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'HELLO, CENTRAL!' GOING HOME! (Updated Feb. 19, 2010)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:15 AM
Subject: R

Hi Patrick

Couldnt sleep. I FEEL the calm before the storm. I woke up and opened  your site at 2am to read Esu Sananda say the second sun was the  countdown in 2010. EVERY time I wake with thoughts of confusion, I walk  into answers. Its amazing. I have read many journals. I appreciate your  thoughts during these last days. Its all happening so fast. He said,  "we will not know the hour," however I feel it.......

Every day when I talk to God, I say, "I am sorry on behalf of the WHOLE  HUMAN RACE," and  mean it. I weep as I type this. So many are around me  refuse to wake up. I listened in the lunch room among teachers who  refuse to give up a pay increase to save their peers jobs. It is so  sad. Don't they know they will not retire as a teacher? I listen to an  alternative site from the Philipines who walk the talk. They are  amazing in the manner in which they honor our creator. I recently met  someone from another planet. He must be afraid to fully acknowledge  where he is from for lack of trust. I am just trying to BE in a good  place. I am sad most times, dissappointed and find it hard to find  hope. Its so hard to be positive.My son just got married and has a  little one on the way. I reel as I think of this. Its so hard. There is  alot regarding the enclave in Denver for the elite. So much is focusing  on their arrogance in their preparations in avoidance of us.  I no  longer have television. I have a free to air satelite. I watch the  overseas propaganda in contrast with our state owned media. Its  pathetic at best. But is is moving so fast. I see our brothers overhead  in masse, which confirms the hours that are upon us. With the earthqaukes, mud slides, Tonga and all the rest, confirming our time is   short. I even got an email from someone from NSA who monitors me. He  told me that the elite will go to their space stations, and while we  are taking it here on earth, they will sit it out, only to return and  genesis will start all over. That the oil they remove from earth is the  the earth changes and the cycle repeats itself. He slammed  me. He watches my inbox and outgoing emails, knows what I know, and  thought it was time to pulverize my hopes and dreams.

How so I raise frequency when I am so sad? Getting through the day is  getting harder and harder. My soul mate and I are in the same place. We  just look at each other? How do you do it? People are so worried about  their jobs etc. I am just trying to get to tommorow. The signs are so  obvious its like throwing salt on a wound. Even the super bowl  commercial of a comet heading straight for earth and the crowd in room  scream "where's the Bud?" The signs are everywhere. I do feel truly  blessed for being allowed to wake up a year and a half ago. But, what a  year it has been. Sheer agony. I am not a quiter though. I just am  experiencing a bit of sloth I have NEVER experienced before due to the  present circumstances. I no longer have the motivation to work out or  eat right, or look forward to things or working towards any long term  goals. All of those things were important before. Now its just comfort  that I desire from a cup of tea, sitting next to my husband or loving  my family dog. Waking and loving others is still my top priority  ,however. But at time feels so worthless. Life seem so temporary right  now. I guess when I look back, it has felt that way for some time.

Someone recently sent an email who said, "don't take yourself so  seriously." I guess she's right. Its just hard being a mortal knowing  so much. While it is a blessing, it also feels like a curse sometimes.

Thank you for all your efforts. Thank you for prior emails. I cherish  them. One in particular is hung on my refrigerator. The one where I am  safe only if I think I am. I am not afraid at all. I have no fear. I  know what I am made of and where my priorities lie. I am feeling very  close to the light, however, probably more sad than I should be.

Be well. Thanks for letting me vent at this early hour. Just needed  someone to talk to. My family is sick of it and many choose to just  stay asleep.

Peace and love. And of course Light.



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  R
DATE:  Feb. 18, 2010
Dear R:
    Thank you for writing to me again.  I hear you!  We all have our moments.  Life seems so temporary, because we know we are on the edge of change.  We know our journey is nearly at an end and our mission completed.  We are restless, anxious to move on, to go home, to meet our Star Friends again, our family.  I hear you!
    We feel sad when we focus on the chaos in society, the destruction of our planet, the pollution of the good earth and the great oceans, the suffering, the violence, the brokenness everywhere.  In a sense we feel we have failed to make a differnce.  The task is so overwhelming.  It is hopeless.
    This happens, this dispair, because we have compassion and desire good things for people and for Mother Earth, but we see little change from our efforts.  We feel negative feelings because we have lost our focus.  First, we are not here to change the whole world, but to only learn our lessons in soul growth and to complete our mission.  We forget we have the power of Heaven to help us, and spiritual friends, Angels and Ascended Masters to advise us.
    Hope is built upon what lies ahead, on the good things that are coming.  You are most fortunate to have your mate on the same page.  You have friendship and support and love and understanding that many do not have.  Cherish that, and acknowledge that to your mate.
    Time is not worthless.  Time is precous.  It is all a matter of your priorities, your focus.  There are still people waiting for a smile, a helping hand, a kind word to ease their load and brighten their day.  There are still people searching for Truth, seeking answers just as are we.  If time is short, the urgency to make a difference is even greater.
    Everything we do for Goodness is credited to our soul growth account and to our graduation into the fifth dimension (Heaven).  There is not time for self pity and regrets.  One Christmas my family and I attended a service at the Minneapolis Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church.  I have never forgotten the words spoken that day by the senior minister, words that have since been carried around the world.
    "Practice random acts of kindness and senseless deeds of Love!"
    May we do just that, until our time has run out on Shan, until we go home!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#1  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: T
Sent: Thursday, February 18, 2010 8:37 PM
A wise man told me recently to cherish the time left that we have here, because, as the song says (country) "You're going to miss this." I had to wonder how when he said that, but he made it very clear, that even in hard times there are reasons to be happy. Happiness is what you give yourself, not what is given to you as much.

And he's right, oh so right!!!

Ever since then, I realize there are hundreds of things that are good to focus on; the birds chirping outside your window, the snow coming down, emails from friends clear across the country. Tiny gifts from friends and family. I love to cook, so Matthew brings things to my bed that I can do to help him cook. Since I had my stroke 2 years ago, he is my caregiver. But he knows I need to be doing things to get better. He brings Bisquick to me, measuring cups, spoons, and the bowl and pan to put them on. I can still cook them with his help. That is a gift. It makes me happy to still be able to do things, so he helps me to be able to! Every day I thank God for him, and my husband.

My dog is a YorkiePoo, and she worries about me, and protects me. I get a hug from my daughter, and she is right there to make sure I 'survive' the hug. With that kind of protector, how can I go wrong? The little things are such precious gifts. Concentrate on giving to others. Love someone every day, ANYONE. Give small gifts, a kiss, and 'I love you', a smile. Hug someone. Send jokes to friends, make them laugh!

There are literally hundreds of thing I can do, and I'm handicapped!!! So you should be able to think of something to do to help others.

Because being able to help others in these hard times is the best blessing ever. Everyone needs help at one time or another!