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'HELLO, CENTRAL!' HOW TO BE FREE? (Updated Nov. 26, 2010)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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From:  TK
To: Bellringer
Sent: Monday, November 22, 2010 10:05 PM
Subject: How to be FREE?
How to be FREE?

Patrick, in several recent articles that you posted it is clear that by international subterfuge and treaties, agreements between (so called) rulers and the (usurping) Roman Church, all of America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, UK, Ireland and many other Commonwealth and other (so called) Christian countries have been unlawfully but “legally”(?) sold to the “City of London (Crown)” and then on to the “Pope” and the Roman Church in an attempt to subdue, own and legally oppress a wide portion of lands and the people that live there. This is exercised through “controlled law” of the Bar (the Crown), the Central Banks (the Rothchilds) and the Body Politic, as well as, religions and religious dogma.

The question thus arises now for all informed and intelligent persons who study and understand the above as to “How do we break free from this enforced servitude”?

It has been my repeated position that in order to become a “free man” one has to make a declaration of such in writing and submit such together with a clear declaration of which form of government one wishes to be covered under by law. This has led me to promote the idea of becoming a legal signatory to the Declaration of Independence and to the Constitution of the United States of America and the Bill of Rights.

But this may not be enough in itself as the legal system needs to be breached in its definitions or re-definitions of “States” and “Republics” in order to eliminate the “swamp monster” known as the “Corporation” of government.

Our Founding Documents clearly have the inspiration but have been systematically undermined to date to create a fascist, communistic dependency system which we must now cast off legally and hopefully peacefully by intelligent and clear public argument and actions.

They say that “the Truth will set you free”, but it will take a bit more than that in this situation. Consequently, I would like to invite Fourwinds10 readers to comment on “HOW” we can best go about making this legal and formal change back to FREEDOM and Common Law Human Rights.

  My first steps suggested above requires millions to follow and expand upon what we can do and how we can spread the CHANGE and the TRUTH. Please give your thoughts and comments of how we all can proceed in the best  manner together......and together with the Creator.



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  TK
DATE:  Nov. 24, 2010
Dear TK:
    Thank you for your question and comments.  After one has made a declaration to be a "free man",how is freedom accomplished?  I believe that is your question/dilemma.  One could write on the chalk board all day, "I am a free man" and still remain a slave to the "system".
    Action must be taken to establish that freedom one desires.  Such action can be violent revolution, a coup de tat, or non-violoent resistance, or it can be the lawful dismantling of the "system, such as NESARA was designed to do.
    "I would like to invite Fourwinds.10 readers to comment on 'How' we can best go about making this legal and formal change back to FREEDOM and Common Law Human Rights".
    We await your response.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#1  (Reply) 
----- Original Message -----
From: DB
Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2010 2:18 PM
Subject: Freedom
 We don't need a piece of paper to tell us we are free. We are light beings on Planet Earth having a physical experience. We ALL have FREE will to choose whatever we want. Saying NO to what the New World Order plans for us is enough. If the self appointed Gods continue to enslave people through deception the consequences will return to them. The effects of their behaviour are equal to the level of their deception. We are not here on Earth  to judge or punish but to learn how to take care of life, create beauty and to go back to Spirit with dignity. The New World Order are betraying their Sacred Contracts as light beings and if they continue will not ascend to a higher level of consciousness when Mother Earth ascends to the 5th dimension. They will be stuck in the 3rd and 4th dimensions experiencing war and terror. Not much fun. I choose light and love and to ascend with Mother Earth. Peace to ALL


#2.  (Reply)

----- Original Message -----
From: GE
Sent: Thursday, November 25, 2010 1:00 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

 Take America Back!!!


 Mr. Bellringer,

    I would like to thank you in advance for your Great contribution to America and i would like to share this message:

 We are the only Hope to save this entire Civilization, I urged everyone who fears the loss of the God Control of this goverment, to protect the most Sacred Documents on Gaia. to call forth the Ascended Masters\' Invincible Power of Sacred Fire Protection around our Constitution, Bill of Rights and the Declaration of the United States of America and demand the Ascended Masters\' Invincible Sacred Fire Protection of the Divine Rights of the American People, the Divine Freedom God has given here, the Divine Resources that are constantly blessing all, and the Divine Protection of our Freedom, the Divine Control of all within our borders, and the Divine Removal of that which is of evil.

 Then we have removed from Life the feeling of fight. And therefore, whatever we are going to do, if it be victorious accomplishment, if it\'s going to be permanent accomplishment, we\'re either going to do it harmoniously or it won\'t be permanent.

 We could combined these Almighty Powers with your Beautiful Prayer to save what God has given us here, and we must have if we\'re going to have Peace.


 In Love and Light!!!


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  G.E.
DATE:  Nov. 26, 2010
Dear G.E.:
    I am in total agreement with you, brother.  Know that they are already working on Creator God's Plan to restore America.  The Darkside shall be defeated in our time.
    Thank you for your kind words for our work.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#3  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: PS

To: <>

Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2010 12:15 AM

Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


 This was on the local news last night. I would love your take on this. As always your work is greatly appreciated. Thank you for bringing light and truth to us.

 Very Best Regards,



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer

     TO:  PS

DATE:  Nov. 24, 2010


Dear PS

   Thank you for your kind words for our work at Fourwinds.

   Violence is not the answer to bringing change to Goodness.

   Have a happy Thanksgiving!

                           In Love and Light,

                           Patrick H. Bellringer


----- Original Message -----
From: PS
Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2010 8:27 PM
Subject: Re: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10
Dear Patrick,
Thank you for your reply. I agree violence is not the answer. I am non-adverse and non-violent. We must move to a place of love and compasion for our fellow man. Focus on the common good and dismiss the divide and conqer strategies of the ptb. I believe a better world is unfolding and see evidence of this despite the negative. The old system is unravelling and the new is emerging! I am happy and grateful this thanksgiving day! Thank you for your great work! You are very much appreciated! I wish you the very best on this thanksgiving day! We have so much to be thankful for! Wishing you and your family the very best! 
#4  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From:  FH
Sent: Thursday, November 25, 2010 7:04 PM
Subject: 'HELLO, CENTRAL!' HOW TO BE FREE? (Updated Nov. 24, 2010)
I fully underwrite DB's view as to the basic way and vision.
From my work I do know, that we do not need to create a ruler society, it exists already and is to be found in between the evils, trying to play God.
At the moment we need to use their own "financial strategies" to raise the level of living standard throughout the planet for the poor,
The downturn of the higher living standards will cause some conflicts in the Western World, that we know already.
The Internet and the new communication providers - all in the hands of the Zionists, but YOUNG ones seeing their power different than the elder generation - gives access to the people to find the proof for the truth. Truth about the last few hundred years history, the Illuminati - New World Order - Free Mason - Royals - Bilderbergs - Zionists - Rothschilds - Rockefellers - Bush - Clinton - Obama activities, truth about the way, the people were enslaved by the electronical communication systems in the days now.
The people will stand up - see the "End Poverty 2015" Millenium movement as example - and unchain themselves. They are learning to use their brain to find back to respect each other, to use their own energy to work and earn enough energy points to get products from the other, they do produce with their energy. The barriers have to fall, the global citizen follows. In this year the summit was started in Indonesia to find the rules and regulations based on Gods law to achieve that.
Westeners have to learn, that the way of life as it is lived in Asia or Africa see the needs different for minimum standard, but also have a view and vision of the life by living the Buddhist way as example.
So what can we do: be active to bring the information to the people and talk, respect all, recognize that all are the same human beings, and taking care for each other, using truth in all our words.