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'Hello, Central!' The Fate of Dark Souls!

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What happens to the  “souls”  of the worst of the worst; PolPot, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini? What about the President who have betrayed the USA; FDR, Truman, Eisenhower, LBJ, etc.?

Dear William Kazak,

Thank you for your letter. It is very possible that many of the evil people were clones and had no souls. If they had a soul, they had given up their Light so that only a minute fraction of Light remained.

Two options exist for these souled but very evil beings. They would go to the void, where no Light exists, and remain there for eons of time reviewing every detail of their past evil doings. If they learn truth and allow their Light to expand, it is possible to return from the void to continue with their lessons in 3D.

The second option is for Hatonn/Creator Got Aton to uncreate the evil being, and the soul essence returns to the “pool of creation”. If the person was actually cloned in the present lifestream, the souled-being that allowed himself to be cloned is held responsible for all the Karma of the clone.

I trust this answers your question.

In Light and Love,