulless parents),,and the many types of clones who are soulless (man made people)..

As one of this countries most Mk Ultra'd victims who was surrounded by many clones from birth,,this is my observation..

They could program me to leave the house at 9:00 am..

If I had a phone call coming in at 9:00 I would think,,this is rude/inconsiderate,,and they may not let me borrow there hammer next week..

The Clone would think,,"They may not let me borrow there hammer next week"...this is consequences..

All the Clones I have known and there has been many, would never Blow up the Gulf and then Poison the water as they were taught consequences..

I may steal a cookie but I would never rob a store,,,I was taught moral conscience and consequences..

But stealing a cookie was a very low moral wrong in my thinking and consequence wouldn't be to painful...

The clones I have known wouldn't even rob a store let alone the BP situation...

Clones that were involved with the BP were raised with no consequences,,as some souled and soulless children are raised in the same type of environment....

This is why the evil has had a hard time getting some clones to accept the deeds done by there original souled or soulless look alike,,as many have been raised in an environment that taught them more consequences, therefore resisting the transfer of corrupt or evil deeds,,

I have to admit when I stole that cookie my upper most concern was the consequences (price I would pay) either in getting yelled at or a spanking over "it's wrong to steal"...


There are also some clones that work hand in glove with evil men and don't need any programming assistance..

As far as fixing Mother Earth with so many without a caring button,,hmm

Just look at what the Evil Souls,Evil Clones and Evil Soulless have done to Mother Earth,Mankind and Everything Living for the answer.

I keep telling God,,"I need a care button in my fellow man"..

May Peace Fall Upon the Lands