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From: JW
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 2010 10:20 PM
Subject: Dirty Filthy Christians?!?!

Mr Hellringer,

I wanted to share your website link with some friends when to my horror I clicked on this link at the end of one of your articles, "FAAL: Chinese EMP Attack Prompts US Missile Strike After Cruise Ship Cripple"

and the link was this one: HAVE YOU SEEN WHAT IS ON THIS LINK??? Right at the top of the page is an advertisement for a book entitled: “Dirty, Filthy, Christians”: Treatise On The Most Dangerous Death Cult In Human History




 FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer

     TO:  JW

DATE:  Nov. 19, 2010


Dear JW:

    Thank you for writing.  As you know, it is difficult to control or even  examine all the links referenced in the various articles we post on  Fourwinds.  This is a pretty harsh statement that you found about  Christians.

    Many Christians are really good people, but as you are aware, many are  not.  Historically, what has been done in the name of Christianity, such as  the Crusades or the destroying of the American Indian culture is certainly  not of Goodness.

    You may wish to read what Esu (Jesus) Immanuel Sananda has to say in  Phoenix Journal #2 about the Truth.  May you find the Truth you seek.

                            In Love and Light,

                            Patrick H. Bellringer

Ref:  "And They Called His Name Immanuel --- I Am Sananda" -


----- Original Message -----
From: JW
To: <>
Sent: Friday, November 19, 2010 9:58 AM
Subject: Re: Dirty Filthy Christians?!?!

Thanks Patrick Bellringer,

I was delighted with your response!

Blessings in Jesus



----- Original Message -----
From: JW
To: <>
Sent: Friday, November 19, 2010 7:44 PM
Subject: Re: Dirty Filthy Christians?!?!

P.S. I must warn you, in love, as one who upholds the truth of the Bible, however, that this Sananda is a false Christ. Jesus warned us that many would come in His name saying "I am Christ" and when asked  about the signs of the end times He also warned, "Take heed that no man deceive you..." He also said that if men should say, "look! the Messiah is over here!" or if they say, "Behold, he's in the secret places!" do not believe them because as lightning flashes from east to west so shall the second coming of the Son of Man (The Christ) be! Also after appearing to His disciples in His resurrected body when He ascended into the cloud there were two men standing there as they all gazed upward and they said, "Hey! What are doing standing here looking up into the sky!?" and then they went on to tell them that He will return in the same way he left (from the sky) in all His glory! this is only some of the ways the New Agers are really missing out on the true Christ! His real name in Hebrew is Yeshua Ha'Mashiach and it means Messiah THE Anointed One. In the 1st Epistle of John we are also warned, who is the anti-christ? he is the one who denies the Father and the Son, and "Do not trust every spirit but test the spirits to see whether they be of God!" And he tells us how to test them, "every spirit that doesn't confess that the Christ has come in the flesh is of the anti-christ. Another way to say that is that every spirit that says that there are other bodily incarnations of Christ (come in the flesh) is of the antichrist. The New Age philosophy is missing out on the true blessings of Jesus! Jesus is not here or there, He is seated at the right hand of the Father and when He returns He's going to split the sky wide open! The heavens will be rolled back like a scroll. Oh please hear me, Patrick Bellringer, you want to make sure you are worshiping the true Jesus! He is Creator, He is the Everlasting Father, He is the Alpha and Omega. Don't fall for false messiahs!!! Read up on what the true Jesus said in Matthew 24 and be ready for His return is upon us! With Love, JW~


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer

     TO:  JW

DATE:  Nov. 20, 2010


Dear JW:

    Your negative response to the Truth is not uncommon for one, who claims  to be a "born again" member of the bloody Christian cult.  You are taught to  believe only what you are told to believe and to never question your not so  "Holy Bible".  That is quite sad!  I have been there and done that, but have  escaped the Darkness of the Christian Cult.

    You are angry with me, and due to your closed mind, may not read what I  have to say, but that is your choice.  You foolishly lecture me on what the  Bible says.  My friend, I have studied it from cover to cover in seminary

and as a minister of the Gospel, pastor of seven churches and hold the  highest ordination of my protestant denomination.  I know exactly what the  Bible says, including the Truth and the lies.

    The Truth has been given to us one last time in the Phoenix Journals by  none other than Creator God, Esu (Jesus) Immanuel Sananda and the Ascended  Masters, to which I refer you, and you throw it back in my face.  How  foolish of you.  You would be so bold, as to tell these Lighted Beings that  they are wrong and you are right?  You would rather trust a 2000 year old  text, that has been translated, altered, twisted and tweaked more times than  anyone can remember, to be the Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing but the  Truth?  That would be most unwise for any rational adult searching for  Truth, but then I forget that your mind is as closed as a steel trap.

    How foolish of me to waste my time trying to open it!  May you not  regret throwing the Truth into the waste can.  I send you much Love and  Light because you really, really need it!


P.S. Is there any possibility that you would read the article "PEOPLE OF THE


#1 (Reply)

----- Original Message -----
From: RM
Sent: Saturday, November 20, 2010 11:11 AM
Subject: Brilliant Reply
Brilliant response to the posting. Some one needs to say it!


  #2  (Reply)

----- Original Message -----
To: "Bellringer" <>
Sent: Saturday, November 20, 2010 11:00 AM
Subject: Re: Dirty Filthy Christians?!?!
No, I am not angry and no I don't feel I've wasted my time, because the word of God will NOT return void but it will accomplish that for which He sends it into the earth, it will not return void. You are too late to try and reach me with any words from the "ascended masters" or avatars, or the like, because I know what these beings really are - demonic spirits. And I know the God of whom I speak. He IS the One True God. And you will be judged by Him. Only the blood of Jesus can wash away our sins and prepare us for the great and terrible day of the Lord!

You've been warned Patrick Bellringer! My hands are clean. In the next few days God will send you a sign that His words, delivered to you byme, are true and if you do not repent from giving heed to doctrines of

 devils and seducing spirits you will go into a Christ-less eternity. It will be too late then. But I'm giving you this: Remember what happened to Pharoah...


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  JW
DATE:  Nov. 20, 2010
Dear JW:
    My, my, you have so much to learn.  Your reaction is so typical of those, who deny Truth.  You do not like the message, so you attack the messenger.  You would be so kind, as to send me straight to Hell, to a "Christ-less eternity!"
    Yes, Hell is quite "Christ-less", but so is the heaven, the pink clouds into which you expect to be raptured!  And, of course, gravity still applies to your pink clouds.
    It is most unwise and reveals your great depth of ignorance to call Creator God Aton of Light, Esu (Jesus) Immanuel Sananda and the Ascended Masters, "devils and seducing spirits".  Why not consider seriously the message rather than to trash all the messengers?  One day you shall weep in agony for doing so!
    I speak Truth when I say, "your bloody cult shall be your demise!"  Wake up, before it is too late!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer 
#3  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: Di
Sent: Saturday, November 20, 2010 11:27 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10
'Dirty Filthy Christians' refers to an inscription on the chestplate of armoured corpses found in a grave in the US. The language is Old Welsh and proves that some of our cherished history is incorrect and needs to be rewritten.

 IMHO, the Phoenix Journals encourage a relationship with the Creator and that the time in this cycle is short.  Defending a cult/religion is a waste of that time. Soldier on, Patrick and Anne!! 

#4  (Reply)

----- Original Message -----
From: C
Sent: Sunday, November 21, 2010 12:23 PM
Subject: You answers to D.R.C.
Bellringer> I read just about everything on your web site and have a lot of questions.The statements by both you and the person who sent the article of Dirty rotten christians was pitiful. Gods in history are as truthful as the stories that claim them as such. If there were no gods on this Earth there would be no times such as was in history or today.Who ever invented that crap is as phoney as most people are today. This is or was not any use for them other than the control of people and today is the result. There is both light and dark but the war is not that but the mind of man and his use of them. The sooner the Gods are gone from memory the better all time and space will be. They are enites from a different time and energy and the lies of both are uncountable. Sorry that you and those like you buy into that bullshit. I dont not need someone from la-la land to tell me how to live my life or threaten my future with his crap. I was born a living soul and that is my journey not some fairy tale of boogy man .
FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  C
DATE:  Nov. 21, 2010
Dear C:
    You are free to believe anything you wish.  I can only present the Truth in the Phoenix Journals to you, given to us by Creator God Aton of Light, Esu Immanuel Sananda, and the Ascended Masters.  If you think you know better than these Beings of Light, go your way and learn your lessons.  One day you shall return to this point again, and realize your errors and the giant detour you made in your soul growth.
    I hope you enjoy 3D living.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer 
#5  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: JS
Sent: Monday, November 22, 2010 6:28 AM
Subject: JW 
In reference to JW Patrick,I call it being brainwashed. I too was in the "Church" scene and my spirit Patrick never felt right for some reason. I have bought some books one book called "The Book Your Church Doesnt want you to read" and the other one is called "The Christ Conspiracy The Greatest Story ever Sold" but from my research Patrick, there have been people that "Died" and came back to say its not what has been portrayed. But I really enjoy You and Anne's website,but I sure would like to know what our Galactic Family is up to,I'm biting the bite!!!!!! lololol You and Ann have a Great Day!!




FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  JS
DATE:  Nov. 22, 2010
Dear JS:
    Thank you for your letter and kind words for our work.  Historically, Christianity has done a great disservice to the Truth presented by Esu Immanuel 2000 years ago.   The Darkside twisted his teaching into half-truths and lies to fool the people.  Because of this, our world and her people are in their present state of ignorance, violence and confusion.  Sananda says his greatest enemy has been Saul/Paul, who started the distortion of the Truth.
    Our Galactic Family are very busy helping with Shan's transition into 5D.  Hatonn says over 200 Star Nations are here at this time from the Intergalactic Federation of our Nebadon Universe.  Some are here to help, and others are doing observations and research.  Shan is a very special planet, as a supply planet, a water planet and the "seed" planet for the entire Nebadon Universe.  Our Star Friends are well prepared for our evacuation at the proper time.
    Be in peace and hope!.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#6  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: M
Sent: Sunday, November 21, 2010 4:13 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

 Eternal Prayer, Heavenly Father, Please purify All of Your Creation and what is going to be created for Eternity. Father please fill your Eternal Heaven and Creation with the Holy Spirit only. Thank you for allready doing this Father, now how may I Eternally serve You? AMEN. It is Done! All things are Pure and filled with the Holy Spirit. All water has the blood of Jesus in it. All Air is the Breathe of God. All molecules are pure, Holy, and the Garden Eden. Any teacher that contradicts these truths shall only receive that contradiction in themselves. This saying is truth in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. AMEN

NOTE:  Here is an example of the induced mind-control of religion, namely Christianity in this case.  Any correction of this malady will probably require another trip on the Great Wheel of Reincarnation.  ---PHB