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Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: A
To: Bellringer
Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2010 7:50 AM
Subject: Re : Toniose Soltec
Dear Patrick ;

I’m a bit confused and need your advice.

I’m reading volume two of Wisdom of The Rays – The Masters Teach and in a communication of December 28, 1997, Toniose Soltec is suggesting to store food,

clean water and have a shelter for the coming events if we want to survive. ( page 160 ).

On the other hand, God Aton, Sananda and Ashtar say in The Phoenix Journal that at the end of this last cycle, there shall be earthquakes, tsunamis, volcano’s eruptions

let alone the nuclear plants that shall explode, and thus, the only way to survive, is to board the starships that will come to rescue us.

At this point, I would like to ask you where the truth stands ???

If what Soltec said in 1997 was correct, why after 13 years nothing has happened ??

If God Aton, Sananda and Ashtar in their messages of the years 1989 of the Phoenix Journals are right, and I have no doubt that they are, why Soltec was suggesting in 1997

to store food, water and make a shelter ??

Many thanks Patrick for enlighten me.

In Love and Light.



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  A
DATE:  Oct. 29, 2010
Dear A:
    Thanks for writing.  If you noticed in the earliest Phoenix Journals, Phoenix Liberator, Phoenix Express, etc., Hatonn also warned us to prepare for the coming nuclear disaster and World War III.  Fortunately, our world's people saw the danger of a nuclear world war and changed the agenda in the mind-1990's.  Also, in 1998 Hatonn declared the end of the use of nuclear on Shan for evil intent.
    Basically, Soltec was warning us to be wise and prepare for any emergency, whereas no one will survive by staying on Shan during the ending of this civilization of 3D, for this time Shan graduates into the fifth dimension.  Those, who survive, must board the evacuation ships when asked to do so.
    Of course,only those, who have lived the Laws of God and Creation (Phoenix Journal 27) to the best of their ability, would graduate into 5D.  All others would continue on with their soul growth lessons on another 3D planet, until they, too, graduate.  Be in peace and hope for a New Day!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#1  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----

From: WM

To: "Bellringer" <>

Sent: Sunday, October 31, 2010 5:07 PM

Subject: Placement

 Greetings Patrick.

 A question regarding placement if you  would. If one has not achieved the apparent pristine purity , required to move on  to 5d, and must continue lessons in another 3d placement without memory of past , will  the same evil warden be running this next place?. If so will he also be devoid of  memory?. If not those without without same would stand little chance. Thank you for your time  and patience . In love and light W.M.


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer

     TO:  W.M.

DATE:  Nov. 2, 2010


Dear W.M.

    It is not about pristine purity, for only Creator Source has perfection.  We are to live the Laws of God and Creation here in 3D to the best of our ability.  Should we not graduate into 5D and return to a 3D planet/school room again, the planet and situation will be entirely different than what we experienced here on Shan, though the failed soul growth lessons will be the same.

    The same evil warden(Satan) will not be running the show.  Shan was his jail planet and he has been removed, and according to Hatonn, uncreated as Satan requested.  We shall meet aboard the ships, my friend.

                            In Love and Light,

                                         Patrick H. Bellringer