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Patrick H. Bellringer

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----- Original Message -----
From: K
Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 4:16 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


 Sorry if this is s silly question...

 The question I have is, would it have a benifit to your health to take pure maple and bicarbonate without any cancer in your body.and if so,  would you take it in the same amounts to promote wellbeing?


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  K
DATE:  Dec. 29, 2010
Dear K:
    Thank you for your letter and question.  No, your question is not silly, but very logical.  Many people are very concerned about cancer prevention, and it is reasonable to think that, if maple syrup and bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) can be used to stop cancer once it has started, why could it not be used to prevent cancer from starting?  I suggest that you contact the authors of the original article we osted on Fourwinds concerning this procedure.  They are Al and Jan,
    I do have some comments that may be helpful in your concern over cancer prevention.  Cancer cells thrive in an acid, low oxygen medium.  Therefore, to prevent their survival one can increase the oxygen content and/or reduce the acidity of their environment.  Due to life style and diet the majority of Americans have a high acid and low oxygen environment in their bodies.  This provides an opportune medium for cancer cell growth.
    To counter this it is logical to increase the blood-oxygen level, which increases the body cells oxygen content, and to change the Ph of the blood and body cells from acidic to alkaline.  On the Ph scale 0-7 is acid with 7 being the neutral point, and 7-14 is alkaline.  Zero is highly acidic and 14 is highly alkaline.  For the human body a Ph of 7.2 or weakly alkaline is considered to be acceptable to control cancer cell growth.
    In the method you mentioned baking soda is used to help neutralize the body's acidity and, thus, increase alkalinity.  Changing diet can produce the same results.  Eating less meat, using no alcohol and no carbonated beverages, and eating less sugar and less acid foods will greatly reduce the body's acidity.  As a side note, the body does need acid to digest food, and makes hydrocholoric acid (Hcl) for use in the stomach.
    Oxygen content of the body can be increased through exercise, eating high oxygen foods, (fruits and vegetables) using food grade (35%) hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) ten drops per day in water, or using an ozone generator in your home/office to increase the oxygen content of the air you breathe, and definitely no smoking or breathing polluted air.
    As you probably know, your blood-oxygen content can be easily tested by a doctor's medical device externally on the tip of your finger, and your body's Ph can be tested by using litmus test strips from a drug store.
    To my knowledge you can use the maple syrup/baking soda regime for cancer prevention, but this method was meant to be used to prevent cancer growth in the digestive system and related organs and not other internal organs, such as the brain, lungs, breast, prostate, etc.  Changing the oxygen/acid level of the bloodstream through diet, exercise and proper rest affects the entire body in aiding cancer prevention.
    Here's to your good health.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer