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Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: M from Persia
Sent: Thursday, January 06, 2011 12:11 AM
Subject: Question
Hi Mr.Bellringer,

Have a question i hope you can answer for me, starting Jan 1 2011 until now i've been experiencing something i haven't felt before. I've been having this vibrating tingling sensational feeling over my head and body. i can't explain it for my health and just about everything is in good shape and healthy. what is this? i am open to any suggestions or ideas you might have for me.

thank you


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  M from Persia
DATE:  Jan. 6, 2011
Dear M from Persia:
    Thank you for writing.  Our Mother Earth is experiencing increasing earth changes that are affecting all life on our plaent.  Electro-magnetic forces are causing birds and fish to die in many countries.  These forces affect your aura and your electro-magnetic (nervous) system as well.  This often causes the tingling sensation you feel.
    Secondly, our planet is constantly shaking, and very hard in some locations.  People are reporting vibrations that have not occured before, where they live.   The vibraitons you feel may also be from earth movement.  By focusing carefully on these vibrations, you may become aware of their source.
Just know that, if you have asked for Divine Protection and believe you have it, you do.  Then you are in safe-keeping from all harm.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#1  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----

From:  K

To: Bellringer

Sent: Thursday, January 06, 2011 8:41 PM

Subject:  K

Hi Mr.Bellringer,,

In regards to, Hello Central,Vibrating,Tingling Sensations!

This has been happening to me also, except it started a little before Jan.1st..

I can also feel like I'm moving forward or lifting up..The last time it happened it was Extremely Strong/Heavy and lasted longer than usual.

I wondered if it was lift off time..

For some reason I couldn't figure out what you meant by this statement,

"By focusing carefully on these vibrations, you may become aware of their source."

Source of light or dark.

Last time this happened I was sitting at the computer and it happened when these words were said in a movie,

"When Johnny Comes Marching Home Again,Hurrah,Hurrah",,

May Peace Fall Upon the Lands


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
    TO:  K
DATE:  Jan. 7, 2011
Dear K:
    Thanks for writing.  "By focusing carefully on these vibrations, you may become aware of their source".  I meant determining if your ground or house was plysically shaking, or receiving an answer by meditating and asking your God spirit within, etc.
    We do have the means to find the answers to any question we may have.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Belrlinger

 #2  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: M
Sent: Friday, January 07, 2011 3:06 PM
Subject: Re: Question
Hi Mr.Bellringer,

Thank you for posting my question unto your website,I'm sure there might be some readers out there who might be experiencing this and didn't know what this means.(I hope this helped them as it did me) now after reading your reply Mr.Bellringer i have rather two more questions that if you don't mind answering,it would be very much appreciated.

My first question is: Mother Earth with her increasing changes especially her Electro-Magnetic force-fields that is effecting all Life on this Planet, will this in someway effect the soon to be arrival of the Evacuation Beaming Process that will soon be underway?

My second question is: I've been using the Pendulum and asking for my Spiritual Teachers a question as to what time this Evacuation might occur, i managed to be given a date on Nov 29th 2011 at around 8:30 pm. now i don't know if this might be accurate or not due to the fact that Mother Earth and the Higher Realms truly knows, but my question is do you believe that this Evacuation might occur sometime this year given the fact things are changing at a alarming rate? .

Well thank you again Mr.Bellringer for any help you can shed into this.


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  M
DATE:  Jan. 8, 2011
Dear M:
    Rest assured that the evacuation crews are very experienced and prepared to deal with any electro-magnetic force field changes or other anomalies Mother Earth may offer to challenge their evacuation process.  The timing of such an event is all up to Mother Earth's decision.  Even Creator God Aton of Light says He does not know exactly the moment of this happening.  Any dates given by anyone are only guesses based on their observations.
    I can say that the signs all point to soon, like this year.  We keep to our mission until we leave.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
  #3 (Reply)              
----- Original Message -----
From: JD
Sent: Saturday, January 08, 2011 3:39 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


 kundalini awakening does things like that as your brain is been charged with  energy of the same substance that your higher self is made of.


 Accept it and thank the powers of light for the gift.


 as for the 'coincidences' you will have many from now on, as it seems that your environment responds to your  inner thoughts.

 > regards JD