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Patrick H. Bellringer

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  From: FW
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2010 1:15 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


 Dear Patrick and Anne,

 The Phoenix Journals and your Hello Central Postings are great and comforting as I journey toward my own evolution.  Your website rings 100% Truth to me in my heart of hearts. The more I read my thirst for knowledge for Truth grows as each day passes. I pray for discernment in my search. 

 My main concern now I ask that isn\'t it possible that Mother Earth is holding out and cleansing at a gradual pace rather than total cataclysmic eventsthat would obliterate almost all inhabitable space on her surface?

 Perhaps she hears the cries of the Lightworkers who pray for the \"Announcements\" of Nesara, the deliverance of the Farm claims and the Prosperity programs to give us some relief and a chance, at least temporarily, to help humanity to live in peace, joy and growth in Faith and Gratitude.  This would be proof that THE LIGHT wins.

 I understand that the Light will win this war over Satanic Evil.  Perhaps the Gulf incident is the cataclysmic event that grows in intensity each day. Will this trigger the Nesara anouncements or is it a call for us to prepare for \"lift Off\"?

 Have you or Anne (ipray daily for her healing) received any new messages rom Hatonn, Sananda oar Stl Germain pertaining to these incidents or are we to remain on Red alert?

 Prayerful blessings for stamina, health and strength for you both as you conatinue your work and mission.

 Love and Light,



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  FW
DATE:  June 2, 2010
Dear FW:
    Thank you for your question.  The evacuation ships are still on Red Alert.  Mother Earth is not doing any gradual cleansing.  She is hanging on until we are able to declare victory over the Dark Forces.  Then she shall flip on her axis to dump the toxins and negative energy, as she has done many times in the past.
    Do not be fooled by the "Heaven on Earth in 3D" nonsense floating about on the Internet.  Our planet is moving into 5D this time cycle to be restored with no evil allowed on her ever again.  Change shall be sudden and will catch most people unaware of such an event.
    We are to keep on with our mission, but be prepared for "exodus."
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#1  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: T
Sent: Thursday, June 03, 2010 9:47 PM

Absolutely not!!!

This is taking a lot longer than she planned on. Did you know we were supposed to have this pole shift no later than 1986? But plans change, and if I'm correct, we are now on plan D.

Either way, stuff happens. We all know that to be true by now. Not much has gone according to plan. But that's Ok. We have proven we can handle it. And now we are seeing the light at the end of the birthing tunnel! Sorry, I just couldn't resist that.

For the women who know about giving birth, things are definitely progressing. She went into labor a good month ago, the baby's head crowned, their was a pause to settle down the planet, and now it seems the head is out, and she is readying herself for the last big push. I know it seems like the watched pot never boils, but it most definitely is boiling.

You don't have to worry about things stopping. They may seem to be happening slowly, but they aren't stopping. You need to realize that a planet naturally takes a while longer than a human. Her size is considerably larger, so it will take longer to do the process. But once the push begins, you will be astounded at how quickly things will go. It will feel like there aren't enough hours in the day, and you feel you have so much left to do.

May I suggest, that when the time comes for the evacuation, DO NOT hesitate. Just leave. You don't need the things!!! And all the people and pets will be taken care of. JUST GO!!! Get off the planet.

Trust Lady Gaia, she is doing her best. She will not let us down. There is no going back now. All she can do is go through it. There is no more time.

The Cleansing must happen. Otherwise the oil spill will kill her oceans, and then the whole planet. That is how bad this oil spill really is. There is no going back now.