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Patrick H. Bellringer

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-From: LM
To: Patrick Bellringer
Sent: Monday, October 04, 2010 11:19 AM
Subject: Fw: A Message for Casper

Patrick ---

As of the morning of 10-4-10, it's just more of the same.

Since apparently Casper cannot or will not respond to my message of 9-2510 [see below], perhaps you can. And while you're at it, I'd appreciate the reasoning and logic behind the following:

Why is it that the bad guys can perform all sorts of illegalities and dirty tricks while the good guys must always play by the rules? Don't we have any leverage at all to get this thing done? What about the Suitcases for example?

I'm sure there are thousands of program recipients like me who simply don't understand why the good guys appear to be so helpless. This whole mess simply makes no sense!!!


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
    TO:  LM
DATE:  Oct. 6, 2010
Dear LM:
    Thanks for writing.  Creator God's plans usually don't make sense to us.  The plan is to bring down the evil U.S. Corporate Government and One World Order without violence.  Creator God Aton of Light does not condone violence, and the Forces of Light and the Higher Dimensions use no violence, ever.
    This will be the first time in this civilization, where such change is to occur without a bloody revolution in the streets.  Common law and the Constitution of the Republic of the U.S. of A are being used under International Law to box in the corporate system and dismantle it.  Each wrong move the evil players make closes the lawful "noose" ever tighter around their necks.
    This is a slow process, because, as you say, the bad guys do not play by the rules.  They break the rules and agreements, causing the good guys to change tactics again and again.  I do not know why the "suitcase" evidence of their wrongdoing is not made public.  My requests to post such on Fourwinds go unanswered.  The good guys are either afraid for themselves or are trying to protect Fourwinds.
    That is silly, for Creator God protects Fourwinds.  The good guys apparently lack faith in the Forces of Light and are still learning their lesosns in soul growth.
    Attacking Casper is foolish.  He is only a very courageous reporter of the games being played.  Without him you would have little information.  We have great leverage, and the Light is winning.
                                In Love and Light,
                               Patrick H. Bellringer
#2  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: GG
Sent: Monday, October 04, 2010 1:18 PM
Subject: Gulick Here - Question - Please
The reports from 'casper' continues to arrive with great detail and substance. Easy to understand since I too have followed his reporting for the past few years. However, those around me wonder why we have no results. How can such deliveries be held up this way?
What is being done by the long legged Mac Daddy, The Prince of Fools is not legal. Why not request, as the Constitution allows, the Provost Marshall and the 'real military' the Red Flag Officer to take charge of the deliveries by charging Treason and at least 38 other charges? It's the right thing to do.
If I sent Brinks on a delivery and someone not addressed would halt or redirect my delivery, it's time to file a charge against UPS, FED-X and/or Brinks! In short, what do I say to others that have these concerns? Before I exit the building, be sure you know I like 'casper' and his efforts to get the Global Settlements to their respective 10 countries and 50,000 stockholders Two of which, I know for sure, live here in North Carolina. Since January 20, 2009 this can has been kicked up and down 'ping pong alley' enough! If not released, then why not take other action to force this issue?
I just want to know how I should explain casper's outstanding reports, with purpose but without results. Thank you for your time.
G. G
FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  G. G
DATE:  Oct. 6, 2010
Dear G.G:
    Thank you for your letter.  I have answered some of your questions in my response to LM in the Hello Central!  "No Results Makes No Sense!"   You ask, "Why not request the Provost Marshall to take charge?"  Sadly, the Provost Marshall has refused to act and carry out his responsibilities many times, and each time he has been replaced by another officer, who also refuses to exert his authority.
    As you probably know, there are two militaries.  There is the military of the Corporate U.S., which includes the Pentagon, and there is the military of the Republic.  Much tension and in-fighting and fear of loss of position and pension has rendered them fairly ineffective in helping the "good guys".
    You also say it is time to file charges against the Carriers for failure to deliver the packets.  They have so many charges filed against them now, that when the needed changes come, they probably will never be heard from again.  The problem presently is that the courts refuse to act on the charges, because they are also corrupt.
    This process of change is far greater than just delivering the Prosperity Programs and Farm Claim bank packets to their recipients.  We are challenging and dismantling a huge banking and government system of corruption world-wide.  Money and power is all these elite One World Order Darkside people understand, so to bring them down, their fiat money system must be destroyed.  That, my friend, is exactly what this network of little people across the world are doing.
    Be encouraged that things are moving, if slowly, to bring Goodness to this nation and our world.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer