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How and what help and communication do you offer to those who voices in the wilderness who have and are trying to sound the warning regarding these end days?

I have tried to provide meaningful information to stop the many criminal acts, murders, and national and international military theft and sedition by various rogue agents and agencies. I am talking about various weapon's and weapon systems and surveillance platforms and backbones.

What does Fourwinds10 provide for any assistance to whistle blowers and their families? I am simply talking about in excess of 250 murders and attempted murders, in excess of $100 billion in waste, fraud, and abuse and confiscation of much personal stuff and inheritance. What I am talking about is Numbers 16:1 to 50, Daniel 11:38 to 45, and Rev 18:1 to 24 for starters.

This annihilation shall be complete in 60 minutes.

None of the weapon's and weapon systems shall prosper for they are all cursed for all time and will fail in the moment of their need for battle. This curse includes all monies, agents, agencies, devices, missiles, processes, and projectiles.


Dear  MP,

Thank you for your letter. If you have knowledge of national and international fraud and criminal acts, and desire to "blow the whistle" on the perpetrators of such acts, you should know that your protection lies in making truth public. Once the truth is out, the Darkside has little reason to "take you out".

Fourwinds10 can help and has helped whistle blowers by broadcasting their truth instantly to the world. By doing so, we take the wind out of the adversary's "sail". Your surest protection lies with the Forces of Light. Ask Creator God Aton of Light for Divine Protection. Then believe that you have it, and you do. Doubt, and you do not! It really is that simple.

You make reference to the violent acts of destruction and death by the vengeful God of the "Old Testament". These are twisted stories having little truth. They are stories about God Jehovah Satan and his troops of Darkness to create to force in compliance to Satan's agenda.

Creator God Aton of Light is a God of Love, who does not destroy His Creation. By the Cosmic Law of Cause and Effect both people and nations destroy themselves, when they do not live by the Laws of God and Creation. If your only source of truth is the Bible, that would explain your distorted thinking concerning history and of the "End Times".

If you are new to Fourwinds10, you need to know that our basis of Truth is the Phoenix Journals, given to us by Creator God Aton specifically to set the record straight for these "End Times".

Read them and learn the Truth, my friend.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer