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Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: R
Sent: Saturday, January 01, 2011 9:49 AM
Subject: Questions About The Gulf oil Spill
Hi Patrick,

This may be long, but please bear with me. My family and I were living in Florida when the Gulf oil spill happened and I guess our faith failed us and we moved to Kentucky(out of fear). We left because we started reading about the toxic air and water and the possibility of the canyon caving in and causing a massive 60 ft. tsunami that would wipe Fl. off the map. We are still reading reports of people dieing down South from exposure to the air seafood and water. We see scientist on the news saying that people are sick and have oil in their bodies.

My question is, do you think it is safe at all to move back to the panhandle of Florida? We loved it there and miss it, but do not want to be in a dangerous zone of Corexit, benzine and a possible cave in of the sea floor. We also have heard that the oil spill still has not stopped. Is it safe and are the Galactics cleaning it. We fear for others also. I hope my questions are clear. We miss Florida!

In Love


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  R
DATE:  January 2, 20111
Dear R:
    Thank you for your letter.  Based upon Earth Shan's progress in saving her life and the massive cleansing to occur, as she makes her transition into 5th dimension, Hatonn says, "no place on our planet is safe".  You ask about returning with your family to Florida.  If no place is ultimately safe, does it matter where we live?
    Yes, I believe it does.  We are to be responsible for our welfare and that of our family.  We are not to knowingly put ourselves and our family in harms way and expect the Angels to protect us, as they cannot interfere in our foolish freewill choices, our lessons and resultant karma.  We have been given reason (common sense) and our God Spirit within to guide us.  To do otherwise is not wise, and leads to mistakes from which we learn to make better choices next time.
    I cannot tell you what to do.  I can only give you advice.  Is Florida as safe as Kentucky?  Is the air less toxic in Kentucky?  What does your family want to do?  These are quesitons you must consider.  If it is a matter of you returning to Florida, go, but your family returning to Florida is a whole different ballgame, for you as the father (and your wife, the mother) are held responsible for the welfare of your children.
    Ponder the choices and the outcomes, my friend, and go with the advice of your God Spirit within.  What is your gut feeling?  What is your heart (not your head) telling you to do?              
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer