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Patrick H. Bellringer

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----- Original Message -----
From: WM
To: "Bellringer" <>
Sent: Monday, July 05, 2010 10:18 AM
Subject: End Times

 Dear Patrick.

                   To me, words always seem so hopelessly inadequate at  times like this.So I send all the light that Heaven willallow toward a complete and speedy recovery. It would seem from the daily spiral downward , that we are  to experience the End Times, exactly as per.the Journals. They seem bent on total war in the mid east, if not the world . Iran being the next victim to startwith .  Obama  apparently now has a kill switch for  the Internet, and a plan to filter all but Govt.approvedweb sites. This will leave us completely  in the dark  as to  truth .  Do you  see  anything to prevent this, or are we destined for total chaos, slavery and destruction  as per  the  Journals, then lift off ?. From m viewpoint , I don't see anything in opposition to them and their goals, do you?. As you have stated , truth is neither  negative or positive, it just is.To ignore this steady march toward hell on earth , is just putting a pail on ones head . What is your take on all these current happenings , please?. Awhile back we were told by Aton / Hatton that we would be hearing less or no updates from Him near the end , It would seem we are there. Yes?.                                                                                

Thank you very much.    In Love and Light.         



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:   W.M.
DATE:  July 8, 2010
Dear W. M.:
    Thanks for writing.  How we experinece these "End Times" depends much upon our level of enlightenment and positive frequencies.  We can choose to enter the chaos and do battle with the physical realities, or we can choose to observe the chaos and direct it and our own destiny through the Creative Power we hold within us.  As I have said repeatedly, Creator God Aton/Hatonn has said that more war and the use of nuclear for evil intent would no longer be allowed on Shan.
    You may not see the oposition to the Darkness, but we have a mighty force of Lightworkers, Truthbringers, patriots and constitutional Lawyers working quietly with Divine assistance to thwart the Darkside, and they are succeeding big time.  You can help by choosing to stay out of the fray and directing the outcome to Goodness by your positive energy and petitions.
    Just know that Creator God does not leave us.  We have less communication with Him by our own choices, for He is but a thought away.  Anne and I have daily contact with Aton, and you can, too.  Read Phoenix Journal #34 "Phone Home, E.T."
    May you be most wise in these "End Times", and pass every test, as our world continues its "steady march toward Hell!"
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#1  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From:  EW
Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 10:02 AM
Subject: Have We Earthlings Been Abandoned To The DARK FORCES?
It appears that most of the channelled messages , except for Mike Quinsey's and Sheldan Nidle's, have gone silent. Has St. Germain, Sananda, Archangel Michael, KOS, Monjoronson, and a host of others, moved on to distant planets where the Dark Forces don't have so much power.
Seems that the Pope's claims that he is King of Heaven, Earth and Hell, and Vicarious Presence of Jesus Christ, Father to Princes and Kings, and Ruler of the World is too much for the ETs to handle.
It is amazing that those Divine Beings disregard Creator God's Law by allowing the 'free will' evil of the Dark Forces to continue to destroy the lives of the vast majority of Earth humans to over-rule that violation of the Law. As I understand 'God's Law, judgement is based upon 'morality', which is the use of 'free will', and not in the free will itself.
FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  EW
DATE:  July 16, 2010
Dear EW:
    Thank you for writing.
    I apologize for the lateness of my reply.   With my wife's medical problems, I have fallen behind in answering my email.
    You ask a question that is important to many Truthseekers today.  Has Creator God abandoned us to the Dark Forces?  Looking at the chaos and despair around us, one would think so, or judging by the fewer channeled epistles from higher dimensions, one could conclude so.
    Creator God Aton of Light has made it quite clear in the Phoenix Journals that He does not ever abandon His Creations.  It is we, who go away from Him.  He has given the most unique communication system to all souled beings of communicating by thought through our God Spirit within.  Thus, He is only a thought away.  We contact God Aton by thinking, and He responds via our thoughts.
    Your thinking about "freewill" is incorrect.  We live on a freewill planet, where both evil and Goodness freely exist.  Our planet was created in perfection, but humankind allowed evil to enter and to finally become dominant by freewill choices.  Creator God does not create the evil, but He allows it.  Due to the Cosmic Law of Non-intervention the Lighted Realms do not interfere in our freewill choices except by Divine Decree by Aton,
    It is incorrect to say that "Divine Beings" disregard the Cosmic Laws of Non-intervention by allowing the Dark Forces to continue to destroy.  They must honor this Law or be evaporated into nothingness themselves.  Basically, it is our planet, and humans over time have allowed evil to run rampant.  Now, it has become most difficult to clean up the mess.
    You would probably argue, and I would probably agree, that this is such a time for Divine Intervention.  I remind you that such is already happening.  In 1998 Aton decreed that no more nulclear would be allowed for evil intent, and placed the White Russian Military with their far superior Tesla technology in charge of monitoring and preventing further nuclear war on Shan.
    Had it not been for Divine Intervention and Protection, you and other Lightworkers and Fourwinds would have fallen long ago to the Darkside attacks.  So, it cannot be said that we are without such assistance.  We have all the help of Heaven, if we but ask for it, but few do.  Primarily, we are here for our lessons in soul growth, and not to save the planet.  The option to save Shan was passed three-quarters of a century ago.  Shan will save herself, when she tips on her axis and erases this (last) third dimension civilization with sea water, as she has done many times in the past.  We save ourselves by living the Laws of God and Creation (Phoenix Journal #27)
    God Aton of Light does not judge us.  We judge ourselves on the Astral Plane (4D), according to how well we have kept the Laws of God and of Creation.  You could say that "judgement is based upon morality", or how well you have chosen these Laws of Balance for you living, how well you have followed the pathway of Light.
    Many have claimed they are King of Earth and Heaven and even Hell.  They all go the way of Lucifer/Satan, who also made such claims, and who is now gone from Shan, forever.  Others have claimed superiority in bringing messages from the Realms of Light, only to disappear with their falseness.  Know that the Ascended Masters are still here and waiting for anyone to truly communicate with them, and no, our evil world is not too much for them to handle.  They do not act unless we sincerely request their help.  These Divine Beings are here on assignment to help in Earth Shan's transition into 5D, and for their own lessons in soul growth.  They, like us, will finiish their mission here, and not request an easier assignment.
    So we press on, my friend, and do not fret about the hardships of our journey.  We chose our pathway, our lessons and our Mission, and we shall complete them with Heaven's help, right on schedule, and with flying colors.  Our journey is not long!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  EW
DATE:  July 27, 2010
Dear EW:
    I feel I left you hanging in my reply to you.  There is more to the story of Earth Shan then I discussed.
    We may live on a freewill planet where we determine the course of our destiny, but that occurs within a greater Cosmic Plan.  Creator God Aton of Light, too, has a Divine Plan for Shan.  As Lightowrkers, we work within that plan and help to bring it to fruition.
    The Divine Plan  sets the boundries beyond which the Darkness cannot go.  In the ending of the "play" the Light always wins.  There are always signs to tell us, where we are in both the Divine Plan and in our personal journey on Shan. 
    One such sign is Casper's latest update of 7-26-10.  When those given the responsibility and the authority to act for Goodness fail their mission, they must step aside, and others will take their place.  Aton always has  Plan B to get the job done.
    Though all may seem chaos and darkness in this battle for Shan, the Light is always winning.  That is why those who "know", never give up.  They never quit, because they have hope based upon "knowing" the Truth of the Cosmic Plan.
    When you know in your heart the Divine Plan, neither doubt nor fear can sweep you from your chosen pathway and mission.  We are here to assist Shan and her peolpe in their transition into the fifth dimension, but our planet shall make her transition with or without our help.  Those, who help, shall gain much soul growth in the process.
    May all Lightworkers act in wisdom and complete their mission successfully.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer