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"Hello, Central!" Tell Me About Crystal Energy, Crystalline Body Cells And Crystalline Inner Earth Cities

Patrick H. Bellringer

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5D. Knowledgible people of the day say that our bodies will be changing from carbon based cells to crystalline cells. I would like to know exactly what that means if you can explain it. Many chemical substances occur in crystalline forms - sugar and salt for instance, after you evaporate out the water - but I have a hard time imagining the cells of my body taking on a crystalline form. I don't relish the idea of dehydrating myself just to "go crystalline." Maybe I'm still thinking in 3D.

Also, I have seen mention made of crystalline cities of Inner Earth and that crystals are a source of power. What is a crystalline city? How does one derive power from crystals and in what form is that power? Is is electrical or heat or what?

Many thanks for your time in reading my letter. Love and light and blessings to you and the family.



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Nov. 15, 2005


Dear JM:

Thank you for your letter and very interesting questions.

Crystals emit cosmic/Light energy from the higher dimensions. This energy is utilized in many ways to give constant sunlight in underground dwellings and provide energy for heating/cooling, cooking, growing underground gardens, etc.

Crystalline-celled bodies will allow us to utilize the high frequencies to give us Light Bodies, which use Light for energy rather than chemical energy from food. We will, for example, drink "liquid Light!" Light bodies require very little rest, maybe three hours a day, can levitate, pass through 3D mass (walls) and move by thought. Crystalline cells have nothing to do with the 3D concepts of dehydration or rigid cell walls. In fact, a Light Body would be invisible to 3D eyes.

Think big, my friend! Your coming world will totally amaze you.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
