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'HELLO, CENTRAL!' WHY ARE WE HERE? (Updated April 14, 2010)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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Sent: Saturday, April 10, 2010 7:22 PM
Dear Anne and Patrick,

      This is RD, i want to thank you for all the great postings and the continuous efforts you excert in keeping your AWESOME WEBSITE OPERATING. Fourwinds has been a huge part in my awakening unto my true self.

     In reading Chapter 16 posted yesterday, I have had many questions answered. And I have also had many of my own questions brought into view. It is now apparent to me that I and everyone else are here to live according to the laws of Creation and to prove that we can emerge from our dead hibernation of sorts, into our real purpose here in three D, which is to act as God would and to not put our material or perceived self before our True God Self in any way even though it's seemingly more 'real'. So it is a test of sorts, and to attain a passing grade we must first awaken to our True Self, and to easily be able to choose what is best for our soul growth rather than continuing our downspiral into denser and denser beings by eating McDonalds because its convienient and cheap and so on.

     So i guess my question to you, here and in the now, is why have we come here to experience this illusion?

    I do understand that beautifull Earth shan is apart of the most horrific and evil happenings in all the cosmos and by being here we are overcoming the greatest evils in space. Just by being here in manifestation and living alongside this chaos is proof enough of its importance for our growth.

     I am asking that you please clarify the reasons for our time taken here on this beautifull yet horrifying place i love so much.

Besides the fact that any and every lesson is of our benefit.

    I hope that I have not sounded contradictory to what I already know and that this question isn't too obvious,(which im beginning to think it is.)

     Any how, I am always happy that I have the ability of choice to move forward and grow in peace and love. And I thank you again and again for being a shining light for all those who seek the truth and for being a relyable source of upliftance for me, the masses and those close to me.

    I hope you had an awesome day and i look forward to hearing back from you and your beautifull wife!

    In Love and Appreciation, RD


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  RD
DATE:  April 11, 2010
Dear RD:
    Thank you for your letter.  You ask, "Why are we here?"  All souled-beings here, now agreed to come to assist Mother Earth in her great transition into 5D at this time.  Each one has an individual contract with Creator God to do a specific task to help in some way.
    We help by confronting the Dark Adversary Satan/Lucifer and his troops in the details of our daily lives.  We help by bringing the Light of Truth to reveal the evil lies.  We help by bringing positive energy that neutralizes the negative energy of Darkness, by creating the energy of love and compassion that erases hate and fear, and brings hope, forgiveness and new life to those it touches.
    All positive thoughts and actions add to the energy pool used by the Forces of Light to contront Satan's troops.  Simply put, the more Light we generate, the less Darkness that can exist, and the easier will be Earth Shan's transition into the fifth dimension.  Anything we do to increase Goodness makes Shan's birthing process easier.
    In addition to our mission to help with Shan's transition, we are here to continue our personal lessons in soul growth.  We never stop learning until we have reached perfection and return to Creator Source.  Some of the lessons we chose were most difficult, but being "old souls" having been here in 3D many times in the past, we knew we could pass our tests.
    You, my friend, are an "old soul", as demonstrated by your rapid growth in enlightenment and wisdom.  You are remembering rapidly what you had to forget to enter this 3D illusion.  Had we been allowed to remember our past in the Higher Realms we would not have wanted to be here, and we would probably have failed our Mission.
    So, "old timer", as a high school student, we honor you for your desire to know Truth, for your appreciation of nature and its beauty, for your ability to recognize evil and knowing how to deal with it, for your growth in knowledge and wisdom, and for awakening to your "True Self".
    The road ahead may be unknown, but we travel it in hope and in joy, because it is the "King's Highway", well-traveled by Sananda, Germain and the many Masters, and all the help we need is only a prayer away.
    Thank you, for your kind words for our work at Fourwinds.  May you and your family and friends be blessed.  Be in peace!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#1  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: RD
Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 2010 5:40 PM
Subject: RE:
To Anne and Patrick,

   I dont really know what to say besides lifes good. LIFE IS GOLDEN>

  I have never been such a full and supremely happy kid as i am now and have been for the past year. Not to say that i was ever depressed or anything, but i am Defenately now who i am supposed to be. The most major portion of my' transformation of consciousness would be my pearsonal experiencing fragment and then close second to myself, is YOU. Yeah there was the person who showed me your website, but it wouldnt have been there without you! And all the expenses, time and effort you put in! You had the STUFF the supreme knowledge that you knew everyone else needed. Oh and i needed it! Now that i have this, My recognition of my True self and the presence of mind to respect The Creations all around me, i am alive.

    Simply put, thank you for shining bright enough to warm me out of hibernation.  

  I would like to ask one question and i would gain much comfort from knowing your personal opinion on when you think we will be evacuated. Is it more likely it would be this year because of mother earths frail state and of the changes told by Sananda? I do know that no one can know the exact time, so really all one can do is guess, but i beleive if any ones guess is more accurate than the others, it would be yours.

  As i have said i NOW have an outlook on life that makes me defenatly want to soak in the river water with my buddies and jump from the cliffs a few more times this summer.Not to mention im hurtin' for some fly fishing something fierce! So i have asked my question. The suspense and energy building up to the time of LIFT OFF is getting intense and i am very curious to whether or not you think we have 1 or 2 summers left. 

    I would hugely appreciate your wisdom and opinions on these questions.

Many thanks!! RD

FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  RD
DATE:  April 14, 2010
Dear RD:
    Yes, life is good for those following their Inner Guidance System.  Anne and I wish for other young people the Truth you have found.  That gives your life meaning and purpose.  Just know that no matter the challenge that may confront you, you have the means and the help of Heaven to deal with it.
    When is evacuation?  No one knows, only Mother Earth.  We are told it is imminent and to be ready.  The earthquakes have taken on a strange pattern.  Like a jack-hammer they have been pounding one place on Shan one day and another place the next day or two with very large quakes---all in the same location.
    I feel certain that you do not have two sumers left on Shan, and I suspect you may not have this summer either.  Things appear to be very close for great change.
    Always walk in wisdom, my friend.  Be in peace!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer