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Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: C
Sent: Wednesday, December 29, 2010 10:26 AM
Subject: Dear Mr. Bellinger
Good morning!

I came across one document posted in your Phoenix Journal Archive (#27)

The message in {The Laws of God and the Creation} or {The Laws of Balance} seems

quite interesting to me.

Here I have one question about these eighteen "laws". In the PDF document, you listed

18 laws and added somewhat lengthy description for each law.


What is the original source of the eighteen laws? Do these laws come from any ancient

Egyptian (e.g.Akhenaten)? or Gnostic texts? If so, please let me know its original source.


Or are they a totally new revelations? If so, who is a narrator (Aton? Saranda?) and

who is a receiver (you?) of the revelation? and when? (your PDF file says it was published in 1993

and it was your 3rd edition.)




FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  C
DATE:  Dec. 30, 2010
Dear C:
    Thank you for your letter and questions.  We honor you for your desire to know Truth
    The eighteen Laws of God and Creation were given to mankind many times in history.  Esu Immanuel (Jesus) Sananda brought these Laws to us 2000 years ago, but today only ten Laws remain in the "Holy Bible", and these have been distorted.  So, Creator God Aton of Light has given to us one last time these Laws again in  Phoenix Journal #27 for our enlightenment.
    Hatonn/Aton answers your question of how they were received in the Foreward to Phoenix Journal #3 "Space Gate".  The Pleiadian Star Fleet has come to assist our Earth, Shan, in her transition into fifth dimension.  The Command ship is the Phoenix.  Esu Immanuel (Sananda) and other Ascended Masters are aboard the Phoenix with Commander Hatonn.
    The 241 copies of the Phoenix Journals were received by radio transmission from the Phoenix by Doris Ekker in Techachapi, California during the early 1990's.  These journals were not channeled, but were accurately received by direct radio wave transmission and recorded accordingly.
    These Laws of God and Creation are Cosmic Laws, under which the entire Cosmos operates.  These Laws are absolute and cannot be changed, regardless of what man may think.  We are to learn to live these Laws to the best of our ability in order to graduate out of third dimension and into fifth dimension (Heaven) along with Earth Shan.  This is planned by Creator God to happen very soon.
    I hope I have answered your questions.  May you find the Truth you seek.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#1 (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: C
Sent: Thursday, December 30, 2010 2:06 PM
Subject: Re: Dear Mr. Bellringer
Dear Mr. Bellringer,

Thank you very much for this quick answer. Can I ask two more questions?


Among 18 commandments, the first 10 laws seem same (or quite similar)

with Moses' 10 commandments and the rest 8 laws look new. So did Aton add

these 8 laws which has been lost for long time? Please let me know.


When I saw these laws a few days ago, I thought they were from an ancient Egyptian text

by Pharaoh Akhenaten because his God was also called "Aton/Aten".

But I found there is no such an ancient text describing Aton's (or Akhenaten's) messages

like these {18 laws of Aton}.

So are these 18 laws nothing to do with Akhnaten? I am just curious.



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  C
DATE:  December 30, 2010
Dear C:
    I shall try to answer any serious question you may have.
    To answer your first question of why there are only ten Laws in the Old Testament, I need to give you some background.  The story of the Israelites in the Old Testament is just that, a story. The Zionist writers took the history of the Sumarians and re-wrote it, as if it were theirs.  This fake Moses supposedly received these altered ten Laws from God Jehovah Satan, leaving out the other eight Laws.  Jehovah Satan would never want the people to know the whole Truth.  Remember, this is a story with no historical accuracy. You may wish to  read Phoenix Journal #50 p. 80 and following for further information about the Sumerians.
    The ancient Sumarian civilization was truly enlightened.  The Sumarians located in the area of the junction of the Tigrus and Euphrates Rivers in Iraq, known as the Garden of Eden.  They experienced the miracles of the Old Testament, were highly civilized beyond our world today, did space travel, and were truly God Aton's "chosen peopjle", living in the "Promised Land".  Their civilization was completely destroyed by the Serpent People of Satan. The Old Testament writings by the Zionists made us believe that today's Israel is the "promised land", and these are the "chosen people".  They are the "chosen people" of Jehovah Satan!
    Your second question was about Pharoah Akhenaten.[also Akhenaton].  Yes, there is a connection to the Laws of God and Creation.  This Pharaoh was the most enlightened of all the Pharoahs of Egypt and knew of Aton and of these Laws.  In the Phoenix Journals Hatonn says that in a past lifestream His scribe, Doris Ekker, who recorded most of the Phoenix Journals, was Pharoah Akhenaten.   Akhenaten was named after Creator God Aton of Light.
    Most history has been distorted to keep Truth from us.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer