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'HELLO, CENTRAL!' TO GO OR NOT TO GO! (Updated Feb. 15, 2011)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: RO
Sent: Sunday, February 13, 2011 8:01 PM
Subject: Hi Patrick Rose

Hi Patrick.

We are going to HI in early July. Are we going to make it or should we leave all behind and go now? Seriously. I know you know. I saw hte second sun on Friday nite at sunset. My friend saw it Sat nite.


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  RO
DATE:  Feb. 14, 2011
Dear RO:
    Creator God Aton says no one knows the time of Mother Earth's tipping on her axis to do major cleansing.  Only Mother Earth knows.  We can read the signs of earth changes, weather anomolies, etc. and know that time is short, but how short is still a question we can not answer.  Aton uses the word, emminent, meaning at any moment.
    We are to be responsible for our own well-being and make wise choices, and trust our intuition, our gut feelings and what our heart, not our brain, is telling us to do.  As you know, no where on Shan is safe, when she "blows".
    Are you sure you saw a second sun?  During cold weather ice crystals can form and reflect the sunlight on either side of the sun to form "sun dogs", which people wrongly think are a second sun.
    May you be guided by wisdom and the Light of Truth.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#1  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: TM
Sent: Monday, February 14, 2011 1:55 PM
Subject: RE: To go or not to go
Hello Patrick,

In response to the email you recieved about the 2nd sun along with the picture that was posted on  Is the reader refering to the rainbow colored ball being the 2nd sun?  On 1-21-11,  I saw a rainbow colored ball in the sky and just a few days before that my 5 yr old son said he saw something in the sky that looked like a rainbow, but wasn't a rainbow while we were driving.  On 1-21-2011 I took a picture of the sun on my I-Pod and in the picture I could see something smaller than the sun and was round and blue.  The blue ball would show up in the picture, but with the sun being so bright, I wasn't able to see it with my eyes.  Feel free to post.


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