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Patrick H. Bellringer

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----- Original Message -----
From: C
Sent: Saturday, August 07, 2010 5:47 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


 Hard Time C!

 I am having a hard time figuring all the printed topics herein, out!

 First, we have those who state doom and gloom for many years to come.

 Then we have those, like Rocky  Montana, who have given us a Lift Off Instruction text, that means the end times are near and those who want to lift off, can, etc., etc.

 We have those who keep us updated on the dirty, political wars. WHY?

 And, the ones I like best, are those who cry about how bad things are getting and all us should stand up and fight back, BUT NEVER, NO ONE, EVEN GLEN BECK, TELLS US HOW TO DO IT!!!  How in the hell am I going to fight Washington.  I call and get no answers.  I write and get no answers.  I write my congress people and senators, and get less answers.   Am I to take my shotgun to Washington to start getting things done?   HOW?

 Then of course we have the cynics, who claim everyone is wrong, and  question the messengers, and  cast negativity over all, plus some state everything stated  is wrong, but these post NO positive, helpful text.  These are just plain idiots.


 If we are to leave Earth in the next few years, who cares about  Obama and the forty thieves, or the power brokers of the World, or the Illuminati, etc, etc, etc.

 I understand from quite a few other sources that the end times is coming soon, as it better, as the Earth is surely messed up and this latest debacle of â?osprayingâ? will end up over the entire earth and as I understand it, and has been written herein, it is already killing vegetation.

 Point is:

 Can someone sum up the entire affair, logically and truthfully, as to why we even need our packets, when all we own is to be left behind, money, land, buildings, cars, etc., etc., etc . And why are we concerned with Earth, as we are useless, mere specks of sand,  in the big picture, and why worry about the  power brokers and clowns in Washington D.C., and king clown himself, IF the world is coming to an end as we know it?  These stupid people in Washington, and the world, do not even understand that IF they control us, and there is no food, THEY ARE ON THE SAME PLANET AS US.  Yes, they may have food, for awhile,  all the money, for awhile, and all power, for awhile, BUT THESE IDIOTS, PURELY AND SIMPLY IDIOTS,  in time they will be at each others throats if we are all dead!  How can a power broker, RULE, if there are no subjects!  Idiots!

 Seems to me all we need  to do is sit back and wait  for those who are going to lift us off and let GOD and his people do their thing!



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  C
DATE:  August 9, 2010
Dear C:
    I am a bit surprised that you are asking these questions at this late date!  I have answered them all in the "Hello, Central!" forum many times.
    There are some basic rules to follow:
        1.  God will not do it for us, but He will help us when we ask.
        2.  On our freewill planet the Lighted Realms are not allowed to interfere in our choices by the Cosmic Law of Non-intervention, except in extreme situations.
        3.  The Phoenix Journals were given to us by Creator God Aton of Light to guide us in these "Last Days".
        4.  In the end, God always wins!  Goodness always wins.
        5.  You save yourself by living the Laws of God and Creation (Phoenix Journal #27)
    May you be wise in your discernment and your choices.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
