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Patrick H. Bellringer

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----- Original Message -----
From: JD
Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 2010 10:33 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

 Hi Patrick & Anne! I now have a real computer but have't learned it very well as yet; so still using web-tv. I can however view videos.

 I saw one this morning called 'The Awakening'--very well put as to the real reality. I felt compelled to ask some family members to watch it--as they have no clue as to who we really are. I have a question: I ask them to watch this video as I hope so much for them to wake up!

 I just wonder how much my responsibility & obligation is to them in regard to giving them information to awaken--of course as you know, it might result in ridicule, etc. I guess that doesn't really matter--time is short. Please tell me what Aton has said about this--I have read much of the Phoenix Journals; but still have difficulty accessing (even on new computer)--thank you both for being here. As you know; there are those of us who are very alone.

Thanks so much,



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  JD
DATE:   Dec. 21, 2010
Dear JD:
    Thank you for your letter and question.  Hatonn says our task is to present Truth to others,and then let them be.  It is their choice what they will do with it.  We are not here to save anyone, for everyone must save themselves by awakening to the Truth and to their lessons in soul growth and to their mission.
    Our priority is first to ourselves to gain knowledge and wisdom to live the Laws of God and Creation to the best of our ability, and to help others where we can.  We have our lessons to learn and our own mission to complete in this lifestream.  We give Truth where we can to those, who will listen.  Then we are to move on and not throw our pearls of Truth before swine to be trampled into the mud, as Sananda said.
    Just remember that the life you live may be more effective in presenting Truth than the words you say.  Kindness, compassion and Love can break open the hardest and coldest heart, but everyone has their "teachable moments" that, if not now, may happen in a future lifestream.
    Sananda says all Truth will bear fruit at some time, no matter the size of the seed planted.  So, by our "random acts of Kindness and senseless deeds of Love" we plant the seed.
    May you have a very Merry Christmas and a most Joyous New Year!  ----planting "seeds".
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer