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Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: RO
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 12:54 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


1. I can't believe you are still peddling Casper's crap.

 2. I can't believe we are this close and you are still devoted to the dark money (Patrick & Anne) and still with all of the proof from so many sources that Abundanthope and OITC are CM's Mission, that you have such messed up Ego's that you are still peddling your vision. Amazing what the dark has done to you.


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  RO
DATE:  Feb. 16, 2011
Dear RO:
    You make foolish statements, my sister, because you have fallen under the spell of disinformation and lies, without the ability to discern Truth.  You error in thinking that CM (Christ Michael) is of any importance, other than a concocted name by the writers of The Urantia Book, and later pedaled on the Internet by disinformation agent Candace Frieze.
    You error in calling Casper's updates, "crap", because you do not understand this information is not for the general public, but for the Farm Claim and Prosperity Program recipients, and for certain targeted people.  If you are not one of these persons, then these updates are really none of your business and should be of no concern to you.  If you are one of these people and consider these updates to be "crap", then you are a fool and do not deserve any of the forthcoming funds.
    You error in calling the money held by Creator God Aton of Light and the Forces of Light for use by the Lightworkers in these "End Times", "dark money".  Anne and I understand your frustration and bitterness, if you are not in the receiving of these funds for Goodness.  They are to be used by people of good intent for the purposes of good intent.
    Again, you error in thinking there is proof of Goodness and Truth in OITC and in Abundant Hope (lessness?)  The proof is quite the opposite.  Years ago Global Family demoted Dr. Ray C. Dam for his inappropriate behavior in committing fraud in Thailand.  Now, recently, there is a repeat of such behavior.  Secondly, charges have been made by several countries of corruption by OITC in their relations with this Global Family low level funding entity.  OITC has misled many people with disinformation.
    You error in thinking that Abundant Hope really offers hope and Truth to the world.  Jupiter was supposedly to have blown up years ago and formed a second sun, but for some strange changes in Candace Frieze's imagination, that event is always delayed.  The same is true for this so-called "stasis event".
    We live on a planet of freewill, where we live under the Cosmic Law of Non-intervention.  We would not have freewill, if outside forces and entities usurped that freewill.   Yet, we are to believe that we are to be put to sleep (stasis), against our freeewill, and the Angels will clean up our mess and make everything right, before we wake up and live happily ever after?  Cosmic Law says, "we reap what we sow",  we have consequences (Karma) for what we do, and we are held accountable for our actions.  In other words, we must clean up our own mess.
    This same theme runs through the Christian Cult.  Some "Man-God" was killed and his magic blood makes everything alright.  Bolderdash!  And you say I have a "messed up Ego", and Casper writes "crap"?
    I suggest you get a second outside opinion, preferably from a higher source to know Truth.  I repeat your closing statemnt, "Amazing what the dark has done to you".  This is not a threat but only a statement of Truth.  Over these many years anyone who has come against Anne and me and the Truth we present has gone far, far away!  Ponder that carefully.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer


#1  (Reply)

----- Original Message -----

From:  A&CM

To: Bellringer

Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 5:35 PM

Subject: RESPONSE: Hello Central/Casper's Crap

Dear Patrick,

We appreciate your educational approach in this reply to RO and support the stance in Truth you take concerning all the areas covered.

Every moment offers teaching/learning experiences in this classroom Planet Earth, and it appears at the crossroads of these moments that RO has projected upon you and Anne the Lie of her own dark night, which becomes a painful reckoning.

This exchange reminds us of some words of Wisdom from Hatonn written in a Wisdom of The Rays article from 06/07/01:

"As with any and all ones who try to help awaken humanity, you will have critics along the way. This is natural and to be expected. Learn to allow each their own path and freedom to express as they see fit. Send these critical ones Light and Love in return for their compulsion to attack. This will help you to avoid any unnecessary karmic baggage.

Most often the ones who attack do so out of jealousy, mores than actual animosity or anger. These ones are also frightened that you may be moving ahead without them, and so they often get frustrated that they have chosen a different path. Deep down inside they wish they could turn back the clock and choose differently. Their attacks upon you only affirm their own insecurities and inner emotional state of unbalance and unrest".

In this Light, May RO find Peace and Truth Within,



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  A&CM
DATE:  Feb. 17, 2011
Dear Anton and Cynthia Miller:
    Thank you, dear friends.  You are loved and appreciated for your wisdom.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#2  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: RO
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 8:58 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


 I love your threat Patrick: "Over these many years anyone who has come against Anne and me and the Truth we present has gone far, far away!  Ponder that carefully" dark are you dude Patrick? CM & Esu speak to me everyday (well most days as they are very busy getting ready) Your website will be taken down soon also. I used to speak with Germain alot, now it's just CM and can just tell by your energy signature that the channeling's that you and Anne display are not pure. Take care.


 FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer

      TO:  RO

DATE:  Feb. 17, 2011


Dear RO:

    Again you error in your thinking.  The Truth from the Phoenix Journals that we present is not channelled anything, but direct communication via short wave radio from the Pleiadian commandship, The Phoenix, from Esu Immanuel Sananda, Creator God Aton (Hatonn) and the Ascended Masters.   This method was used to avoid human error in mental translation and interpretation, as is common in channellings such as you receive.

    What part of "this is not a threat" do you not understand?  This was a factual statement for your edification.  You need to learn to appreciate facts and rely less on your opinion.

    I find it interesting that you continue to attack the messenger to avoid dealing with the Truth  Our mission is to present Truth freely to the world, and you can do with it what you so choose.  Hopefully,you will listen to your God Spirit within crying out for you to wake up before it is too late to do so.  Creator God Aton of Light is never too "busy" to hear your call. Your so-called Christ Michael god must be quite limited in his abilities, if he is unable to communicate at all times with his creations.

    Fourwinds is not going anywhere, for we have complete and permanent Divine Protection, and the mission to present Truth one last time to the "four corners of the earth".  If that were not so, we would have been gone years ago from attacks by the Adversary.  Fourwinds shall be here until our Mission has been completed.

                            In Love and Light,

                            Patrick H. Bellringer

#3  (Reply)

----- Original Message -----
From: T
To: Patrick Bellringer
Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2011 4:07 PM
Subject: Response to RO.....

From: RO

To: <>

Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 8:58 PM

Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


I love your threat Patrick: "Over these many years anyone who has come against Anne and me and the Truth we present has gone far, far away! Ponder that carefully" dark are you dude Patrick? CM & Esu speak to me everyday (well most days as they are very busy getting ready) Your website will be taken down soon also. I used to speak with Germain alot, now it's just CM and can just tell by your energy signature that the channeling's that you and Anne display are not pure. Take care.



I would rather listen to Casper and Patrick and Anne any day, than your weak posturing and incessant lies. Do you have any idea how many things 'abundant hope' has told the people that have not come to pass? And I'm not putting them down to say this. I'm just stating a fact.

Plans change, thing happen beyond our control, and just plain sh*t happens. No one person is to blame for any of this that has held things up the past ten years! We didn't want this mission to go on for so long. It just couldn't be helped. And Esu, St Germain and Hatonn/Aton would be the first to tell you this, if you were listening!!! So just back off, take a deep breath, and stop putting the blame on Patrick and Anne. They are just the messengers, and you are trying to shoot the messenger.

Chill out. Everything is going pretty much as planned. No one ever told you this was going to be easy. Trust me, I know very well it hasn't been. None of us, worth our salt, has had an easy time of it. And the closer we get to the end, the harder the lessons get. That is just the way this works. From your childish rebuffs, I'd venture to say you might flunk, and have to go back to school again, wherever it ends up being.

The definition of Messenger is Angel. Think about it. They have already earned their wings. They don't have to be here, they chose to be here. And clearly, nothing you say will change their minds about this, not after all they have been through already. Angels will continue doing their jobs to the end, quietly, not trying to draw attention to themselves. They are a million times stronger than any Energizer Bunny!!! I can guarantee that. They just keep going, and going, and going!!! Watch and learn. That's how you get the job done. (NOT wasting your time putting others down and acting superior!)

I'd rather listen to Casper any day!!! He womps all over you.


#4  (Reply)

From: AM

To: Bellringer
Sent: Friday, February 18, 2011 1:26 AM
Subject: Re : Messages transmission

Dear Patrick ;

In your yesterday’s reply to RO about “STILL PEDDLING CASPER'S CRAP”, you told him that the messages that you present are not channeled anything, but direct communication via short wave radio from the Pleiadian commandship, The Phoenix, from Esu Immanuel Sananda, Creator God Aton (Hatonn) and the Ascended Masters and that this method was used to avoid human error in mental translation and interpretation as it is also mentioned in the Foreward of Journal N° 3 by God Aton.

For my understanding, how was the process for receiving the messages?

Does that mean that God Aton Esu Immanuel Sananda and the Ascended Masters were speaking and the receiver was hearing their voice through a radio device?

Or were the messages recorded in a voice recorder and later the receiver was typing the messages on a computer?

Sorry to annoy you with this technical question but if one day I will have to stand in front of a public audience and would be asked, I’ve better know the reply.

Many thanks for your help.

In Love and Light.


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  AM
DATE:  Feb. 18, 2011
Dear AM
    As you know, Doris Ekker was Dharma, the receiver for most of the Phoenix Journals.  Hatonn placed a radio receiver in her head/brain by which she heard the messges being transmitted, like having a "third ear".  By this short wave radio method Doris heard live, direct speaking to her, which she instantly typed on her computer.  If she made an error, she was corrected in real time by the speaker of the message.
    Thus, there was no interpretation or other influence by Doris that would have altered the message in any way.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#5  (Reply)

----- Original Message -----

From: RP

To: <>

Sent: Friday, February 18, 2011 7:07 PM

Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


 Hello Patrick,

 yesterday i read this-

The Truth from the Phoenix Journals that we present is not channelled  anything, but direct communication via short wave radio from the Pleiadian  commandship, The Phoenix, from Esu Immanuel Sananda, Creator God Aton  (Hatonn) and the Ascended Masters.   This method was used to avoid human  error in mental translation and interpretation, as is common in  channellings such as you receive.

 and Today -post/Korton

 this- - -... \" However, it is necessary to have scribes that can receive  that kind of information with complete openness and those are difficult to  find already prepared, thusly we spend many hours, the sender and the  receiver, practicing and working to open the receiving abilities in order  to achieve that goal.  Dharma is a most adept and proficient receiver.> Would that we had more of that ability, and we strive to come to that goal  as quickly as possible.  This receiver is most anxious to reach that point  now that she sees that, that kind of clarity is possible.  It does require  a dedicated being that is willing to have their entire life disrupted and  reformatted to be available almost constantly and that is not an easy  decision to make for it leaves little of personal life and interaction for  friends and family.  It is indeed a serious decision to come to that  point.  Human beings of that caliber are few and far between and this  receiver has long resisted this commitmen! t because of seeing a lack of the point of it.  Time will tell if she is  there now or not.

 They Sure Seem To Contradict Each Other please  WHY WOULD DHARMA NEED PRACTICE TO HEAR A SHORT WAVE RADIO??





 R P.

FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer

      TO:  RP

DATE:  Feb. 19, 2011


Dear RP:

    Thank you for your question.  Please read the "Foreword" to Phoenix  Journal #3 by Hatonn/Aton.  From day one Doris Ekker received messages via  short-wave radio, but to do so, she had to be "a most adept and proficient  receiver".  She had to practice focusing her attention on what she was  hearing and not allow any distractions to cause error in her listening  ability and accuracy in typing on her computer what she was hearing.

    To receive messages by short-wave radio is not a mechanical process, for  one must be totally focused to maintain accuracy.  Clear channeling requires  this same integrity, which few have the ability to do.

    What I said was a repeat of what Hatonn/Aton said in the "Foreword" to  Phoenix Journal #3, and which properly understood, does not clash with  Korton's statement.

    I trust this answers your question.

                            In Love and Light,

                            Patrick H. Bellringer



#6  (Reply)

----- Original Message -----
From: Candace Frieze
Sent: Friday, February 18, 2011 6:12 PM
Subject: your published letter
Hi Patrick, what did I ever do to you to deserve this crap your post about me?   Now Jupiter did happen, and NASa even took it's baby pictures shortly thereafter.  SOHO Pick of The Week  Take care, Candace


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  Candace Frieze
DATE:  Feb. 19, 2011
Dear Candace Frieze:
    The Truth does hurt, even when you shrug it off as "crap".  My years of teaching science and study of astronomy tells me that your imaginings that Jupiter has blown up and formed a second sun is definitely "crap".  The NASA data and picture to which you refer show a corneal mass ejection and the moons of Jupiter in time lapse photography.
    Both common sense and the words of Creator God Aton of Light tell us that should Jupiter blow up, as you claim, and form a second sun, the various forces and gravitational vacuum created would destroy our entire solar system.  As the greatest planet in our solar system, Jupiter's gravitational "pull" keeps our solar system in balance.  Without it, the system would disintegrate, and the planets, and our earth included, would be flung into space. 
    Creator God does not destroy!  He creates!  People are laughing at your foolishness.  May you learn wisdom.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer