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Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: A

To: <>

Sent: Monday, June 14, 2010 3:56 PM

Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10



 I live in Florida, please be honest with me regarding our gulf disaster  situation.  I am reading John Kaminski who says they will declare martial  law on wednesday 6/16/10.  Will Aton allow us to be forced into  concentration camps. Yes Aton or Sananda spoke to me in a soft voice and  said: "I will take care of you\". He gave me instructions to handle a  stomach ulcer " drink a quart of water and take all the aloe vera you can  eat for a week, then down to a quart". This I did and it helped very  much.  I need to stay free to board our ships! I do not want to die in a  camp! He also said "you do not think I can take care of you" I was too  numb to answer- but I wanted to say: YES YES TAKE CARE OF ME DEAR  ATON/SANANDA ( whom I love dearly) Then I was told in a soft voice " He  loves you" " he does\'t need your body".  Patrick please tell me what this means?

 Yes I am following the laws of God and the Creation as this is my future-  on board our Star-ships and into eternety!. I need to stay alive until I am beamed up- Yup beam me up too Scotty! Shall I endeavor to escape this awfull situation or will God mitigate the  hurricanes, heal the gulf oil spill and enable Nesara to bless our nation? What to do? I remain in prayer for deliverance. and have faith in my own  spiritual experiences.  I am so happy and gratefull for the awakening- for  the realization for the experiencing of Gods love and light.

 In Loving Light,



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer

      TO:  A

DATE:  June 15, 2010


Dear A:

    Thank you for writing.  I understand your concern about living in Florida at the present time.  John Kaminski fled in panic without preparation and forethought, and probably without much faith.  That was his choice.

    Creator God Aton has told us that martial law would not be allowed in the U.S. We believe that.  He has also said that there is no safe place on our planet, that safety is aboard the ships, and that if things become a threat to our survival, we would be evacuated.

    I do not know what will happen with the Gulf oil situation.  We are to be responsible for our welfare, but beyond our ablities we must rely on Divine Protection and Help.  What is your heart telling you to do?  We must follow the instructions of our God Spirit within, and use common  sense in this challenging journey through life.  The lessons become ever harder, but never harder than our abilities to learn them.

    May wisdom guide you, my friend, and may Sananda quiet your troubled heart.  We walk in faith!

                            In Love and Light,

                            Patrick H. Bellringer



#1  (Reply)

----- Original Message -----
From: T
To: Patrick Bellringer
Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2010 1:11 PM
Subject: Re; " He loves you, he doesn't need your body."
Then I was told in a soft voice, "He loves you, he doesn't need your body."

That would be your Guardian Angel talking. Esu doesn't need your body, that means you don't need to die. There are many that will die, but you aren't one of them. You are being taken care of. You need to trust that love.

Is the evacuation part of declaring Marshall Law? I don't know. But if the poison gets close, leave!!!

I do not like that a friend of mine lives there too! She won't listen to me and leave on her own, and it scares me that she will have to be forcibly evacuated by FEMA. She has nowhere else to go. The way her health is right now, well, it's not good. I'm sure her car is a mess, too. Even if she tried to leave, it probably wouldn't get her out of the state, and she lives in Gainesville!!! She also has no money for gas.

So you aren't the only one in a mess!!! If it was me, I'd have a hard time leaving. For physical reasons.

Pray we all get evacuated, up to the ships. The planet needs to do her thing.