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'HELLO, CENTRAL!' OUR DYING PLANET ! (Updated Jan. 11, 2011)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: AM

To: Bellringer

Sent: Sunday, January 09, 2011 8:25 PM

Subject: Is the Dark side in the last phases of it's own insanity?

Dear Patrick,

This week between the staged Arizona murder of a Federal Judge, the shooting of an Arizona Congress woman, the other shooting victims there, and the surmounting world wide death of birds, fish, and humans ever on the increase, plus the evermore erratic behavior of the puppets

still doing the bidding of the corporate mafia controllers via the Washington District of the Dark side in the last phases of it's own insanity?

It is challenging to determine who is overplaying or underplaying the hand concerning Phosgene and other bio-chemical weapons. Not too long ago Colleen Thomas reports that chemtrails are over with and now states all life is under ultimate chemtrail attack by the rogue shadow government operating within US military. How is it that the US military can spray these phosgene cocktails around the globe simultaneously? Why is it blackbirds are killed in one area but not another dead zone by the same chemicals? One day the person issuing the Faal reportclaims phosgene in Arkansas and the next day it is toxic killer clouds sent by solar wind. I have not found any reporting about natural causes or the affects Mother Earth is going through in travail through the photon belt other than as stated at Most others seem focused on speculation or outright propaganda which can keep the Dark side junkies flowing in their addictive mojo... Is all this the same old smokescreen to divert our attentions from the transition of Mother Earth and our own transitions/spiritual growth?

In Love and Light,



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
    TO:  AM
DATE:  Jan. 10, 2011
Dear AM:
    Oh, thou Great One, thou doest so much thinking!
    Is the Darkside in the last phases of its own insanity?  Yes!  As Hatonn has said, "The Titans are fighting themselves and will destroy each other".  These are their "last days (daze?)" on Shan.
    There are various reasons for animal life dying, and there is much Internet spin also on this subject.  I spoke with a close friend/healer this morning, who said he and other healers were seeing people having "zero ground" electrically, and dying.  Apparently, changes in the earth's electro-magnetic system causes low frequency people to "ground out" and die.  He suggested that was also happening to animals.
    There is no question that the earth's magnetic poles are shifting today more than ever.  Scientists say the north magnetic pole is moving 40 miles per year toward Russia, and airports such as at Tampa, Florida have had to close and change their guidance systems and markings for airplane landings.
    We know that farmers periodically poison birds to save their crops, and that gases and toxins released from gas and oil fields kill birds and fish.  The movement of the earth's crust is increasing, which causes changes in electro-magnetic forces, fracturing and releasing of toxins, and changes in static electricity.
    All of these can affect life on Shan.  The quartz deposits in places like Arkansas under pressure, can create static electricity in mega volts.  Burried landfills, chemcial dumps and nuclear waste sites can release toxins, when the earth moves, and changing electro-magnetic forces can upset the guidance system of birds, and the elctro-systems of animals in general.  We are also told that poisonous  Phosgene gas is being sprayed in chemtrails worldwide and killing both animal and human life.
    Yes, these reports can serve as a "smoke screen to divert our attention" from Shan's activities.  Discernment is the key to finding the Truth in our "smoke-filled" atmosphere.  We petition Creator God Aton of Light for protection of all life on Earth Shan, as the Darkside experiences its ending play and ultimate demise.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#1  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----

From: AS (Airy Focused)


Sent: Monday, January 10, 2011 10:28 AM


I would like to refer you ALL to this blog.

This is a clear channel of Comte de Saint Germain, totally non-profit therefore without any EGO, and also filled with RECENT answers.

All of the channeled content from higher realms that I have seen on this site so far are from years ago. This channel delivers messages daily, and the messages are Love and Light filled.

~Airy Focused

FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  AS (Airy Focused)
DATE:  Jan. 10, 2011
Dear AS (Air Focused):
    Your ignorance is showing.  You are totally wrong about "channelled" messages on Fourwinds.  Hopefully, you are aware of the Phoenix Journals, the basis for spiritual Truth that we present.  Read the FOREWORD to Phoenix Journal #3, Space Gate, and learn Truth.
    Are you suggesting that Fourwinds is "for profit" and filled with ego?  Wrong----again!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#2  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----

From:  AS (Airy Focused)

To: <>

Sent: Monday, January 10, 2011 10:04 AM

Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


 I am not here to ask a question, but to leave a comment. This is a private comment, meant for the administrators of this website. If it goes public i do not mind, but it is from me, one individual, to you, whoever you are. I appreciate the collaborative effort to be a source of Gnostic wisdom on your website, but I do NOT appreciate the deliberate misconception of Mother Earth events. I do NOT believe Patrick Bellinger to be a clear channel, since he needs recognition in his posts. Clear channels do not need nor want to be recognized, therefore a signature would not be present. This is Mr Bellinger\'s EGO working. I lend heartfelt compassion and send love energy to those individuals who ask in full confidence their spiritual questions and receive static-filled answers. Peace to you

FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  AS (Airy Focused)
DATE:  Jan. 11, 2011
Dear  AS (Airy Focused):
    What does "Airy Focused" mean, like "air head" or wind bag or something?
    Thank you for your ego-generated assumption that Fourwinds deliberately misrepresents the events of Mother Earth.  To my knowledtge this one you refer to as Patrick Bellringer has never channelled nor has ever claimed to channel any messages or information whatsoever.  I challenge you to do careful research of the writings of this character you call Patrick Bellringer, especially of the "People of the Lie" series and the "Hello, Central" forum.  You will never find any reference to his channelling anything or any statement by him or by any other person that anything posted on Fourwinds was channelled by him.
    You most certainly have the right to your ego-generated opinions and assumptions, but knowing this character you call Patrick Bellringer as I do, I would say that he cares not one wit about such baseless and unwise thinking.
    I notice that you are very careful to protect yourself by being non-specific in your criticism of any specific material you claim to be channelled by this character, Patrick Bellringer.  That is most wise, because should you be specific in your criticism of his so-called "channellings", knowing his ego, Bellringer would probably "rip you to shreds" with his writings and leave you psychologically impaired for the rest of your presently unenlightened life.
    In fact, Bellringer can become emotional to the point of physical aggression.  I once saw him swat a fly on the dinner table right in front of his "first lady", and on Sunday, no less.  Speaking of writing, I have a secret to tell you.  Bellringer has these magic pens.  I have seen them, and when he writes, his "first lady" says, "Aton sits on the end of his pen and creates mystery in the words, that automatically flow from it."  It's strange, but these magic pens don't seem to work that way for anyone else.  I really think this is not channelling, do you?  Anyway, I ramble.....
    I, too, feel sorry for those poor misguided souls, "who ask in full confidence their spiritual questions and receive (from this character, Bellringer) static-filled answers".  May they find proper spiritual guidance to correct Bellringer's errors, and at the end of their pilgrimage on this earth, truly rest in peace.  For your information I do not know of any administrators of this website other than this character you call Patrick Bellringer and his wife, Anne, who are the sole operators and owners of Fourwinds.
    Patrick is an author, writer, if you wish, and the editor of Fourwinds, and is required by proper journalistic protocal to attach his name (with no ego involved to what he writes for the purpose of identification of the author.  Readers think one is quite rude not to do this.
    Mostly, when Bellringer receives negative energy letters, he does not write with his magic pens.  He just sits and thinks and sends out positive energy and the Angels of Light to the person, who wrote it.  He says that does more good than anything.  I guess he's right.
    Anyway, I trust this is an adequately "static-filled" response to your mis-guided letter.  May you, too, rest in peace!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer