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Patrick H. Bellringer

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    From: DF

Sent: Saturday, March 27, 2010 10:33 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


 Dear Patrick, 

 The vernal equinox has come and gone, Congress has passed the dreaded Health Bill, and it has been a year since you commented on NESARA. And we are still here on Earth Shan, waiting, waiting.

 Please update us on the situation.

 Thank you.


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  DF
DATE:  April 1, 2010
Dera DF:
    Thank you for writing.
    It has been a long and difficult journey, but with the coming of spring major changes began that are destroying the evil Obama Cabal.  If you have been reading the "signs", you know this to be true.
    NESARA is very real, and our true military are taking action and are supported by the nations of our world to bring down the Zionist One World Order and implement the conditions of NESARA.
    Mother Earth has decided to wait a bit to allow changes to Goodness to be accomplished.  She is a freewill entity, and her decisions are honored under Cosmic Law.  So be it.  We expect defeat of the Obama/Illuminati Cabal to be accomplished momentarily.
    Stand strong, my friend!  Be in peace!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#1  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, April 02, 2010 5:49 PM
Subject: Hello Central We Are Still Here.....
Esu Immanuel Sananda's message of early March represented a turning point in the "tides of change" and was firm and quite specific:  Classes are done.  The schoolroom is closed.  The cleansing of Mother Earth is upon us.  It is time to go home!

We do the best we can to read the signs of the times and rely on our God Spirit within for guidance and answers to our questions.  We are careful about not relying on "outside sources" as best as we can.  Discerning "outside source" information is important in reading the signs of the times.  Even so, what the heck has actually happened on this planet in the month of March leading up to Easter?  We are feeling a huge let down right now and are not privy to certain information others are privy to on the "radar screens of change",  hourly, daily changes at that in situations and circumstances.  From the edge of our radar screens  it looks like, from Casper's latest reports, that the evil Washington District of Criminals in association with the ever present evil World Districts of Satan's Drummers has obtained a permanent key to Candy Land.  How does the release of 40 Freedom packages  lead to such a flurry of criminal activity?  Casper also mentioned we may not be able to retrieve the abused funds this time.  What happened to the transparent banking practices of the Basel agreements?  Has the Promis software been compromised?

Along with this  (TRAP) The Restore America Program shows up.  Looks good, sounds good, sounds alot like NESARA.  Is this a copy cat?  Is it legitimate?  I have not be able to find a photo yet of Sam Kennedy,  one of it's founders.

Now we find out Mother Earth, of her own free will, has decided to hold a while longer on her cleansing.  How much longer we do not know.  Have the doors to the schoolroom been opened back up?

 In Love and Light,


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  A&CM
DATE:  April 4, 2010
Dear A&CM:
    Thank you for your letter.  We feel as frustrated, as do you, over all that is happening on Shan.  There seems to be no end to the evil, and certainly we have seen no total victory over it in any decisive action.
    It may appear at the moment that Satan's Drummers hold a permanent key to "Candy Land", but we know without question, that in the final hour, Creator God wins.  When we truly look at what has transpired in the recent past, we know the Light is winning.  Had Satan's Drummers had their way, the Lightworkers would have been long gone from Shan.
    To us it appears that change to Goodness is moving very slowly, but those directly involved with this process tell me that considering the enorminity of the task, things are moving along quite rapidly, and that results are really not that far away.  The U.S. is still blocking the implementation of the Global Gold Banking System, but they cannot do so for long.
    Mother Earth has her necessary moments of releasing negative energy.  These are signs of her internal distresss, but what we do not see are the thirty thousand under-sea active volcanoes.  Eruptions are constant, the heat is warming the oceans and our atmosphere, causing climate change, and our scientists are sworn to silence.  The only constant in third dimension is "change', and in spite of our vision/understanding great changes are upon us.
    You asked about TRAP (The Restore America Program).  This is a grassroots patriot movement to restore sovereignty of the states under the Constitution of the united States of America.  They may be premature in their efforts, as they lack the power to "push the river".  NESARA shall do lawfully what TRAP is attempting to accomplish. We honor these patriots, for they are making a difference by waking up many people to the Truth and the lies of the Obama Cabal.
    I think Sananda's Easter message to Anne today answers far better than I can your question of "what the heck has actually happened" and where things are at this moment in time.
    Be in peace!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#2  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: C&AM
Sent: Saturday, April 03, 2010 10:17 PM
Subject: Hello Central- EVIL VS. GOOD MILITARY
 Dear Patrick,

 There is all kinds of information about the U.S. evil military.  But, we  do not know about America's " true military " and where to find the  information.  Is the assistance  of the " good " military the last hope for completing NESARA in the 3D ?

 In Love and Light,


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer

     TO:  C&AM

DATE:  April 4, 2010


Dear C&AM:

    The "good" military are not the last hope for completing NESARA.  We  have the Black Dragon Society, The Green & Red (China) Society and the Forces of Light, plus there are those of good intent within the CIA, FBI, Interpol, U.S. Marshalls, nations of the world, etc. that are assisting. Satan's Drummers are powerful, but they cannot win, and they know it.  We are at "check mate"!

                            In Love and Light,

                            Patrick H. Bellringer

#2  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----

From: C&AM

To: <>

Sent: Saturday, April 03, 2010 10:17 PM

Subject: Hello Central- EVIL VS. GOOD MILITARY

 Dear Patrick,

 There is all kinds of information about the U.S. evil military.  But, we  do not know about America's " true military " and where to find the  information.  Is the assistance of the " good " military the last hope for completing NESARA in the 3D ?

 In Love and Light,


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer

     TO:  C&AM

DATE:  April 4, 2010


Dear C&AM:

    The "good" military are not the last hope for completing NESARA.  We have the Black Dragon Society, The Green & Red (China) Society and the Forces of Light, plus there are those of good intent within the CIA, FBI, Interpol, U.S. Marshalls, nations of the world, etc. that are assisting. Satan's Drummers are powerful, but they cannot win, and they know it.  We are at "check mate"!

                            In Love and Light,

                            Patrick H. Bellringer

#3  (Reply)

From: NM
Sent: Saturday, April 17, 2010 7:08 AM
Subject: Comment
I just wanted to make this small comment.  When I read Sananda's message to Anne on March 3, I read it differently by not connecting Spring and Equinox together.  As a matter of fact the day before and the day of the Equinox I kept hearing, "No man knows the day or the hour" over and over followed by "people believe Spring to end in June on the Summer Solstice".  The part of the message that made me the happiest was "the lessons are over, just DO THE WORK".  In other words keep Walking the Red Road, don't just sit and twiddle your thumbs, BE the Light to Others, BE Happy for Mother Earth's release and healing.
Thanks again for sharing the Phoenix Journals and the TRUTH.
Love and Blessings to You Both
May you find Your Joy Daily