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Patrick H. Bellringer

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----- Original Message -----

From: AM

To: Bellringer

Sent: Monday, March 21, 2011 12:49 PM


Dear Patrick:

In the ending of the time for this civilization, is it wrong to ask the Forces of Light to help stop the error messages about man made earthquake weapons when so many other things are going on?

According to Esu Immanuel Sananda, each one is either about Our Father's business or not. Each one either lines up with Truth and the Laws of the Creation or they remain in the Lie. No half way house.

There is an issue or set of issues with people who continue using the “old story line” about earthquake weapons being used by the D.C. criminal syndicate or other such syndicates around this globe. Creator God Aton has a “no-fly zone” too! This has been in place sometime now. For how long I do not know. His “no fly zone” set as a safety net around Earth Shan, eliminates any weapons of mass destruction that could shatter soul essence. Am I correct in this understanding? This zone includes the HAARP waves, since they rely on the ionosphere at almost 700 miles into outer space. This is way past His “no- fly zone”. No one has been able to play the HAARP for several years. The mis-takes of the Atlantis experiments in the ionosphere will not be repeated. Are there any updates to this zone, this gift of intervention? In your understanding are the depleted uranium and plutonium weapons on the protection list? Can they also damage soul essence?

Today there are 703,000 stand alone references to “weather weapons and the Japan quake” @ Google. In a random selection, the majority reference goes to Ben Fulford. Some others, of certain notoriety, telling this story of “weather weapons” include Hugo Chavez, Ron Paul, Tom Heneghan, and Alcuin Bramberton. It is quite evident, otherwise, that the many CIA alternative sites are really pushing this one right now. It is my understanding people such as these will be held accountable for mis-guiding others, that is keeping them in ignorance to Truth, intended or not, which is the preferred choice of the Khazar Satanists news machines. Keep people in the dark and keep them in fear. Is this understanding correct?

It is also quite noteworthy that references to Earth changes, the natural occurrence of shifting tectonic plates, movement through the photon belt, the cleansing that Mother Earth is going through in order to move Herself to 5D, and all other Natural Cycles built into The Creation are, well, totally absent in these varied messages and message machines! Do Satan's Drummer's still have that tight of a reign on all such news sources?

In Love and Light,


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  AM
DATE:  March 23, 2011
Dear AM:
    Thank you for your letter.
    As a Lightworker here on Shan, you have the right to ask anything you desire of the Forces of Light.  I believe the disinformation about man-caused earth changes is being done deliberately to keep people unaware of the Truth of Mother Earth's re-birthing process now taking place.
    The Darkside has always said that if they couldn't win, they would do everything in their power to take as many people as possible with them to their Dark demise.  Those today proclaiming that the present earthquakes and weather anomalies and volcanic activity are man-caused are either unenlightened and speaking in ignorance or are employed by the Dark Energies to present disinformation.  Everyone must choose what they will believe based upon their spiritual discernment, but Creator God Aton of Light has a Plan, too, and the Darkside can no longer run ramped on Shan.
    Yes, you are correct in that Creator God Aton/Hatonn has set a limit of 150 miles beyond which the Dark Cabal can not go with their evil technology into space.  God, too, has a no-fly zone!  God does not make updates to His edicts.  To my knowledge depleted uranium is not on the "protection list".
    Sananda has said that the blind leaders of the blind, that is, those who lead others away from the Truth shall reap multiplied karma in comparison to their followers, especially those, who do it intentionally.  There are still very few cracks in the lying media through which the Light of Truth is shining.  Satan's Drummers are desperately trying to keep their media troops in line, for they are lost should Truth break out to the people.
    Believe me, a tsunami of Truth is about to sweep Shan/planet earth.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer