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Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: DB
To: "Bellringer" <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2011 10:00 PM
Subject: Re: How to Kill Goyim and Influence People

I keep coming back because I find it unbelievable that so much of your material is enlightening and a good message but the messages about the Jews are filled with hatred - the message below says I hate them - that is as clear as it gets. That is not knowledge or creativity which is light and love - how can you call yourself a light worker when you are disseminating hatred rather than knowledge when it comes to the Jewish people - this is not serving anyone - the Illuminatti agenda is terrible however it does not do any good to hate them - to know and to stand up to them is one thing - hatred does not solve anything - it only creates more negative energy. I keep coming back because I see the hatred on your site and because you are calling yourself a light worker I am challenging you to take a look at something that needs to be healed.   Peace


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  DB
DATE:  Jan. 5, 2011
Dear DB
    Law number twelve of the Laws of God and Creation says, "You must not judge (condemn) others, but you must wisely judge all behavior and actions which are contrary to the Laws of Balance of God and The Creation".  (Phoenix Journal #27)
    The article "How to Kill Goyim and Influence People", we posted recently on Fourwinds, reveals both the hatred and the actions of Jews against the goyim (non-Jews).  We have an archive of hundreds of articles on Fourwinds about the evil actions of the Zionist Jews and of the Jewish community in general against anyone, who is a Gentile (non-Jew, goyim).
        We also have an archive on the Israel/Palestine conflict in Gaza and the West Bank, which reveals the horribly inhumane activity of Israel against the Palestinians.  The Talmudic Jews believe in and openly teach the killing of the goyim.  The Torah Jews are more covert, and believe and teach the same privately.  Their Kol Nidre excuses them from all evil actions against the goyim.  Creator God Aton has said that these people are the scourge of the earth.
    The second article we posted recetly, "Not Zionism, not Judaism, Jewishness is the real threat," is the one with which you take issue.  This was posted on Rebel News website, author "Your Aussie Rebel", opinion from Australia.
    Yes, this writer says, "I really don't like Jews.  In fact, I hate them".  Then he goes on to qualify his statement by saying, "They represent everything that is wrong with mankind.  They are hypocritical.  They are a fraud.  They lie.  They cheat.  They rape,  They exploit.  They are genocidal manic-depressed psychopaths.  They are scum".
    Later he says, "some Jews seem like decent human beings, but more often than not, that's just a facade".  As I perceive the intent of this writer, I believe him to be judging the actions and the behavior of Jews as being evil.  I condemn no one, but I certainly agree that the actions and behavior of Israel against non-Jews is evil and all those who support such are of evil intent.
    I would hope that any enlightened person would see the Truth in these articles and not slip into the lie of anti-semitism.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
REF:   1.   "How to Kill Goyim and Influence People: Israeli Rabbis Defend Book's Shocking Religious Defense of Killing Non-Jews"
            2.  "Not Zionism, not Judaism, Jewishness is the real threat --"
            3.  Phoenix Journal #21 "THE PHOENIX OPERATOR-OWNER MANUAL"
#1  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: JN
Sent: Wednesday, January 05, 2011 11:52 PM
Subject: IS FOURWIDS10 now promoting HATRED
If Esu Jesus Sananda is about Love and Light how can FOURWINDS10 allow such a hate filled document as:

"Not Zionism, not Judaism, Jewishness is the real threat" (Januray 5, 2011) be allowed to be published on the FOURWINDS10 website?

I was deeply disturbed but the contents of this article The venom and vitriol contained in this article was revolting

While I am no fan of the State of Israel I found this article repugnant and disturbing This article promotes Hatred and Racism

Who vets the articles that are published on the FourWinds website? Who allowed this heinous article to be presented at FourWinds10? I am deeply disturbed by this article and my respect for FourWinds10 has fallen sharply as a result of its inclusion for publication on the FOURWINDS10 page

Can you please explain to me why this article was allowed to be added to the FOURWINDS10 page

How can anyone who claims to be a Light Worker publish an article that promotes hatred?

Looking Forward to your reply,


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  JN
DATE:  Jan. 6, 2011
Dear JN:
    I suggest that you back off and get your emotions under control, and then read this article with objectivity.  The author is really saying that he hates what the Jews are doing to destroy our civilization.  If you cannot get past the first line of this article, you have no basis to make commentary.
    In the final analysis the Truth does hurt!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#2  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: JW
Sent: Thursday, January 06, 2011 9:31 AM
Subject: Hello Central 1/5 11 jews
From ; JW

Having been born a jew, attended hebrew school,bar mitzvhah the works, I have found a whole new insight thru the  Phoenix Journals and have begun my journey Home, truthfully most jews have no idea why they defend judiasm,

regardless of their level of education, I myself deep inside never felt comfortable in a jew enviroment,they are in my 54yrs of observation as a jew a most detestable arrogant and self serving group of people, they only give charity out of massive guilt,in the hope of buying salvation and then continue in their arrogant lifestyle. The Truth will always be denied because That is the religion of judiasm , yesterday,today and into the future. Writing this gives me no sense of satisfaction, I just feel it more of a duty that I am compelled to share with whoever will read this, notice I have not hidden my name as most who are shameful of the words they print and try to hide in  righteous shame .

Sincerely ; JW

#3  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: DB
To: "Bellringer" <>
Sent: Thursday, January 06, 2011 1:03 PM
Subject: Re: How to Kill Goyim and Influence People

 Thank you for the clarification. I agree that All hatred must be addressed for what it is so not to descend into racism and "anti- anyone" There are many people who hate and it is an energy that many came to Earth to heal. There is a fine line to exposing hatred  - the intention must always be to heal not to fuel the flames.



#4  (Reply)
 ----- Original Message -----

From:  JS

To: <>

Sent: Friday, January 07, 2011 10:51 AM

Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


 Regarding the article: 'HELLO, CENTRAL!' 'YOUR MESSAGES ABOUT JEWS ARE FILLED WITH HATRED' (Updated Jan. 6, 2011)

 I did\'t get a sense the author was PROMOTING hatred, but rather EXPOSING what these people are up to. BIG DIFFERENCE! Sometimes the truth hurts! This kind of truth NEEDS to be exposed! As evidenced by the dozens of articles exposing their activites, they deserve to be exposed at every turn, for they have NO PROBLEMS promoting HATRED, VIOLENCE, and MURDER against Gentiles. It will be vey interesting to see how it all plays out once the BIG EXPOSURES come out for the WHOLE WORLD to see, not just Fourwinds readers. I have a feeling they'll change their tune!

 Please keep up the good work! We need it, whether some realize it or not!