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'HELLO, CENTRAL!' NEGATIVE TRUTH (Updated June 8, 2010)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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----- Original Message -----
From: CB
Sent: Saturday, June 05, 2010 12:58 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


 I am hoping for some spiritual guidence. I have crossed paths with some aweful truths since my Dad pasted away. I am not a believer in these evil peoples ways, but do believe negative energy has power just like positive energy.I would like to share my story,for I still have hard times believing it myself, but Truth is Truth no matter what. Which has helped me to stay strong, but my truth is so stressful, and so dangerous too.Paths cross for a reason, and we all have a purpose, and I am so glad MF introduced me to your site.


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  CB
DATE:  June 6, 2010
Dear CB:
    Thank you for your letter.  The most powerful force in our world and in the entire Cosmos is the Light Energy of Creator Source.  When you walk in the Light, evil has no power over you, unless you allow it.  There is no negative energy that can control you, as a Lighted Being, when you direct the Light to neutralize the negativity.
    When Truth reveals the lies, the evil deeds that have been hidden, the deceit corruption that run counter to the Laws of God and the Creation, such Truth appears to us to carry negative energy.  Such is not the case.  Truth reveals the negativity of the Darkness, but Truth is alwasy positive and carries positive energy, and always brings a positive conclusion.
    Whether Truth appears to be negative or positive, Truth is, and Truth will always stand on its own merit.  The evil Titans are destroying each other, and their end is near.  Know it.  Protect yourself and your family and property with the Golden Light of Esu Immanuel Sannada, the Violet Light of the 100th dimension of Violinio Germain, and the White Light of Creator God Aton of Light, and you will be just fine.
    We all have a mission, a purpose and lessons in soul growth to learn. May you pass yours with colors flying.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#1  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: DK
Sent: Thursday, June 03, 2010 1:33 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

 Hello Patric,

 You said, \"In a freewill world of 3D no one holds power and control over you, unless you allow it."

 What about people held in slavery or those in prison? It appears to me they haven't allowed it.

 Thank you,

 In light and Love,


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  DK
DATE:  June 6, 2010
Dear DK:
    We come into our present lifestream under a contract we have made with Creator God Aton of Light to experience certain things to learn our lessons in soul growth.  Thus, certain conditions and experiences are provided by our Guardian Angels that we choose to experience to learn those lessons.  Also, because we have a freewill we may choose wrongly or choose to experience outside our "Plan" and make detours.
    Even prisoners and slaves still have a freewill to choose their experiences as well as their destiny.  Nothing in life is static or set in concrete.  Whatever happens to us in life, we allow or have created.  There are no exceptions!  It is our life, and no one lives it for us.  In the final accounting we are held accountable for the outcome.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#2   (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: CB
To: "Bellringer" <>
Sent: Monday, June 07, 2010 1:12 PM
Subject: Re: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10
Oh Thank You so much Bellringer for your words of truth and wisdom.Except Bellringer,it is my granddaughters and my daughter,  whom I am so concerned about.From the time my granddaughters were born til they were 5 and 8, I had them 90% of the time.They are now 17 and 14,Bellringer I was not allowed to see them,or talk to them when I would call.I was allowed to attend my oldest granddaughters birthday a year ago this last March.The first one I had been allowed to attend since she was 8.While there I went outside for awhile, cause I felt so uncomfortable being there. Plus I didn't know my 3 girls anymore, it was so strange, and even my daughter wasn't the same. After awhile I went back inside, and froze in my tracks, as I walked in the door.What I walked in on, and saw, has haunted me ever since. I have prayed and prayed about it, but it has not helped ease my heartache worry pain, I have for my girls.Their Dad was poking this strange looking pitchfork, at a woman who was asleep on the couch. My oldest granddaughter, and the daughter of the woman that was asleep.Were standing behind him huddled in the corner, and the fear I seen in their eyes, still brings tears to my eyes today.I just remember asking what that was, and what was he doing.I was still standing in the doorway, as he stopped poking the pitchfork at the woman. He brought it over to me, and said, " they grow them this way." Who ? I asked him, and he just grinned and walked back towards the back of the house.All I know, I have never in my life seen a pitchfork like that ever til that day. I will be 60 years old come july, and have pitched alot of hay, to feed the cows on my grandparents farm.What in the world have my granddaughters been exposed to, and what has my daughter gotten herself into. I don't know who to ask, or where to go, to help them, and in my heart, I know it is evil whatever it is, and feel my 3 girls are brainwashed to the max, and that is why I was not allowed to see them for so long.Since my Dad died in 2003,I have learned and seen so many things.That I myself still have a hard time believing it all, but truth is truth no matter what.I can only say, for some reason I scare them, as much as they have scared me from time to time since my Dad died.I have spent 5 years reseaching the secret society, and bloodlines are a big part of the secret society.I also know now too, not all Masons and Eastern Stars are for the goodwill of mankind, and I never dreamed. How much involved my Dads side of my family are involved in this evil stuff.As long as I can remember, cause my grandparent on my Dads side raised me in my influencing years. They told me things, and stressed to me never to forget.At the time, alot of what they told me didn't make alot of sense,but it all makes sense now. By doing what they told me to do, not to forget, has helped save my life.For I have had 5 attempts on my life, and nearly ran off the road once. I buried both my Dad,and my oldest brother in less than a year apart, and can prove in our courts that their deaths were accelerated by these so evil people, but am not being allowed in our courts either. I also lost a cousin, cause he helped my aunt get out of here, and they killed him, and called it a accident. Bellringer can U understand now why I am so concerned and worried about my granddaughters and daughter.How can I help them ? Sometimes my anger starts getting the best of me,and all I can think of, is how I want to hurt these people, and expose them on who they really are.For they hide behind most of our churches, and 1 church they hide behind big time. All these things I can prove, but no one will help me.So so many things I can tell U Bellringer, and even though I am labeled as being crazy, I promise U I am not. Did U know we are categorized in 4 animal characteristics, Bears, Lions, Otters, and Golden Retrivers ? A semi-retired CIA agent told me this, when he was sent to analize me, after I was incarcerated on bogus charges. I am a lion he told me, and we are few,Bears are the controllers, Otters are 95% of our politicians, and Golden Retrivers are the majority of our worldly population, he said," and thats the way we like it," he said with a snickering grin.Him and his Dad are preacher men too, and their church is just a branch of the big church they mostly hide behind.When I learned this I cried and cried for days, I sat on the ground in my yard, and prayed for guidence,on how to expose, and destroy these self rightous hypocrites. After a while I just accepted Gods word, " Vengence is mine, sayeth the Lord." Except Bellringer after seeing what I saw at my granddaughters BD, my anger overwhelms me so much these days, and I am only one of Gods children too, that going bullistic is only in my thoughts, and not a reality.I just wanna help my girls, and brainwashed to the max I feel in my heart they are, and that is why I no longer know them, and that is why they were takin away from me for so long. I do also know they will kill U, but I am not afraid to die. I was in a very bad car wreck Sept 2, 1989,and I crossed over, but could not stay, and will never forget what I was told during that experienced. By rights as my doctors told me, I should be dead, 2nd and 3rd cervecal were broken, and called a hangmans break, just that I didn't have any rope burns.I will never forget the voice that roared liked thunder, telling me what to do,and all the people, whos faces I could not see, telling me over and over, to do what he was telling me to do.What is my purpose for still being here, when I feel I have failed in my fight of exposing these people, and don't want my granddaughter exposed to anymore of their pitchforks, as I seen the fear in her face that day I walked in, and seen what I seen.I must close for now, cause I am having a hard time controlling my tears. Mawoy and yours, and thank U for your time in reading my words of truth I have seen and experienced.
FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  CB
DATE:  June 7, 2010
Dear CB:
    Again, thank you for your letter and further explanation of your concerns for your family.  You ask what is your purpose in being here, and how an you help your daughter and two granddaughters, who are trapped by the Satanic Cult of the Masonic Order?
    As is true for all Lightworkers, your purpose is to hold the Light of Truth for others to see, and to direct that Light Energy to neutralize the negative energy of evil.  There may be nothing physical you can do for your family, but you hold the most powerful force in the world, the Light Energy of Creator Source, in your being.  Send Love and Light to your family and to the evildoers who seek to harm them.
    As I said in my earlier letter, protect them with the Light, and also ask the Forces of Light to intervene in their behalf.  Ask for all mind control to be stopped and removed permanently, and for them to be awakened to the Truth.  Fear and anger are negative energies used by the Darkside to control you.  Do not allow this!
    Just know that you cannot "save anyone".  Each person has a freewill to choose their pathway, and each person is at their own level of lessons in soul growth.  You must "save" yourself by living the Laws of God and Creation (Phoenix Journal #27) , and then help others when and where you can.
    Never doubt that your use of the Power of the Light can create miracles.  Be in peace and hope!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer