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Patrick H. Bellringer

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To: <>
Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2010 3:47 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

 Hello Patrick,

 I value Casper's Opinions, and I know he speaks the truth, but his last opinion on Nov. 17 left everyone thinking there is no hope for the future.  Please give us a couple of readings from the Phoenix Journals to offset his predictions of total Doom and Helplessness.


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  HR
DATE:  Nov. 19, 2010
Dear HR:
    Casper is not making predictions.  He is telling you how it is right now.  He is describing how "weak and defenseless" we are and what we are allowing to be done to us.  His unspoken/unwritten question is "What are we going to do about it?"  When is enough, enough?  Where will we draw the line, take a stand?  How much more of this crap will we take?  Are we but wimps, begging for mercy?  Slaves?
    Are you asking for Hatonn to save us?  He will not do that, but He will help us save ourselves, if we take action to do so.  How do we do that?  Live the Laws of God and Creation.  Stand up for Goodness.  Speak out against the wrongs, the evil deeds.  Help those we can by kind deeds.  Create positive energy.  Send Love and Light energy to neutralize the Darkness.  Do our part to give Truth, to make a difference!  We have posted many messages of hope from Hatonn.  What more can be said?
    Why would anyone of the Light think that there is no hope for the future?  Surely, we get tired, we get discouraged, but there is always hope, for the Light wins!  Goodness always wins over evil.
    Casper is not predicting "total Doom and Helplessness".  If he were, this would be his last update!  That is only your projection, based upon your level of faith, my friend.  Be strong!  Together, we create the future, with Heaven's help.  Let's ask for it!  Let's do it!
 P.S.  Read Joseph Farah's "What is America's Greatest Hope?
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer