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Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: SK
Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2010 9:03 AM
Subject: Hi
Hi Patrick,

I need some help,i'm under psychic attack. A Bat comes and hangs around in my house's compound. Even inspite of repeated attempts to shoo it away it still returns. It may seem silly but the fact is it comes around 7 in the evening and leaves by 5.30 in morning and during this time, I feel very very heavy in the head and some kind of very sinister feelings creep into me, I feel extremely exhausted and am full of negative emotions. I just can't go to sleep and am constantly in a very depressed mode during this time.I can't even Meditate peacefully. I have asked for protection from the hosts of heaven,God Aton,Sananda,my Gaurdian Angels etc, but to no avail, the evil emotional onslaught on me still continues to this very day. It's not about faith as I have immense faith in the Lighted realms as I have recieved assistance from them on numerous occations. I don't know why even inspite of asking for protection, I am still not getting any help. I notice on a few rare days when the Bat doesn't visit my house, everything is fine. I suspect it be to some kind of Demon or some dark energy.

I don't know for how many days,months or years I need to suffer like this, all in the name of freewill and freewill lessons. I also don't know when will all this stupidity will end,I'm tired really tired. Is there no end to God's patience against darkness. Day after Day 3D is getting sick and sicker, people are literally suffering and dying, and here we proclaim everyday that Light is winning. I think when God will finally decide to put an end to all of this, there wouldn't be even a single lightworker alive on this planet. I'm sorry I'm not being sarcastic here, but we can only pretend to escape from reality in consoling ourselves that light is winning, whereas it's actually just sufferings sufferings and sufferings. I am Human, I have emotions and feelings and have never done anyone any harm. I may be a returned Master but I am a simple 3d being as of now. What u speak about creating our reality with our own thoughts is a fact, telekinosis or telepathy is an ability that every Human being has. But it's also a fact that these abilities remain dormant in our DNA, activating these is not that simple. A man needs to have immense peace and tranquillity in his life in order for him to meditate and go within. How can anyone be expected to go within and communicate with our God spirit peacefully, when all around us there is nothing but utter Chaos. I am a meditator but I am not able to meditate, if God gives me an environment suitable for the same, I can really grow.

Patrick Evil is required for our soul growth, but there is a limit. A good man can fight with 10 evil people, but if the fight is against thousands or millions, that's not fair. That's what's happening to our world today. Evil was created so that souls can evolve, but that very Evil has been allowed to grow to such an extent that it's become the main obstacle for our spiritual growth. The phoenix Journals speaks about freewill, I really don't understand the logic. If freewill is true then why was the Truth allowed to be twisted by the dark side. If it's really a freewill planet then evil and good should have equal power, but that's not the case. The Darkness has been bestowed with such immense power that they successfully can control and manipulate our freewill. I'm sorry I just kind of deviated from my subject altogether, I'm sorry for taking so much of your time brother and I would be very greatful to you if you could offer me some advice on my problem. I Apologise if I have offended you, I'm just frustrated. Thank You Very Much for reading this letter.


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  SK
DATE:  Dec. 20, 2010
Dear SK:
    Thank you for your letter.  At times, I think, the Lightworkers all become frustrated, because it seems that Creator God Aton is a little bit late with His plans for Goodness, and evil never stops its attacks on us.  It's a matter of practice and discipline to meditate in a chaotic world.  That is another of our lessons.
    You do not realize the potential power you have within to confront the Darkness.  One strong Lightworker can neutralize the negativity of a million people and more.  It is a matter of knowing that is possible and doing it.
    Knowledge leads to belief, and belief leads to knowing.  Our task is to know our power and use it for much Good.  We must also understand that we are not alone, that we have all the help of Heaven, if we but ask for it, and believe we do.  Ask for Divine Protection for yourself and your family.  Clear out all Darkness from your space, all entities and eneriges, and order them gone completely and permanently, and fill the space with Light and Love energy.
    Request the White Light of protection of God Aton, the Golden Light of Esu Immanuel Sananda, and the Violet Light of Violinio Germain to surround you at all times.  The key is to believe that this is so, and it is!  Doubt and it is not!  It is that simple.
    And do not forget your Guardian Angels.  We all have at least two assigned to us at birth until death.  They are here to help us but not to interfere in our freewll choices, so we must ask for their help.  They are only a thought away. 
    We hold the advantage over the Darkside, because they cannot create, only use what has been created by others to their advantage.  The Darkside can manipulate and control our freewill only when we allow it.
    Choose wisely, my friend, and use your great power to good advantage for the Light.  You will be as tired and exhausted and depressed and fearful or as victorious and happy and peaceful within as you choose to be.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#1  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: SK
Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 2010 12:41 AM
Subject: Re: Re: Hi

Thank You Very Much My Friend, I don't have words to express my gratitude. I was almost offtrack, thank you for the encouraging words. I don't know why but your words resonate and vibrate with Truth, Thanks Brother, I shall never Fear again, I shall stand steadfast till the end, no matter how long it takes. Love and Blessings to you and your family and thanks for bringing The Truth to us, it's our only Oasis amidst this never ending Desert......Bye