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Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: WM
To: "Bellringer" <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2011 11:58 AM
Subject: End times?.

 Greetings, old Warrior.

   I'm hoping this finds you both well, and in good form.   It would seem from our limited perspective on the kludge and chaos  that is now taking place in the world, we  are marching toward a owo prison and the extermination of 4 or 5  billion people. Given the multi pronged efforts toward this end, it seems inevitable that we are to  experience this. Given that we have been told, that there will be no overt Divine intervention, It would seem that  our only hope would be that Gaia finally gets sickened enough to dump the whole mess. Anyway it sure seems something is about to happen. What please, are your thoughts on all that is happening.

                                                                                    Thank you.         In love and light.             WM.


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  WM
DATE:  March 9, 2011
Dear WM:
    Thank you for writing.  I do not agree with your statement about no overt Divine Intervention.  We had great intervention in 1998 and it has been on-going and increasing since then.  Creator God Aton/Hatonn had made it quite clear that man does not have the prerogative to kill off mankind.  That is only Aton's prerogative, and He does not destroy his Creation.
    We have been assured that no martial law shall be allowed in the U.S., the concentration camps shall not be filled with "We, the People", and no evil One World Order shall ever be consummated on Shan.  That system is disintegrating badly and the Dark Forces are in panic.
    Many signs are indicating a major change to Goodness soon, and our planet is shaking badly, as she makes plans to roll over in her re-birthing.  It is always darkest before the dawn, my friend, and we are there.  The light wins, always!  Keep hope alive for our New Day a-coming!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer