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Parick H. Bellringer

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Sent: Monday, March 22, 2010 1:25 PM

Dear Mr. Bellringer,

I'm reading Phoenix J. No. 50 now and I'm totally confused in some parts about creation and humans. In this journal we can read a lot about Anunnaki and here it says that they were the ones who created us in their lab. I'm confused because I always thought that we were created by God. But then Anunnaki were Gods... The God who created our universe was/is God Aton/Haton, so is God Aton Anunnaki God? Also what is the difference between HuMan and Homosapian if there is any?

If we were created in lab doesn't that make us robotoids? It is very confusing to me, maybe you can clarify this for me.

Thank you so much in advance for your answers.

In Love & Light,


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  PK
DATE:  March 23, 2010
Dear PK:
    I do not claim to understand this area completely, but this is what I know to be true.  The Anunnaki were 4D very evil beings that came to Shan and did genetic engineering.  They altered the human from 12 to two strands of DNA.  They did not create souled-humans. They could not.
    We are spiritual beings, who chose to enter 3D and inhabit a 3D physical body for our lessons in soul growth.  That physical body has a two strand DNA at this time.  In science this physical person is classified as a homosapian, but in the Realms of Light this homosapian, when occupied by a soul, is classified as a Higher Universal Man (Hu-Man).  The real you is your soul or God Spirit, not this physical body, which is only the "clothes" that "you" wear, and that you leave behind when your soul, "you", depart this 3D realm.
    God Aton of Light is a Celestial Son, a souled being created by Creator Source, who has no connection to the evil Anunnaki.  It is interesting that they were confronted by Creator God Aton in 1998, and except for a few renegade Anunnaki, they as a race/nation have returned to the Light and are helping Shan and her people at this time.
    When robotoids/clones are produced in a science laboratory, they have no soul or God Sirit, and thus no freewill.  As a spiritual being we chose to return to Shan and inhabit a human body.  At that point that body beocmes a Higher Universal Man with a God-connection, a conscience and a freewill to choose between right and wrong.  All souled-beings are Hu-Man, though so very few have truly awakened to their potential, at the present time.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#1  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: PK
Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2010 12:46 PM
Dear Bellringer,

While I'm waiting for your comments on my previous email, may I bother you with one more question. Do you know anything about vampires and warewolves? Are they myths or they actually existed?

Thanks you so much.

Best regards,


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  PK
DATE:  March 23, 2010
Dear PK:
    Vampires and werewolves are forms of evil spirits or demons of 4D, that take on the forms of 3D animals/people for expression.  They do not have a physical body in 4D, thus in spirit form we in 3D could not see them without them taking a physical body.  Likewise, ghosts are either good or bad spirits (souls) that once lived in 3D in a physical body, and are now floating on the Astral (4D) Plane.  We cannot see them unless they lower their frequencies to the 3D level on occasion.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer