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Patrick H. Bellringer

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----- Original Message -----
From: MM
Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 2010 1:43 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

Dear wonderful people:


 Sometimes I see the news and I feel so sad.   I love this earth so much and all of its inhabitants.   \"WE ARE ALL ONE\".


 In spite of the darkness, I keep remembering that \"THE BEST IS YET TO COME\".


 I join my energy with that of the ascended Masters, the angels and archangels, and all the positive energy on this planet,  and together -  we create a peaceful, joyful, pristine, balanced universe, with liberty and justice for the whole world.   SO BE IT AND SO IT IS -- -- FOR EVER AND EVER AMEN

 Much Love,



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  MM
DATE:  July 2, 2010
Dear MM:
    Thank you for the reminder that things will get better.  In this 3D journey we have the promise from Creator God Aton that the Light shall overcome the Darkness in the final days.  Evil does not win on Shan or on any planet in the Cosmos, ever.  We are to have victory here and now, prior to evacuation, and then ultimate victory comes to Shan, as she transitions into the 5D energies, where evil is not allowed.
    It is impossible for us with our finite brains to imagine Shan totally resotred to her original pristine condition of beauty and perfection.  That shall be, and we shall be allowed to return to her to help establish a new 5D civilization on her for the first time ever.  This water planet shall be the marvel of the Cosmos.  Yes, for those of the Light the best is yet to come!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer