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Patrick H. Bellringer

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Dear Fourwinds Readers: 

It would be irresponsible of me to post this dialogue on Fourwinds without providing some solid spiritual answers to the questions raised in this dialogue.  I write not to the casual skeptic or to the caustic commentator, but to the serious Truthseeker, as is the message of the Phoenix Journals so directed.  I shall place my comments at the end of this epistle.---PHB


----- Original Message -----

 From: D Blumenshein

 To: <>

 Sent: Monday, August 02, 2010 8:46 AM

Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


 In all of Casper\'s updates not once does he state that there is a real  spiritual battle raging between Jesus Christ and  principalities and  powers of wickedness in high places. The mighty battle that Archangel  Michael should be fighting and WINNING for the little people on this  planet. When is he going to shed some light on this news instead of the> puny flesh and blood battle between politicians and lawyers. And where  is Saint Germain and His power in all of this?Not to mention Lady  Master Nada\'s Solar Tribunal. Please report the real news Casper!!!!!

CASPER's Reply to DBlumenshein

After this mornings 'flesh and blood' bad news i spent some time thinking  on this very subject, then your e-mail arrives. Serendipity maybe, or  perhaps I am supposed to answer you and others with similar questions.

 "In the end God Wins" I used to say quite often. You are right, it has  been too long. The approaching world changeover of which our funding is a  small part can not be stopped, as the man says, 'by a bunch of puny  politicians'. They can delay, and have done so beyond all reason, but evil  can not 'defeat' God. Each of us knows and understands this in our minds  and our hearts even though it might briefly appear otherwise. We have come  such a long way since we began this journey so long ago. Do you really  think God would allow 'the bad guys' to complete their 'hail mary' at this  late hour? Look at yourself in the mirror. Are you the same person as  before? Are your plans, goals and intentions the same as they were? Has  the waiting not served you in terms of personal growth and preparation for  the task ahead? Have your 'horizons' not been greatly expanded? Is it not  reasonable to assume that because this is so on a personal level that it  is also true regarding the timing of things 'for the greater good'.  Without the delays how many criminals would have been left unknown? What  might they have done to ruin things after the deliveries? None can answer  of course, but isn't it reasonable to assume that the 'power' that brought  things this far knows what it is doing and will complete the task? Is not  the alternative an accelerated life of 'slavery' instead of 'freedom' for  all people? Is it 'Blind Faith' or 'Common Sense' or both that says no,  thats not going to be allowed to happen, that is simply not in the best  interest of  anyone other than Gods Enemies? It is both, i think.

 How to explain the never ending delays, the apparent weekly victories by  the 'bad guys', will we still be alive when it finally happens?

 How does one continue in 'belief' when the realities of the day often say  something different?

 By taking 'self' out of it to the fullest extent possible. By choosing to  be an 'observer' first and realizing that the battle being waged is a  titanic struggle between good and evil  just as Mr Blumenschein says, and  that the 'forces for good' are capable of handling this situation. That  does not mean that we should not contribute in every way possible to the  desired outcome, just a recognition that we are not alone in this  endeavor, indeed we are not the 'leaders 'of this endeavor to overcome the  evil controlling our world through their control of money and banking. And  what is there to observe when you are ready to do so? A failing Fiat  Monetaty System. A Banking System bankrupt and collasping due to its own  Corruption. An awakening populace world wide. A 'Replacement System',  Metals Backed, in place and ready to roll out. Exposures on a grand scale  in Courts around the world resulting in arrest warrants piled up and ready  even though this is not yet publicly visible. Decades of accomplishment  bringing the situation to its current state of readiness, and, most  important in my opinion, thousands of attempts by the 'bad guys', using  every conceivable method, have failed to stop the progress that has  brought us to this state of readiness. Does this not demonstrate 'divine  guidance'?

 Regarding Mr Blumenschein's questions about specific entities, Jesus,  Archangel Michael, St Germain, etc. I do not profess to be an 'authority'.  I am, however, a serious student and have been since the mid-eighties.  There are literally thousands of view points of 'Matters  Spritual'/Religion, etc.. Over time we each, to some extent, 'lock into' a  certain understanding or 'belief system' which we 'stand on' and take to  the grave. Or, in some cases, a belief in nothing at all. I think the most  important Spritual Lesson I ever learned is that 'In matters of Sprit you  are always at the beginning'. This means that when you become a serious  student/seeker you quickly learn that every question answered leads to a  dozen more you had never considered, hence you are 'always at the  beginning'. Truth be told you are always falling further behind because  you are forever realizing how little you know relative to what is  available to be learned. Most students stop at some point and that becomes  the foundation they live and die with. A serious Christian Student or  Muslim Student for example, decides to 'stand on' the Bible or the Quran  and usually spends the remainder of his/her life learning more about that  religion. The opposite of the 'stationary by choice' person is the very  rare student who 'wants it all', all knowledge of all things Spritual and  becomes a true 'seeker' such as written about by the likes of  Castenada/Don Juan, etc.. This seeker eventually reaches a point that he  too must make a decision to 'stop' or to 'continue'. The decision usually  is dependent upon real world responsibilities such as family obligations  as to continue brings one to a 'precipice' as described by Hayden Paul in  'Pheonix Rising'. Here it becomes 'All In', or 'out' as the case may be.  'All in' represents a decision to explore the unfathomable and to do so at  the expense of all else, literally a 'leap' from the precipice into the  unknown. Most can not make this decision and back away, back into a more  'normal' life. When one asks about entities from the 'higher realms' it  invites discussion without end in a forum not designed for the purpose and  likely not to be understood by the majority of readers. And so, I will  limit my brief remarks to my opinion of the 'channeled messages' often  appearing on Fourwinds and RMN which is, I would guess, the thrust of your  questions anyway. I would very much like to believe all the wonderful  messages, I have read virtually all of them going back years. There are  three problems that have kept me 'in limbo' regarding the veracity of the  messages. The first is that over the years there have been many many many  'St Germain's', 'Michaels',' Hatonn's', etc. coming from many many many  points of origination and often in conflict with one another. How can a  'serious student' much less a casual reader decern which is accurate? In  my view it is not possible. Second, the second most important Spritual  Lesson I ever learned was 'under no circumstances is Spritual  Enlightenment to be for sale', it is to be freely offered and freely  given. There are those who provide a constant flow of 'messages' for a  price. Even participation in phone calls, for a price. This 'teaching' is  not unique to my 'teachers', it is simply 'the rules of the road' in  matters spritual. Third, and most important to me personally, is the years  of 'talk' about 'their' technical abilities, nothing escapes their  attention, the 'bad guys' can't get away with anything because 'they' are  monitoring everything. So how is it then that they don't know about  Obama's never ending Sabotage of deliveries? Through 18 months of blockage  by him they have continued to refer to him as 'their man'. Throughout this  time and for eight years of Bush before him and for years with Clinton WE  have brought you the actual goings on behind the scenes. That knowledge  was not unique to us, the 'players' knew, for the most part, what was  going on at all times however, I will tell you, honestly, that there have  been dozens of times that the 'players' learned of the latest sabotage  operation from our updates. At each step along the way 'action' had to be  offset with 'reaction' until it got to the point that even the 'first  rail' bankers knew what was happening but not these 'all knowing'  messengers. Here we are into 'our' primary task, 'real world' stuff in  which WE have invested so much time and effort and money. And even as WE  report it month after month after month 'they' still can't snap to the  truth? Something is rotten in Denmark. If this is a demonstration of their  'all knowing' and technology and 'monitoring' then I must question 'who'  is 'chanelling, writing, delivering false info over such a long period of  time. I could say more, observe more, but these things alone should  explain why I remain extremely skeptical of their information and its  source.

(Bellringer's Comments)

We thank Mr. Blumenschein for raising the question about a spiritual battle occurring on Earth Shan at the present time. That is most certainly true, though few people are aware of such a battle. Mr. B. reveals strong doubt that the Light is actually winning. Archangel Michael may not be fighting for us and winning, as expected, and Germain and Lady Nada may be on vacation

Secondly, Mr. B. thinks the real 3D battle of which Casper daily reports is puny and of little consequence to life on Shan, that somehow the Ascended Masters are to fight our battles for us.

We thank Casper for his reporting of the “flesh and blood” bad news and for his response, that “In the end, God wins”. That is the absolute Truth! Yes, this “flesh and blood” battle has been long, much sorting to the Darkside and to the Light has happened, and we have all been greatly changed in the process. No one can deny that. Many have completed their lessons, their missions, their lifestreams and have left Shan. Others simply quit/gave up and left to start over.

It is a matter of faith and common sense to endure in this struggle for Truth, but not “blind faith”. Through our God Spirit within, we can know the foundation for our faith. Blind faith will lead one into the Darkside’s traps every time, be the trap religious, political, military, financial or otherwise.

Yes, we are in a mighty battle between Good and evil, but the battle is both a 3d physical battle and a 4D spiritual battle. As above, so below is Cosmic Law. We live on a 3D planet of freewill, and this battle for Goodness is our battle resulting from our choices. We are here to do battle with evil, not to sit on the fence and watch. We are here to learn from life’s experiences, to help our brothers and sisters where we can in their journey, and to send positive energy into the ethers, as fuel for the Angels fighting the Spiritual Battle. Believe it or not, they can do only what we allow them to do, because we control on our freewill planet!

Casper is totally correct when he says, “In matters of spirit you are always at the beginning”, that the more you learn, the more you realize how little you know of what is in the Library of the Cosmos. One of our greatest lessons is to learn to go within to access this Library and gain wisdom.

Casper raises the question concerning the Truth in channeled messages. “How can a serious student, much less a casual reader discern which is accurate? His answer is “It is not possible!” That statement is spoken in total ignorance of Cosmic Law. In the Realms of Spirit all things are possible! We are Spiritual Beings having a 3D physical experience. We have the ability to discern Truth through our God Spirit within. We have the ability to access the Cosmic Library, but few make the effort to do so.

Yes, we have had spiritual channelers by the dozen telling all kinds of nonsense. We have been given various means to judge Truth from lie, and one of those is the Phoenix Journals. Creator God Aton of Light has presented to us Truth, one last time, in these journals for our enlightenment. Those who reject it, do so at their own peril. If a channeled message disagrees with the Truth presented by Aton, I suggest you toss it aside as false information.

If a channeled message disagrees with what you know through your God Spirit to be true, toss the message away, as you would toss away garbage. An example is the message that Barack Obama is a White Knight, a Truth Warrior and a great leader, working for the Light! This is total B.S.! You know so by “wisely judging all behavior and actions which are contrary to the Laws of Balance of God and the Creation” (Phoenix Journal #27, p. 43). Obama represents the Illuminati and the height of evil on Shan. Even so, he shall fall along with his “Empire” and Corporate U.S. structure.

Truth is free to all! Those who sell it have an agenda, including all religions. Casper speaks great wisdom, when he says, “under no circumstances is Spiritual Enlightenment to be for sale”. This is why Fourwinds offers the Phoenix Journals freely to the whole world. Creator God, too, has a Plan for Shan, which is unfolding, as I write. We work within that Plan. Victory is at hand! I can feel it!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer

August 2, 2010


----- Original Message -----
From: T
To: Patrick Bellringer
Sent: Tuesday, August 03, 2010 12:51 PM

Truth is free to all! Those who sell it have an agenda, including all religions. Casper speaks great wisdom, when he says, “under no circumstances is Spiritual Enlightenment to be for sale”. This is why Fourwinds offers the Phoenix Journals freely to the whole world. Creator God, too, has a Plan for Shan, which is unfolding, as I write. We work within that Plan. Victory is at hand! I can feel it!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


August 2, 2010


Very well said!

I have one point to add, one that struck a nerve with me..

They never said they were going to fight our battles for us. Where are they? Where are you! To make such a childish comment [Blumenshein] shows you are in need of more schooling.

It really hit a nerve with me to hear this, because I had to learn the opposite side of the coin. I was 'chomping at the bit' to get out there and 'git er done' my way. I won't mention what my way was. Esu calmly told me that I physically cannot do it my way, with how messed up my body is right now. Then he went on to tell me that I'm doing what I can, with what I have, in my own way. I wasn't to underestimate my contribution, because at least I was trying. He was upset with all the people in great positions to get a lot done, but who are actually not doing much of anything! They sit back and bitch about it not getting done fast enough. When it is them holding things up. If every person tried, did SOMETHING, all of this would have been done a long time ago. But many haven't even woken up to realize that we are at war now!

So he assured me that I need to do exactly what I am doing, and give the others a chance to prove themselves. They needed a chance to turn the TV off and actually try. And this he told me over a year ago. They still haven't tried.

And it doesn't look like there is much time left for them to try. They will flunk schoolhouse earth, and need to go back to school, in another school. Time is out for here. The doors are locked, the students are done, time to move on.

So when I hear people still expecting the battles to be fought for them, well.... it hits a nerve. No, they will not do that. They are doing a lot, but those battles can't be seen by us. You can be assured that they are not sitting on their hands. They are extremely busy. And right now, with the way the planet is, they are on red alert. Ready for evacuations.