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Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: AM

To: 'Bellringer'Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2010 4:49 AM
Subject: Re:: WHY ?

Dear Patrick ;


following your message below, some questions came to my mind.


I strongly  believe that you and Anne are highly enlightened  persons.

I consider myself a person that has reached a rather good level of awareness and spiritual growth.

I have personal ( very few indeed ) friends that are more or less on the same path


Personally, I did all my best to change my life for the better materially and spiritually.


One common thing to all of us, is that we are all struggling to make our living and meet our budget every month.


I know that we made a soul contract before coming on Earth Shan  but why enlightened people like you and Anne have to struggle like this?

Why me and my friends are in the same situation ?

Why don’t we get some help from our Angels and Guides ?


Couldn’t we help more people if we could have more financial  possibilities instead of struggling for years to make our living ?


In love and Light.



Da: Bellringer []



Oggetto: THANK YOU!!


FROM:  Anne and Patrick Bellringer

     TO:   AM

DATE:  March 2, 2010



Dear AM :


    Thank you so much for your donation to our work at Fourwinds.  It is sorely needed as we struggle to meet our budget every month.


    We do not like to ask publicly for help, and the last time we did so was two years ago this spring.  Some people think we are living high on donations, but they do not know the Truth.  We have seven regular monthly donators, six of whom give 10 to 50 dollars each.  To make our monthy expenses of 1300 dollars, the money comes from occasional donations by others and our Social Security.


   Since Christmas we had to replace a computer,  memory cards, and add a virus protection system.   These costs are not included in the monthly operating expenses.   We have back-up servers in several places in the U. S. and other countries, so the Adversary cannot take us "off-line", but we are under constant attack by hackers worldwide.  The 500 dollars we pay our webmaster does not cover all the time he spends keeping Fourwinds operational.


    May the Angels bless you for your generosity.


                            In Love and Light,

                            Anne and Patrick Bellringer





FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  AM
DATE:  March 4, 2010
Dear AM:
    I am certain there are many reasons for our financial struggles at Fourwinds, and these same reasons may apply to you and others.
    We still live in 3D where we must deal with 3D problems.  A lack of funds is a way to teach us to walk in faith, which is what we have done.  We are not stressed over our budget, because we let the Angels keep the books.  Amazingly, each month miracles have happened to keep us afloat.
    Secondly, this is a way to keep us "grounded".  We do not live in a monastary, shielded from the vissitudes of life, nor in a bed of roses, where all is joyous sunlight, beauty and sweetness.  Problems keep you focused on your journey and your mission.
    Thirdly, there are lessons in giving and in receiving to be learned.  We must learn to receive from others, while we spend so much time in giving.  There are lessons to be learned by others as well.  Life must be kept in balance to grow in enlightenmnet.  To be receiving constantly, without giving something in return, creates imbalance and negative energy.  There is great joy in giving, and much soul growth gained in the process, especially when balance within is restored.  Then there is peace!  The positive energy you send out is always returned to you in multiple amount.  That is Cosmic Law!
    A fourth consideration is our soul contract with Creator God.  Our mission at Fourwinds is to carry the torch for the Phoenix Journals, and to present freely the Truth to the world.  We have an agreement, a bargain with Creator God, and we must do our part.
    We have the promise that when we have done all we can to accomplish our work, but still need help, if we ask, the Angels of Light shall assist by providing what is needed.  They do this through many people, Lightworkers, prayer warriors, Healers, common people of good intent living all over Shan.  Together we accomplish the impossible, and for them we are most grateful. 
    So, lack should never be an impossible barrier to what you know in your heart to be your work, your goal, your purpose, your mission for Goodness, my friend.  I do not say this smugly, but in a sense we have Hatonn "over a barrel".  If He wants Fourwinds on the Internet, we must have help!  Fourwinds and us would have been long gone without Divine Protection and Assistance.
    Could we help more people by having more funds and a staff, and more equipment and....?  No!  Fourwinds is not the only source of Truth!  People, who truly seek Truth, shall find it.  Those, who needed Fourwinds, have been guided to it by their Angels.  We do our mission, you do yours, others do the same and the Divine Plan is accomplished in Heaven's timing and on Heaven's schedule.
    Anne and I do not see life as a struggle but as a pilgrimage, a joyful journey!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer 
#1 (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: AM
Sent: Friday, March 05, 2010 12:14 PM

Dear Patrick ,


I thank you very much for your reply.


I fully share  your explanations and I can tell you that I also felt that all the problems that I’ve experienced during the past years, were a way to strengthen my faith in God

and believe that I would get what I needed for my living, which always happened indeed.


And I also agree that this was a way to help people to whom I asked for help ( in particular my brother ), to understand compassion and understanding and I really hope that

this happened for him.


I can assure you that I’ve thrown away my fears long ago ( and got rid of almost all of them ),  and  decided to live with faith in God

knowing  that I would always got what I needed for my living….. which always happened indeed.


But there comes a time when one is so tired, discouraged and frustrated after so many efforts, hopes, energies spent, money invested without no return, that sometimes you wonder

whether God, faith and believe is still worth and all this is nothing but a fairytale  that will never come true.


But luckily, after a moment of discouragement, faith returns and I continue trying to learn and get even stronger for the days ahead.


Again Patrick many thanks for your message.

Take care you and Anne.


In Love and Light.




#2  (Reply)


----- Original Message -----
From: T
Sent: Saturday, March 06, 2010 1:47 AM
At first I wasn't going to comment on this one, because Patrick responded so well to it. My thought was, "I couldn't have said it better!" Even though the spirit was urging me to speak up! This is where I have a lot of experience, to put it mildly.

Over the years, time and again, I wondered the same thing myself. This mission was supposed to be over for me and the other Earthean Eagles in 1986. Yes, that is a long time!!! We expected top be long gone by now. And it has gotten fifty times harder to live here since then. And we thought it was hard then!!! Boy, was I wrong.

Through it all, I've seen the Lightworkers SHINE, no matter what hardship came their way. The tougher the challenge, the better they responded to each one! I have never seen such nobility from the so called royal people on this planet. Those in England are not the REAL nobility on the planet, NO!!! They stole it and killed off anyone who really was the Royalty here. Illuminati do that, you know. Atlanteans are the true nobility here, not those userpers in England.

Anyhow, back to the subject. This is schoolhouse earth Shan, and we are here to learn. Most lessons must challenge you, some will challenge you to the very limits. Every time we learn a hard one, that sets us up to go through something even harder. They don't lighten the load! You'd never learn anything if it was easy! Don't you know that? So if you are having really hard lessons, congratulate yourself!!! You are accomplishing what you came here to do. God will never ask you to go through anything that he doesn't already know you can absolutely do!!!

So pat yourself on the back!! It's graduation time, peoples!!! Time to put on the cap and gown, and walk down the isle! We have done it. Finals are over, and we can take a well earned breather!!! I plan on getting one of those cute T Shirts that tells everyone I SURVIVED!!! We passed every test!!!

Join me in the pool on board the ship, I'm going to have a party!!! Skinney dipping!!!