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Patrick H. Bellringer

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To: <>

Sent: Saturday, November 20, 2010 2:53 PM

Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


 Re: Truth In A Nutshell, Nov 1988 reply to AM, you stated \"A concept that  is hard for us in 3D to understand is that the Creation is higher in  authority than Creator Source."  YOU'RE right, I don't.  Please explain  why that is true, for "the Creation" appears to be only a "name" for  all that Creator Source created ...and the word \"authority\" would not be  applicable. Thanks for clarifying this open question since I first read  that phrase back in \'88 ....still a faithful daily follower of Fourwinds10 who appreciates your  and Anne\'s efforts to educate us.


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer

     TO:  RB

DATE:  Nov. 21, 2010


Dear RB:

    Thank you for your letter, and thank you for your faithfulness in your search for Truth.  In 3D we may not fully understand the answer to your question, but I shall share my understanding of it.

    Let us start with the creations in 3D of a great musician or an artist or a writer.  All three of these create something to be heard or seen or read and enjoyed by many other people.  The music, the pictures and the words tell stories, create moods and feelings too deep for expression.  The creation expands, and the positive energy vibrates into the ethers where it is multiplied and returned to those, who sent it out.  In a sense the Creation has become far greater or more important than the musician, the artist, or the writer.

    When we consider that Creator God Aton of Light has created the Nebadon universe, including the many solar systems within this universe, the millions of star planets, the plants and animals and beings on them, and all working in an orderly fashion, truly the creation of Nebadon is greater or more important than its Creator.

    Now, let us consider the Creation accomplished by Creator Source.  In the beginning all was Light, and Creator Source, a being of pure Light, thought, and Creation began.  Do not ask me from whence came Creator Source!  All Creation is done by thought and made from Light.  There are seven Super Universes that make up the Cosmos of all that is.  Our Milky Way Galaxy is mis-named.  It is not a galaxy but the Seventh Super Universe.

    According to the Urantia Book, each Super Universe contains seven trillion inhabitable planets and seventy million constellations (p. 167). This does not include those planets in the process of formation.  It is impossible for our minds to grasp the dimensions and numbers and workings of the Cosmos, but we are told that the Creation is far greater and higher in authority than Creator Source.

    By comparison we can begin to accept this fact, when we consider how the creations in 3D expand and live on in the hearts and lives of many others. I am humbled to see how my writings have been carried by the "Fourwinds" to the whole world, and how they have brought enlightenment to the smallest and the greatest and many inbetween.  Your letter and questions are an example of this.

    This concerpt of Creation being greater or higher in authority than the Creator, or what we create being greater than us, and beyond our control is expressed in a poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, entitled, "The Arrow and the Song"


                by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

            I shot an arrow into the air,

            It fell to the earth, I knew not where;

            For so swiftly it flew, the sight

            Could not follow it in its flight.

            I breathed a song into the air,

            It fell to earth, I knew not where;

            For who has sight so keen and strong,

            That it can follow the flight of song?

            Long, long afterward, in an oak

            I found the arrow, still unbroke;

            And the song, from beginning to end,

            I found again in the heart of a friend.

    It is so true that what we create carries either positive or negative energy that expands beyond our authority to control, and following the Law of Returns, comes back to us in multiple amount and in like kind.  The Law of Returns may help to explain why the Cosmos is constantly expanding.  It would follow that Creator Source is also expanding.

    May our thoughts, words and actions always carry positive energy, and may I have helped you a bit in answering your difficult question.                           

                            In Love and Light,

                            Patrick H. Bellringer


#1  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: RB
Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2010 8:57 AM
FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
    TO:  RB
DATE:  Nov. 24, 2010
Dear RB:
    So you contention with my explanation is really over the word "authority", which you have failed to find in the Phoenix Journals or other sources you have searched.  Why is this word so important to your understanding of the position of Creation over The Creator?
    In Phoenix Journal #2 on page 15 (Esu (Jesus) Immanuel Sananda makes this statement: 
    [QUOTING]  "Besides God, there is nothing in equal form worthy of adoration.  Only the Omnipotence of Creation reigns over Him and His celestial sons:  The Creation itself which is to be adored."
    According to the Oxford Dictionary and Thesaurus, the word "omnipotence: means: 
        1.  having great or absolute power, dictatorial, supremacy
        2.  having great influence
    According to  the word "omnipotent" means:
        1.  almighty or infinite in power, as God
        2.  having great or unlimited authority or power
    As yet we do not have an adequate search engine for the Phoenix Journals, so it is hard to locate specific content, but I am certain the word "authority" is used to describe the placement of Creation over Creator God, or I would not have used it.  The word "omnipotence" does carry the same meaning, does it not?
    I hope this satisfies your inquiry;, as I have more important things to do.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#2  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: T
Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2010 11:49 AM
Subject: reply; Thank you, Patrick.
FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  Tianca
DATE:  Nov. 25, 2010
Dear T:
    Thank you for your comments.  I was not aware that a discussion of "good or evil" had any relevance to the question of Creation's position of authority over Creator God.  With all the writing I have done about the Darkside, Satan/Lucifer, and Good vs. evil, as well as the Phoenix Journals emphasis on it, why would you question the presence of evil in our 3D world, or suggest that evil exists only in our perceptions?
    You have answered your own question of why so much evil exists today, and why it is so hard to wake people up to Truth.  When most people are human clones with on God connection, because they do not have a soul, they have no conscience or basis for Goodness, therefore, no values, ethics or morals from within by which to live.
    They have no capacity to comprehend Truth.  Help only the few that do, my friend.  We are not here to save the whole world.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
     #3   (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From:  TR
Sent: Thursday, November 25, 2010 2:30 PM
Subject: Hello & Happy Thanksgiving / Creation-Creator
1) The Milky Way IS a Galaxy, not a Universe. Just like the Andromeda Galaxy. The "God Star" Great Central Sun in our section of the Milky Way = SIRIUS. VERY, VERY advanced Elohim live there and are the Top Spiritual Authority in our section. Their names are: Beloved Elohim Alpha & Omega, Divine Compliments of each other. Elohim are the closest enlightenment level right under Creator God that you can attain. Their auras are 10,000 miles in diameter and of unbelievable Light. It THEY who have the power to manifest planets, Solar Systems, etc.
2) In my understanding, there are 12 of these Universe's -- each spherical, arranged in a circle and touching each other. Whether this is true or not -- I do not know and cannot absolutely verify except it came from ET's far advanced than we,  same as How &  Where the Urantia material came from. Our Universe and all of them are UNBELIEVABLY HUGE.
AND..............who is to say that the Cosmos / Universe we find ourselves IN --- is not merely the INSIDE SPACE of a MUCH BIGGER SPHERE? Are we inside say a huge basketball of a larger Universe?
The idea that there is something LARGER than Creator call "Creation" is a huge concept indeed. My goodness! It blew my mind when I discovered this 15 years ago! And I was obsessed with it for a time.
However, I tell people that just like the concept of Timelessness and everything exists at once as well as Creator / Creation are too much for our minds at our present stage of Consciousness development we are in and we have very important other issues to deal with like our lessons and Spiritual progress. However, it IS an interesting thing -- mind-blowing thing to think of is it not? LOL.
The Urantia Book is fiction, but like many books that are not based on fact, the message should not be negated or discarded. Fiction is, more often than not, the tool used to relay a message. Children learn extensively about relationships, the rewards and risks of adventure, the ultimate rewards of kindness, the ultimate outcome of selfishness - all through fiction. Personal lives seldom have the scope of lives in fiction. Time passes from beginning to end during the reader or listeners rapt attention span, allowing the lesson to be understood and not scattered by distraction. Fiction is thus often times a better story than the truth. Often a story can be relayed or accepted better if the listener is not sure of the outcome. Fiction can be woven in a way where more information is relayed than a simple fact based story can tell. Those who wrote the Urantia Book knew this and their important message should not be dismissed due to the shape of the package.

Take, for instance, the lessons relayed in the fictional series Star Wars. Does not Yoda, grumpy and disheveled and living in humble quarters, not exemplify many characteristics of a Service-to-Other individual? He has quirks, is reluctant, and people can relate. He also has a key role in a crucial battle between Good and Evil, and ultimately has this satisfaction. So it is often, in the Service-to-Other orientation. How could real life have stated this more effectively? The essential battle that takes place in 3rd Density entities, which is their orientation decision to either work with others and be empathetic or to go for the self, is very well relayed. The Urantia Book is such a story, very expertly woven and influenced without a doubt by many entities who wished to see this story told. Read it and appreciate it, and do not consider it a fabrication but rather an artistic description of the facts.

FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  TR
DATE:  Nov. 37, 3020
Dear TR:
    Thank you for your comments.  I am not here to argue with you about Truth.  Truth is!  What you believe is your choice, but I do not argue with that which Creator God has said is Truth.
    The Urantia Book is only about 15%Truth. It is accurate in the description of the design of the Cosmos, a wheel of seven spokes or Super-Universes with a hub, the Isle of Paradise, where resides Creator Source of pure Light energy.  Our Milky Way Galaxy has been mis-named, and, in fact, is the seventh Super-Universe.
    As you say, these concepts are not a priority over our lessons and Spiritual progress.  I agree that fiction has its merits, but it can lead to much un-Truth, confusion and wasted time and energy for many.  An "artistic description of the facts" is totally open to perception and interpretation.  As I have said, "Truth is".  It is never open to our opinions.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer

#4  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, November 26, 2010 7:02 PM

Dearest Patrick,

Let me first say that I never expected to be a student who feels compelled by the inner voice of my higher self to question the wording and interpretations of such a distinguished and respected teacher as you have been to me for so many years....and I mean that with the greatest of respect!  For two nights in a row I have awakened at 3:30 am with nothing but this communication exchange on my I know my subconscious mind was at work dealing with my dilemma.  I have applied discernment for two days and questioned my higher self to gain the assurance necessary for this further exchange.

Sorry Patrick, that you feel I am being contentious and wasting your time with my pursuit of this clarification of "your words", and it is obvious from your latest reply that the impatience you feel is simply because you fail to comprehend what you feel I am "contending". 

A more careful reading of the second short paragraph in my most recent reply would have linked for you the use of the word "authority" with the words "Creator Source", and not the word "authority" alone.

Indeed, the explanation you make in your latest reply actually makes my point better than I could make myself...and explains why the words "higher Authority" cannot apply to the only omnipotent being, the Supreme Creator/Father God/Creator Source.

I have NO difficulty at all "understanding of the position of Creation over The Creator", because when placed in context in the PJ , those words are intended to mean the authority of The Universal Father and Deity(Creation)  over Christ Michael/God Aton (The Creator).

In that same paragraph on p 15, the referenced "Omnipotence" obviously applies to the Universal Father (Creator Source), since ONLY He is Omnipotent (not the rest of the Deity or any of his celestial sons, including Christ Michael/God Aton). (It has been the custom of many to describe God Aton as Creator Son in order to distinguish him from the Universal Father/Creator Source)

Given the above knowledge and truth, hopefully you can now see precisely why I didn't understand your statement that "Creation is higher Authority than Creator Source".

Further, I believe the word "authority" cannot be applied to a non-being entity, as in this context only a being/person/personage has a mind and thus the power and capability of corrective action that goes with authority. A non-being "thing that one creates" does not and cannot possess exercise authority over the entity that created is incapable of doing so!  This applies to the creation of artwork, musical compositions, writings, etc.  Thus, I consider it improper to state or imply that anything that one creates carries any authority over the one who created it.  Conversely, it would be OK to state in the proper context that The Creation (with capital letters) has authority over Creator God (meaning Aton of Light).

This is a perfect example of why I consider it is so important to use precise words, names and titles in communications in order to bring clarity and understanding in the furtherance of the Truth to People of The Lie...something you usually do so well.

With best of regards, and in Truth and Light,


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  RB
DATE:  Nov. 27, 2010
Dear RB
    Thank you for your response.  I certainly do not know everything.  In our third dimensional world we are limited in our understanding of many things of the Higher Dimensions.  For example, in discussing The Creation (Phoenix Journal #2, pp. 168-170) Sananda says "The Creation is subject to the Laws of the Original Creation, which is the beginning of all Created by Itself......  This is, however, a part of the secret of the Laws which man's mind can solve only in perfection".
    Earlier in this Journal Sananda says, "You shall consider as omnipotent the Creation alone, for it alone is constant and infinite.  For God and the emperor are temporal, but the Creation is eternal (p. 112)"
    Also, "The Creation is above man, above god, and above everything (p. 168)"  He goes on to explain how, once set in motion the Creation has the ability to perfect Itself in Itself.  The would suggest that The Creation has the "power" or authority to operate on its own apart from Creator Source.
    The notes on paper created by a musician become music that carries the energy of the musician as music to the listener.  This music/energy is enhanced by the Spirit of the listener and expands far beyond the control of the musician.  Thus, it becomes greater than the musician.
    I know that Creation holds authority above Creator Source in the same manner, yet All is One.  May you find the Truth you seek.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer