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Patrick H. Bellringer

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 To: <>
Sent: Monday, April 12, 2010 10:05 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


 Dear Mr. Bellringer

 I am once again dismayed to see the prominence you are giving The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. This is promoting hatred and targeting the Jewish people as the enemy. Our problem is those on the Planet who use, control and kill others for their own private greed and power agendas. They are men, woman, Jewish people, Catholics, Blacks, Hindus, Buddists, atheists, agnostics, etc, etc, etc. Creating an enemy only takes the attention away from those who are controlling us. They use hatred as a way to deflect the truth away from them. ITS  THE JEWS - they cry - KILL them- Who me trying to harm you, I am helping by exposing the evil JEWS. The ticket to those who desire to control the Planet is PRIDE. They think they are better than anyone else and they deserve all the riches. We are the slaves here to serve them. The original sin - PRIDE. Anyone who thinks they have all the answers and that the ends justify the means are the ones to confront and to remind them of their light. They are angry frightened people - look at the security - do you think Spirit has security guards? Evil people - those who do not value ALL life and realize we are ALL ONE are the ones who have lost their way. It is up to lightworkers to remind by example that we are beautiful sacred light beings here to learn how to take care of the Earth and Co-CReate with the Mother/Father One God.

Also Mr. Bellringer The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is clearly a satire and an exaggeration. It is losely based on "The Dialogue in Hell Between Machiavelli and Montequieu." To tell people this is an absolute TRUE doctrine of the JEwish people is misleading and not helping the light come back to the Planet. I do not understand what you are doing Mr. Bellringer. I appreciate you telling people about the control agenda but it is going to have to be individual souls that are confronted not a whole group. There are many Jewish people who are being duped. This is not clear when you use titles  \"Are Jews Responsible for The Financial Meltdown.\" I am sure there are a few Catholics, Muslims, atheists etc, in the mix!

With light, peace and hope



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  DB
DATE:  April 12, 2010
Dear DB:
    Youv'e got to be kidding!  Go to the Phoenix Journals and read what Creator God Aton/Hatonn of Light says about "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion."
    Have you even read the Protocols?  Maybe you are a Zionist yourself?  Maybe you do not know the difference between a Jew and a Zionist Jew?  Is it not interesting that many "good Jews" occupy the stolen Arab land called Israel and demand protection by their evil Zionist government and the world?  Thus, they support the Zionist cause, as do the American Jews with their money.
    There is more wirtten in the Phoenix Journals about Zionism and their Protocols than any other subject, as the source of Earth Shan's evil.  Wake up!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#1  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: DB
To: "Bellringer" <>
Sent: Monday, April 12, 2010 4:56 PM
Subject: Re: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10
 Again Mr. Bellringer you lump the Jews into one group - you do not differentiate - Explain how the JEWS Caused the Financial Collapse is not racially motivated. You use the word JEWS way too much. You are inciting hatred whether you want to admit it or not. I have talked to people who read your site and they tell other people that the Jews are the cause of all our problems after reading your site. This is hatred pure and simple Mr. Bellringer. The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion is questionable. As you know many works including the Bible have been rewritten according to the Control agenda. The Catholic Church has twisted many stories. To say the Catholics destroyed the world is also hateful as there are many Catholics who desire to do good but are mislead. All religious fanaticism is a problem - Muslin, Jewish, Catholic, atheist, etc. The elite use hatred to conquer and divide. It is easy to incite hate and then people will kill each other. The elite don't even have to go to war now. 9/11 is a perfect example - the elite have created an ENEMY - the Moslems and people will go to war for The Elite and kill each other while the true perpetrators of this crime are laughing all the way to the bank thinking us poor suckers. Of course those of the light know they are missing out on the beauty and secrets of how to Co-create with Spirit. They are the true losers and don't know it. Racial profiling will only create hatred.
The true tragedy is those that do not know they are Sacred Light Beings connected to Universal Energy and that joy only comes from learning how to create beauty for EVERYONE. Differences is what makes this an amazing Universe. Instead of focusing on the Beauty and the perfection of Sacred Geometry those of the Dark for a lack of words want to be worshipped rather than cooperate and co create with Spirit. If we were living a Sacred Life nobody would own the land and there would not be anything stolen. Those of the light know that we are here to take care of the land and create life and beauty. The World is very mistaken about ownership. As we raise our consciousness this is going to be a very different world - how we live on the Earth and relate to each other. This is the ideal but it is going to have to happen or we are going to go through another devastation of the Planet and start all over again. We shall see - there is lots of light on the Earth now and I trust we are going to make it to the higher level of consciousness where we return to integrity and ALL co-create with Sprit!

 With peace, light and hope


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  DB
DATE:  April 13, 2010
Dear DB:
    You speak of Jews.  I speak of Zionists.  With your claim to knowledge you should know the difference.  The Khazars took Judaism as their "cover" and have used the Jewish people for their evil intent.  The Khazarian Zionist Bolsheviks (KZB) are not a race of people but a political group, but it so happens factually today that the majority of Zionists are Jews.
    It cannot be denied that Satan has used the Zionists extensively to serve his purposes throughout history.  You like to beat the race drum.  Anyone, who has read my writings, which are based on the words of Creator God in the Phoenix Journals, knows that it is not about race.  The Zionists' agenda is to control the world, and the majority of the Zijonists that control the Corporate U.S. and our society in every way today are Jews.
    If you are a Jew, it is time you wake up to this fact.  To live in denial of the importance The Protrocols of the Elders of Zion are to their agenda only helps their cause.  The Protocols are their plan for world domination, and they have followed them to the letter.  To call the Protocols "questionable, satire and an exaggeration" only reveals your ignorance and foolishness.
    Creator God Aton of Light is neither a racist nor ignorant of the Truth of  The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.  If you wish to chalenge Him, that is your choice.  The so-ocalled "Christians" today have been fooled by the Zionists into believing that Israel is legitimate and the Jews are God's "chosen people".  The twisted Truth is that Israel is the "headquarters" of God Jehovah Satan and the Zionists are his chosen people.  Judaism is evil, and to be a Jew, one must be trained and taught Judaism. 
    Please understand that those, who do not know their history and learn from it, are destined to repeat it.  You will never see a "very different world" without understanding the Zionist agenda.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
 #2  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: K
Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 2010 9:12 AM
Subject: Special K
In response to DB on The Protocol of the Elders of Zion
The evil goes beyond the Zionists
As a Rothscild/CIA Mk Ultra Victim I was taken to the void...I lived a 100 lives in my 54 years and hope no man suffers the mental anguish I went through...I would sacrafice my life this very moment to prevent even one person from the mental hell I went though..
From birth until Nov.2004 I was used to discuss and store there crimes all the way back to JFK'S death.
There crimes,government secret projects,satanical methods,facts about religion,there future plans,etc,etc and everything Jewish...
I was raised in a bubble and they controlled what they wanted me to know.
God sent the Star Helpers in Nov.2004 and this is when my journey of TRUTH began.The evil worked 24/7 to take me out,,my brain stored all their crimes..It took over 2 years to retrieve all the data from my brain and in this process the memories were put back without the trauma...
This woke me up to the fact that I had great knowledge stored in my brain,,
Even after the above was done they still continued working to take me down..Working 24/7 to prevent me from
getting to the TRUTH..I realize now this was my committment to God,was fighting my way to the top of the mountain of truth..
A few days before Sanada had spoke through Anne,,I knew I had reached the mountain top after saying "Judaism is Evil" felt like a heavy weight had been lifted from me and I knew I had reached the top of the mountain of truth.Sanada spoke and said our lessons were done,,I felt happy and then rested.
I knew I had found the answer,"Judaism is Evil",,but I had to know how evil and why, so I started talking to God again..On a Saturday while doing a puzzle I started crying and crying and said,,"God please don't tell me Judaism worships Satan,,please don't tell me this"..
I read Gods answer as,"Yes it is true",,I cried some more.
In the last 10 days or so,I went through everything they stored in my brain,asked God hundreds of questions,a light was shined on many doors and I went through the doors and read articles on the internet..This was done through anger,anguish,suffering and a head ache....I didn't want to believe this,,they are my brothers and sisters..
As with everything the EVIL was still continuing to prevent me from getting to the truth..In fact, the Evil came at me harder and this told me I was going in the direction of Truth..
My Conclusion:
2000 years ago evil men nailed Jesus to the cross,they didn't like his teaching's.
They found men that had a perversion to other men and children and formed the religion Catholic.....
They formed the religion Judaism,the founders of Judaism were the Anti Christ crowd.
They then wrote the Bible making the followers of Judaism special and that Christians should do the bidding of the Jew..
Hence why the Rothschild family stated,,"We the Jews wrote the Bible to trick the Christians into fighting our wars"
Through the centuries the Anti Christ men slowly adopted there Satanical through Judaism..
What Judaism worshipped started to show up and people that believed in God moved away from Judaism..
Along with centuries of history showing how Jews would be exposed for Crimes,Evil and Satanical,,then the Jews left standing would say,,"But we are different Jews"..
Some were and some where not,,some still didn't see what Judaism was all about..
The Evil,the Anit Chirst men wanted all believers of the teachings of Jesus/God out of Judaism.
Adolf Rothschild Hitler...They taught me to say Adolf's name as Adoff...
OFF is Jewish,,,Chertoff,,Madoff..
Hilter was a Jew who is related to the Rothschild family,,
As the leader of Germany Hitler knew which Jews were the followers of Jesus/God..
These were the Jews that were targeted to be killed during Jews..
At this point most of the Jews left standing were evil..
Around the early 1900's,,1913 I think,,the Rothschild's acquired control of the US money..
In 1928 they had acquired Mk Ultra technology,,(they marked this in my memory)
In the 40-50's they created the CIA to expand their evil agenda including expanding their Mk Ultra Control upon the Christian population..
In the 50-60's they also had the Rabbi's/Judaism step up their exposing of what Judaism was all about,to make it very clear that Judaism was Satanical and worshiped Satan..
They had no fear of clearly letting the followers of Judaism know what Judaism was all about..
As they had control of the money,,and Mk Ultra type technologies.
This technology makes you feel invinsable,,like you're a God and nobody can stop you..
All Jews today know what Judaism is all about,,that it worships evil and Satin and there government is the Zionists.
To have the title of Jew,,you have to have the teachings of Judaism.
Many Jews do this through synagogue,,while others have the teaching of Judaism done in their home..
There are some people who call themselves Christian,,but they and their children were taught Judaism privately..
Somewhere along the way they labeled the most evil of Judaism as Zionist's..
Zionist's became there government,,
All governments need a people,,and that's the followers of the Sataincal Cult called Judaism..
Through Judaism the children are taught to lie and because of their evils and secrets they learn to lie.
Hence why a man I think in the early 1900's said,,"You can't even question a Jew in court,,they only lie"..
A Jew is taught to protect a Jew with their life.
The Zionists protect all Crimes,,the "We are Different Jews",,will expose Christian crimes but still protect Jews..
But when Jews are exposed in criminal activity,,,then the "We are differnt Jews",,will speak out against Jews to protect their Cult of Judaism,,and themselves for being involved with the Zionists..
The above pattern has been repeated several times in the last 2000 years...
The Anti Christ Judaism Cult was in their last steps of their 2000 year plan..
They call it New World Order,,the Rothschild family stored in me,,"Jew World Order"...
Because of this last step a win all or lose all,,they took steps in case "Jew World Order" failed..
They prepped and had some Jews years ago start calling out Jew crimes..
They were put in place and kept in the background,,but as more crime has been exposed,,they were brought to the front for,,,"We are Different Jews"..
But even these Jews were directed to blame all crimes on Israel,,the Israel government..
Israel was designated to be the fall guy for "Jews Global"...
Judaism worships evil and Satan and they all know it...
The Christians have been conned about Judaism/Jew,,they have also been tricked into fighting the Jews Wars in their quest to conquer the World.
The atrocity they have done upon Christian populations in the US,England and other countries with Mk Ultra,Haarp and other unseen technologies is staggering...
There is nothing in the history of the planet to compare it to..
Yes the Catholic Church was formed with homo sexual men and pedophiles, and they have violated 100's of thousand of children..Another Atrocity..
But know that the followers of Judaism used mind reading technology along with Mk Ultra and were able to determine what men were of pedophile thinking,,and steered these men to become Catholic Priests,Bishops, violate Christian children..
I know what the Jews have done to the Christian population,,I know the Jews as well as they know themselves.
There President,the Rothschild family stored everything Jew in my memory,,
The Jews were also in charge of the cloning,Before the Star Helpers stepped in,,they showed me the first Twin in Wal-Mart,in May of 2001,,He was the Twin of the Florida AG,,the AG that helped Bush steal the election..
He directed me to cheaper Cat Food,,the Satanical are into cats..
They started this saying for cover,,"Everybody has a twin"..

Between May 2001 until the star helpers arrived,,Nov.2004, they showed me many twins,,
My Mom only carried me in her womb..
Last week I realized the daughter I raised for 20 years who they sent to New York before 9/11 then to work at Lockheed Martin in England for one year,,,came back a completely different person..
They cloned my daughter and one of my brothers,,
They used my brother for works of stock market fraud and when they were done using him replaced him with a clone.
They killed my oldest brother in 1964 and had a policeman named Officer Zappa visit the night of his death to mark Mk Ultra. The word Zap connects to Mk Ultra..
This is my conclusion,this is the truth the evil didn't want me to see..
That Judaism is evil and worships Satan..
This does not bring me one drop of happiness,Dharma "God Bless You",I know the mental suffering you went threw to bring the truth.....
Discovering the truth of evil and your own ignorance,,hurts..

I've had an army of Jews with limitless money working day and night trying to prevent me from getting to the TRUTH.

May the suffering on planet Shan end soon .


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  K
DATE:  April 13, 2010
Dear K:
    We honor you for surviving the KZB evil onslaught all these years and through it all, finding the Truth.  You are so right.  Judaism is evil and "to have the title of Jew, you have to have the teachings of Judaism".  They are taught that they alone are human, and all non-Jews are goyim (cattle) of no value to be used by Jews for their evil purposes.
    Jews are allowed to lie, cheat and steal from the goyim for any reason and to kill them with no consequences under Judaism.  Each year in the fall on the Feast of Trumpets Jews recite the Kol Nidre, the vow that negates all other vows taken during the past year and allows Jews to lie with good conscience during the coming year.
    With the infiltration of Jews, Zionists and Judaism into every facet of our society, government and military today with their anti-Christ Satanism, is it any wonder the high level of crime, violence, immorlity and corruption on Shan in these "Last Days?"  You life's experiences have proven my point.
    Truly, it is time for Mother Earth to turn over and allow the oceans to cleanse her.  Keep protected by the Light, my friend, and be in peace!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#3  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----

From: DB

To: "Bellringer" <>

Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 2010 12:28 PM

Subject: Re: Site run Contact Request from Fourwinds10

 Mr. Bellringer:

 Then why do you title many of your you articles with the word Jews? The title should have been "Were the Zionists Responsible for the Financial Crash". You are aware that hatred is a problem and that it is used by  those who have evil intentions to further their Control agenda. Unfortunately people are looking for someone to blame their problems on and Jews often  get blamed. This is because people have not done their own healing work which  is not encouraged in mainstream. All unhealed dark emotion - anger, hatred, fear greed is not recognized as coming from within thus the "Enemy" is created. Jewish hatred is often a projection of a person's own darkness.

 One of the first steps in healing is to take personal responsibility for everything that happens in one's life. I understand the difference between Jews and Zionist. I think it is important that people who read your site  are clear about this. Stop using the words Jews when talking about control agendas and use the word Zionist always. Anti-Semitism is a huge energy on the Planet and must not be fed in any way. All hatred in fact is a huge energy. I often wonder if the people who keep the Planet in darkness put Israel where it is because they knew it would create a perpetual war and they fuel it with fear and hatred. The War on Terrorism keeps us all in fear. I have noted that suicide bombings seem to have stopped in Israel  and have moved to Iraq, Afghanistan and now Pakistan. Years ago every day a  new suicide bombing in Israel was in the News. IT is rare now to see a suicide bombing in Israel so what happened. To me the people who control the world do not worry about race, sex, religion etc. The ticket to the elite is the belief that they are the superior race determined by their strength and intelligence. The Nazi superman - They believe they are Supermen and that all life including inferior humans are here to serve them. They are not interested in beauty, co-creation with Spirit or Cooperation. They want slaves and all the riches to themselves. They misuse energy for their own gain. They have forgotten that the energy of the Universe is reciprocity - Balance Rhythmic Interchange. They take, take, take, that is why our  Planet is being cannibalized. The elite are a cancer that take all the blood for themselves without knowing they are killing the host. Somehow we of the Light have to hold up a mirror to show them they have taken a path that  will only lead to their own destruction. This is the light workers challenge.

 How do we get those that have forgotten their beautiful Spirits to reconnect  to the beauty and the light of the Universe. Everyone needs to know about the Dark - the Dark as the light is a part of everyone. Teach about the Dark  but do not fuel it. With light, peace and hope


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer

      TO:  DB

DATE:  April 13, 2010


Dear DB:

    Are you asking me, as editor of Fourwinds to alter the titles of articles we post to suit your sensitivity?  That is jouranlistic fraud and not allowed on our site.

    You talk in circles.  You say the "people who control the world, the elite, are a cancer," but to say anything negative about the Jews is "Jewish hatred".  The facts are the elite would-be-world-controllers are primarily Jews, who hate the goyim (us) with a passion.  As Zionists, they are still Jews and give other Jews a bad name.

    Are there "good Jews" as you assume?  If to be a Jew one must adhere to the principles of Judaism, which teaches hatred of all non-Jews (goyim-cattle), and which teachings defy the Laws of God an Creation, such as you shall not lie, steal, murder, etc., what Goodness is there?

    I do not hate anyone, let alone Jews, but I do hate all actions that run counter to the Laws of God and Creation, as found in Phoenix Journal #27.  I note in Phoenix Journal #41 Creator God Aton says 'Zionism Is Racism".  This is shown today by how Israel treats the Palestinians they have deposed from their lands and are attempting to annihilate.

    You claim that "Anti-Semitism is a huge energy on the Planet" is false. It is the Zionists, who are anti-semitic and you have fallen for their lies. The age-old trick of the Darkside is to make you believe that white is black and black is white.  For example the suicide bombings have stopped in Israel because the Israeli Mossad have stopped doing them and are now focusing on Iraq, Afghanisthan and Pakistan.  There is no better Dark Trick than to create both the problem and the solution to move their agenda forward.

    I trust you will gain greater knowledge of the 'Jewish" situation to avoid making further statements based on fasle premises.  Read the Phoenix Journals, and gain wisdom.

                            In Love and Light,

                            Patrick H. Bellringer

#4  (Reply)
From: AM
Sent: Thursday, April 15, 2010 2:27 AM
Subject: Hello Central: The Protocols of the Elders of Zion/Comment

As a suggestion, DB may want to also read the following as related to Jews and the reality of the Protocols of Zion:

The Hidden Tyranny: The Harold Wallace Rosenthal Interview, 1976 «

Benjamin.H.Freedman_The.Hidden.Tyranny.pdf (application/pdf Object)

As Quoted by Harold Wallace Rosenthal, "What could be more effective, and at the same time more above suspicion, than to borrow and utilize the idea of a religious community? We’ve been forced to borrow this idea from the Aryans. We Jews never possessed any religious institution which developed out of our own consciousness, for we lack any kind of idealism."

One of the difficulties I sense in these expressions from DB about Jews is the word "Jews" itself.  Who ever said the alleged Israelites, Hebrews, a non-semiticpeople, that ciphered a Hebrew alphabet were ever Jews or Jewish in the first place.  The difficulty here in understanding is the fact that the word  "Jew" is an invented English word, a figment, a fiction, and did not exist as such in biblical times.  The origin, history, and timing of the appearance of this English word is interesting in its own right.

On Line Entymology Dictionary for "Jew":

Jew (n.) Look up Jew at
c.1175 (in plural, giwis), from Anglo-Fr. iuw, from O.Fr. giu, from L. Judaeum (nom. Judaeus), from Gk. Ioudaios, from Aramaic jehudhai (Heb. y'hudi "Jew," from Y'hudah "Judah," lit. "celebrated," name of Jacob's fourth son and of the tribe descended from him. Replaced O.E. Iudeas "the Jews." Originally, "Hebrew of the kingdom of Judah." Jews' harp "simple mouth harp" is from 1584, earlier Jews' trump (1545); the connection with Jewishness is obscure. Jew-baiting first recorded 1853, in ref. to Ger. Judenhetze. In uneducated times, inexplicable ancient artifacts were credited to Jews, based on the biblical chronology of history: e.g. Jews' money (1577) "Roman coins found in England." In Greece, after Christianity had erased the memory of classical glory, ruins of pagan temples were called "Jews' castles."
It appears from the above brief summary that the word "Jew" was not invented or made to appear until the Middle English Period in replacing the Old English usage of  "Iudeas".  Also, from the same dictionary, a brief history of the English word Zionism:
Zion Look up Zion at
O.E. Sion, from Gk. Seon, from Heb. Tsiyon, name of a Canaanite hill fortress in Jerusalem captured by David and called in the Bible "City of David." It became the center of Jewish life and worship. Zionism "movement for forming (later supporting) a Jewish national state in Palestine" first attested 1896, from Ger. Zionismus (from Zion + L.-derived suffix -ismus), first recorded 1886 in "Selbstemancipation," by "Matthias Acher" (pseudonym of Nathan Birnbaum).

DB, it is really not about "Jews" nor even the semantics of the word "Jew", "Semite", "Christian", "Hindu", or "Muslim".  It is about a well defined, well seasoned, and well disciplined political machine of the adversary,  the Kahzar-Zionist-Bolsheviks.  It is about their handbook,  the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.  You even engage in the use of one the KZB's more favored Protocols, whether you know it or not, which is divide and conquer through the mind controlling use of religion and fanning the flames of religious differences.  These Protocols are a serious business engaged in mind controlled engineering.  I suggest you might want to take a closer look at the adversary's use of these Protocols.  Does the land of Canaan mean anything to you?

In Love and Light,