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"Hello, Central!" Could You Explain More About the U.S. Bank's "Bird Flu Test"?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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hospitals or fireman or paramedics were involved in this pandemic exercise, but the banks? Is this cover for the change over so they have a reason for confusion they may be dealing with? This would coincide with the Global Banking changes as of Oct. 1. If anyone has insight into this, it would be you. Could you give us your thoughts on this? Thank you for all you do to light the way. K


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Sept. 27, 2007


Dear K:

Thank you for your letter. You ask a very wise question.

The banking "bird flu test" is supposedly a means to see, if the banks can keep running with their employees ill with "bird flu". The U.S. government has already tried to spread bird flu to parts of China and failed. The Forces of Light are stopping such actions at the present time.

Yes, this "test" is partly being done to provide a reason for the confusion in the change-over to a new banking system, but more importantly to create fear among the bank employees, which will spread to the general public. Fear provides the negative energies the Darkside uses to continue to operate.

Send them Love and Light, the positive energies which neutralize their power.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer

NOTE:  The article "U.S. Banks Undergo Largest Ever Test of Finanacial Systems" is located at: