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Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: P


Sent: Friday, February 25, 2011 9:58 AM

Subject: easter, christmas

Hi Patrick,

It has been a long time since we last talked. I have a question that I believe you answered before not sure anymore. My memory is not so good these days.

I lost info on my old computer so I can not look it up. My husband and I never use to keep christmas, easter, halloween because after many years of research we found them to be pagen holidays.

My husband does read some of your articles. So often he runs across where comments are made on these holidays as if you keep them. As if Sananda supports them. My husband finally made a comment last night “ they make for compelling arguments and seem to come across as the most logical truth” “Then i see that Sananda and the journals support Easter and then I have to stop and question” He said this after finishing the article “In days to come” by Ashtar.

Why is this? Christmas and Easter have nothing to do with the life and example of Jesus Christ. Why does Jesus Christ/Sananda and yourself support this?

I want to use this time to thank you and all those who put this website together. I know it is a major expense and work load. Now that my husband is working we will try to help support this work. My daughter left an abusive husband and now has a baby and is trying to go to school to support herself and her baby. She had some gov’t support then they just cut her off and left her high and dry on the streets if you will. Or that is where she would end up if we were not able to help.So we are now supporting 2 households. I thank God for providing work to my husband when it truly was most needed. It is a blessing and miracle in such an economic unrest society to find work. I pray daily for this work and the Host of heaven to help us. I know it won’t be much longer.

In light and truth



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  P
DATE:  Feb. 26, 2011
Dear P;
    Thank you for your letter.  For the record Esu Immanuel Sananda and the Phoenix Journals do not support Easter or Christmas as you suggest.  They refer to Santa Claus as Satan Claus and Easter as the highest blood cult day of Christianity.  The birth of Esu Immanuel was not on December 25 but on August 8, 8 BC.  Christmas is a pagan holiday but was chosen by the Jews to fool the Christians.
    Easter celebrates the Jews attempt to murder the Truthbringer Esu Immanuel and stop him from revealing their lies.  The resurrection lie is the greatest lie ever told to the people of Shan.  The intent behind what we do is what is important in measuring our spiritual growth.  As Creator God Aton/Hatonn says, Christmas and Easter may be occult holidays that you celebrated in ignorance, but now that you have knowledge of this Truth, you can celebrate them for the sharing and giving and receiving and love expressed, when families come together, because they care for each other.  It matters not what others think, but what you think about what you do.
   Holidays can be times of fun and joy for children and adults alike, as they share their plans, problems, hopes, and dreams, receiving recognition, honor, encouragement and wisdom from one another.  Doing things together, whether it be playing, gift giving, singing or just talking and listening has great spiritual value in soul growth.  If for no other reason, holidays have great value, for they provide a time and a reason apart from the daily schedule, for families to re-unite and celebrate life.
    It is in this context that my family observes these or any holidays.  May you do the same.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer