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Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: O
Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2010 8:51 AM
Subject: thank you for posting truth. I am getting so discouraged
FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  O
DATE:  Oct. 28, 2010
Dear O:
    You are welcome!  Hang in there!  All is not lost.  We are all exhausted, as we battle the corruption and lies, but discouragement is a great tool of the Darkside to defeat us.
    We have all the help of Heaven, but we must ask for it.  We are not here to change the whole world, only our little corner.  Helpng to pull the "weeds" out of another's garden is of little value, if we have "weeds" in our own life.  Our task as Lightworkers is first to live, as best we can, the Laws of God and of Creation (Phoenix Journal 27) and then help where we can.
    You have done a great work in research and finding the Dark Truth of the Adversary.  Your work has brought truth to many people, and you should rejoice that this is so.  Negative information carries negative energy, which can bring your positive energy down, if you allow it.  I take a break and work in my garden or wood shop to restore balance.  You need to find ways to do the same.
    As Lightworkers, we all think at times that God is a little bit late in His Divine Paln of restoration of Shan.  By human choices delays and detours have caused us great frustration, but God allows for reasons we do not understand.
    These are the "End Times", the time of sorting out those of Darkness from those of the Light, and the sorting is nearly over.  Be encouraged in the knowing that the Light wins.  Remember, the four great virtues are Wisdom, Bravery, Fortitude and Generosity.
    Be in peace and hope, my friend, for a New Day is coming!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
----- Original Message -----
From:  O
Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2010 9:33 PM
Subject: Re: thank you for posting truth. I am getting so discouraged
You have no idea how much your words mean. I had the chills the whole time I read it.